Q&A for How to Become More Talkative

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    How do I stop being so quiet?
    Patrick Muñoz
    Speech Coach
    Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association.
    Speech Coach
    Expert Answer
    If you're naturally really quiet, it can take practice to learn to use your voice. When you're learning to speak more loudly, it can feel more comfortable to talk to someone you don't know. Try ordering your coffee in a loud, strong voice, for instance, or put your phone on speaker and move it further away from you so you have to talk a little louder. If that doesn't work, consider going to a voice and speech coach for training on how to use your breathing to develop your voice.
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    How can I make a silent person talk more?
    Community Answer
    If you have to find ways to make them talk, they probably don't want to talk -- don't force it. But, if you really must, try asking them simple questions. A simple "how are you?" is not only a good starter, but it can also show you if they are willing to talk more. And instead of asking "What do you like to do for fun?" be more specific and ask something like, "Do you like sports/music?"
  • Question
    I have practiced, but I am still shy. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Don't think about what you are going to say. Overthinking will make you worry about messing up and you will come off as odd or stilted. Just say what you want/need to say and keep the conversational ball rolling from there.
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    How do I end a conversation with a talkative person politely?
    Community Answer
    You could just tell them that you would love to stay and chat, but you have some work to do or somewhere to be.
  • Question
    How do I start a conversation?
    Community Answer
    You could ask a question or even compliment them on their clothes or something simple like that.
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    What if no one in the world is interested in talking with me, like my family, friends and relatives?
    Community Answer
    If they're all just busy right now, talk to yourself or to a stuffed animal, or write down your thoughts in a journal. If you feel like nobody ever has time to talk to you, sit down with them and let them know how you feel about this. I'm sure they'll make more of an effort to be there for you.
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    What do I do to if I don't know what to talk about with friends if this doesn't work?
    Community Answer
    Maybe have a list of topics that you know are good conversation topics thought out ahead of time. Some examples would be: the food (if you're eating), school, current events, projects, or maybe tell a story, especially if it relates to what is being talked about. Try not to gossip or complain, those people typically aren't thought of very highly.
  • Question
    How can I get myself involved with group conversations?
    Community Answer
    Wait for a lull in the conversation, then give your opinion on the current topic, or use the lull to switch the topic to something similar.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of a silence in a conversation?
    Community Answer
    Try looking at your surroundings to find a good topic. If you were, say at a friend's house, look around the room and ask your friend their opinion on it. If there is still silence, suggest a game, so you have something to do while you think of conversation topics.
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