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Q&A for How to Beat Five Nights at Freddy's 3
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QuestionHow to get rid of phantom Freddy?LordofDarkness96Community AnswerWhen you see phantom Freddy in the office window, keep looking at either the maintenance panel or the cameras until he walks completely to the left. If you are not looking at one of those two while he is walking, he will jumpscare you.
QuestionWhat to do when Springtrap is at the window?Haoyang LinCommunity AnswerWhen Springtrap is at the office window, you can try to lure him to camera 02. However, this is not guaranteed to work.
QuestionWhat happens if you don't stop looking at Springtrap in your door, couldn't you just wait?LordofDarkness96Community AnswerIf you wait too long, a ventilation error will likely happen, and he will jumpscare you.
QuestionSometimes he stares at me from the doorway, what should I do?LordofDarkness96Community AnswerWhen Springtrap is at your door, you can try playing audio in camera 01. This is not guaranteed to work though.
QuestionIf he’s at the window early in the night, how can I lure him away?LordofDarkness96Community AnswerWhen Springtrap is at the office window, you can try to lure him to camera 02. However, this is not guaranteed to work.
QuestionI am scared of all nights but I only win night 1 in every FNAF help me!LordofDarkness96Community AnswerMake sure to locate where Springtrap is. Look carefully, as Springtrap can hide in some hard-to-see places on the cameras. When you see him, try to keep him in that area and play audio when he leaves that spot. Make sure to seal a vent if there is one in that part of the map.
QuestionWhat is the vent sound for FNAF 3?LordofDarkness96Community AnswerThe vent sound in Five Nights at Freddy's 3 sounds like metal thumping. It can be quiet, so you might have to put your volume up. To hear it, just search "fnaf 3 vent sounds" on YouTube.
QuestionI’m stuck on night 5 and beginning to get bored of trying again and again, anything that will help?LordofDarkness96Community AnswerAudio really helps with knowing where Springtrap is, as you can hear footsteps when he moves, and metal thumping when he is in the vents. Try to choose a place (Cam 10 is preferred as it is the farthest) to keep Springtrap in. Since Springtrap can only move to neighboring cameras one-by-one, once he moves from your chosen place, just play the audio at that location again. If the location has a vent, make sure to seal it off at the beginning.
QuestionWhy is it that for me, Springtrap is the only come on night 1?LordofDarkness96Community AnswerNo animatronics, including phantoms, should be active on Night 1. This is so you can get used to the controls.
QuestionHow do I deal with phantom Chica? She's been getting me every couple of seconds so I can't keep an eye on Springtrap.LordofDarkness96Community AnswerPhantom Chica spawns randomly when you go to camera 07 & Freddy's head is replaced with Chica's. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid phantom Chica, as it is completely random.
QuestionYou said not to close vents that he is not in, but what if he is inside a room that has a vent? Couldn’t I close it so he doesn’t come through it?Ismah HasanCommunity AnswerYes, closing the vent in the room he is already in is necessary, but Springtrap always changes where he is really fast, so you should wait until he is already in the vent.
QuestionWhat can I do if Springtrap already at the door?LordofDarkness96Community AnswerWhen Springtrap is at the left door, once you look away, he will likely jumpscare you. However, if he doesn't, you can make a last ditch attempt to get him out of your office by playing audio in Camera 01.
QuestionI'm scared of jumpscares, but I love FNAF! What should I do?BOT WindboundCommunity AnswerTake your time. If you get easily scared from jumpscares, take a few minutes to calm down. Watch a funny video, go for a quick stretch, drink water. Once you're ready, start playing again.
QuestionI am stuck on night four and I have done all the steps. Can somebody help me?BecirovicCommunity AnswerTo beat Night 4, you need to do the steps fast and efficiently. Doing them too slowly will result in a loss.
QuestionHow to get rid of Phantom Mangle?BecirovicCommunity AnswerIf you see her in the cameras, treat her as Phantom Marionette and BB. Failing to do so will make a screeching noise. It can draw spring trap to you, so reboot the audio fast!
QuestionWhat about phantom marionette, what do you do about her?BecirovicCommunity AnswerIf you see Phantom Puppet in the cameras, close the cameras or switch numbers. Failing to do so will make him kick you out of the cameras and standing in your face, making you vulnerable to Phantom Freddy or Foxy.
QuestionWhy is there a creepy noise when Springtrap is not in the window or on the corners of the door?BecirovicCommunity AnswerThis is the ambience cue. He could probably be in the vents or also hiding between the window and the doorway.
QuestionWhen I look at springtrap outside the door, he still manages to jumpscare. I did not eve move and there was no error. I was on 5am.BecirovicCommunity AnswerThe game probably glitched. Use the audio after finding him to lure him to a nearby room before reaching the window.
QuestionWhy does Springtrap keep killing me on night 5? I do everything right, and he still kills me.Noah WalcottCommunity AnswerRemember, if he appears beside you in the office, just keep watching him. If you pull up the control panel or the cameras, he will kill you quickly afterward.
QuestionI still can't get past night 4, help!TheawesomegodmasterCommunity AnswerTry doing the previous steps, but do it faster and with more proficiency. Doing it too slowly or not proficiently enough can result in failure.
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