How to Dance: Smooth and Simple Moves for Any Occasion
Q&A for How to Become Popular on TikTok
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QuestionHow do I go live on TikTok?AasimTop AnswererTap on the "+," choose the "Go Live" tab, then choose the red "Go Live" button. You need 1,000 fans to do this.
QuestionHow do I know if my video is on the "For you" page?AasimTop AnswererSome users comment "For you" when your video makes it on the for you page. Also, watch the view count; a video with several thousand views or tens of thousands of views might have made it on the for you page. The view count can be viewed on your profile page.
QuestionHow do I become popular on TikTok in a few days?AasimTop AnswererTo become popular in a few days, you need to post excellent quality content. Note, however, that people popular for one thing are known as "one-hit wonders" and these people may not seek the same level of growth as people who post good content regularly.
QuestionHow do I download TikTok?Community AnswerTikTok is an app that can be downloaded for free on any mobile device. You can also create an account and upload videos on a web browser too.
QuestionWhat happened to the "Discover" button?AasimTop AnswererIt was changed to "friends" to emphasize the social aspects of TikTok. Featured and trending content can still be viewed by tapping the search button at the top of the Friends tab.
QuestionHow do I know if my account is shadow banned?Community AnswerYou won't be able to find out unless you realize that your comments are not getting responses and if you log out, your comments won't show up.
QuestionIs it safe for me to make a TikTok channel for my 7 year old that is public? She loves the dancing and trending challenges. I will monitor her videos and followers.AvaniiCommunity AnswerNo, it is not safe. although you will monitoring her videos and etc., as you don't know what creepy people will do while watching her videos. Plus there are mean people on the internet that will save her videos and make fun of her. But if you do decide to make her an account, keep her account private and only let family and friends follow that account.
QuestionHow do I have more followers if my account is private?Community AnswerIt's difficult, but not impossible. Since you have a private account, your videos will not show up on the front page, in search results, or anywhere else besides your own profile; therefore, it will be harder to get popular. If you want to remain private, make some good comments on public videos and maybe they'll notice you and want to send a follow request to your profile.
QuestionIf I make my account private, will it affect the number of followers I have?Community AnswerNo. If you set your profile to private, all your current followers will stay, but new followers will have to send a request to view your profile.
QuestionSo I have around 800 followers but they don't really "like" my videos. And I post different kinds of content, what am I doing wrong?AasimTop AnswererNot that many people actually view their "Following" feed. TikTok uses the accounts you follow to refine recommendations on the for you page. Your best bet is to make content that is trending and original, and be lucky that the algorithm selects your video.
QuestionWhy do people follow me more on my other account but not on my new account?HagukananTop AnswererIf you want some of your old audience to migrate over to your new account with you, you can make a video saying that you're switching accounts, and/or put the name of your new account in your current account's bio.
QuestionNobody is liking my videos even though I have at least 400 followers. I don’t do dances much because I’m not built for that. What should I do?HagukananTop AnswererYou don't have to do dances! You can try making videos about other things that you enjoy, such as makeup tutorials, time-lapses of art, or videos of your pets. The most important thing is doing things you can have fun with!
QuestionFor some reason, my account doesn't have much followers and likes, but the videos have over 100 views. Do you know why this is happening?HagukananTop AnswererYour videos might be showing up on other peoples' home pages, so they're viewing the videos, but they aren't liking them or following you.
QuestionHow can I post videos regularly when I have to go to school and only have the weekend to make videos?HagukananTop AnswererOn the weekends, you can make multiple videos and save the ones you don't want to post right away to your "drafts". This will save the videos to your Tik Tok account on your device, but no one will be able to see if but you. If you want to post a draft during the week, click on your drafts from your profile page and find one that you want to post.
QuestionHow do I get more likes, comments, and views?Caden Wayne AjeroCommunity AnswerIt can take a few months, days, or even years to get more likes, depending on your content. There are many ways to increase the chance you will get likes comments and views - post content people like, use popular hashtags and do trending challenges (smart ones only).
QuestionI am not getting a single view on my video. Any advice?FreyrTop AnswererTry adding hashtags. More people will see it if there are hashtags on it when they are looking for the description. Doing duets will also likely get you views, as people might click the sound and see your video there.
QuestionI don’t get many viewers for my video. How can I get viewers for my video?MoriCommunity AnswerTry to show the latest trends, or dance to popular songs. If none of that works, try to do your own thing and reach out to other users who are just like you.
QuestionHow often should you post a video?ChristianaCommunity AnswerPost at least 1 per day or even 2 or 3 but make sure your videos are entertaining and well made. Also, try to interact with your followers too so that they become more active on your page.
QuestionWhen you lost a follower, how can you get them back?Aoife FitzsimonsCommunity AnswerYou can't, unless they choose to come back. The best thing you can do is try to stop other people from leaving. Post 1-2 times a day, and post the same content that got them to follow you.
QuestionI’ve been doing TikTok for 2 years and my bff has for 1 and a half years. She even has fewer videos than me but she’s more famous somehow. Do you have any advice?Community AnswerUnfortunately, you can’t just "become famous" because you've "done the time." It takes more than that and people are interested in what is interesting, not length of time online. Don’t compare yourself to others and maybe try to ask her for help, to share ideas about why she is popular on the site. If she’s truly your friend, she’ll say yes! If not, don’t worry, you’ll get there eventually, provided you put in the effort to be friendly, interesting and interact with others.
QuestionWhat do I do if it says "The copyright holder has not made your song available in your region?"AasimTop AnswererLike YouTube, TikTok has a content identification system which will automatically hide videos that contains copyrighted content. Note that copyright is about the actual content of the video, not how it is expressed. If you believe the use of your content is fair use, you can use the "report a problem" feature to give your reasons.
QuestionHow do you make TikToks?AasimTop AnswererTap the "+", record/upload your video, edit and post. For more information, see Record a Music Video with TikTok .
QuestionHow do I convince my mother to let me have the app?AasimTop AnswererFirst, ensure that you're at least 13 years old (16 years old in Ireland) so that you're in compliance with TikTok's terms of service. Then you need to show responsibility. Let your parents monitor your account for the first few months so that they can show that you are responsible. They may force you to make your account private. If your parents do not have any problems with your content, they may let you break loose a little bit.
QuestionWhy is a 10 year old TikToker famous?AasimTop AnswererThat user is probably part of a family that is already TikTok famous; users under the age of 13 cannot legally have accounts on the platform without parental permission.
QuestionHow do I attract followers?AasimTop AnswererBy posting content, lots of content. Aim to post at least once per day, and to only post meaningful content. Remember that videos recommended by the "For You" algorithm are videos others are likely to enjoy the most.
QuestionI have over 1000 followers but I still can’t go live. How do I fix this?AasimTop AnswererLive streaming is not available in all regions, but you can continue to use Instagram Live and YouTube Live to engage with followers.
QuestionWhat can I do when I'm getting views, but not getting likes?AasimTop AnswererYour videos are recommended to dozens of people. Unfortunately, there is not that much you can do to make people like your video unless they truly like the content. You could try posting videos with a more general, widespread appeal.
QuestionI only have 5 followers and I have been doing this for 2 months. Why is that?AasimTop AnswererUnfortunately, fame is more than just following these instructions; there is an element of luck. Some people have been on the platform for years and still have not gotten famous.
QuestionDo people like tutorials?AasimTop AnswererYes, they do! You can cross-post your own useful life hacks on two different social platforms, such as TikTok and YouTube. But be aware that when you release a tutorial, you are competing with several other users also creating tutorials. If posting on TikTok, keep the tutorial under 30 seconds with a link to the more detailed one on YouTube. The more helpful tutorials get lots of likes.
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