Q&A for How to Calculate Basal Metabolic Rate

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    If my BMR is 1290.2 then how many calories do I consume every day to lose weight?
    Community Answer
    Just decrease 200 calories per day. It is easier to just cut something than add everything up.
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    If my BMR is 1565.24, then how many calories do I consume every day to lose weight?
    Community Answer
    For every 500 calories less than your BMR that you eat a day, you will lose around a pound a week (for you that would be 1065 calories a day). The other alternative is to eat your standard 1565 calories and burn the extra 500 per day by exercising.
  • Question
    MY BMR is 1589.65. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Be more active during the day, and rest well at night. Six hours are good enough for the sleep. Do not cut your diet if you are not that busy, or have to fast.
  • Question
    My BMR is 2636.28. What does that tell about me?
    Alex Teece
    Community Answer
    Your Basal Metabolic Rate is a calculation based on your height, age, and weight. The fact yours is so high tells me you are taller, heavier, or younger than most (or all of the above). It basically means your body requires at least 2636 calories worth of energy in a 24 hour period, even if you are inactive. You will then require more energy for movement (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), Exercise (Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) and believe it or not, you burn calories while you are metabolizing calories (Thermic Effect of Food).
  • Question
    I am 62 years, women, my BMR on my scale shows 1003. Is this good or bad? Weight 51.9kg, height 1.56.
    Alex Teece
    Community Answer
    BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate and refers to the number of calories your body burns automatically in order to run your organs and bodily functions. Even if you are inactive for 24 hours, you will still need to burn 1003 calories of energy to survive. It's not good or bad, it's just a calculation based on age, weight, and height. You will then burn calories with every movement (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), with exercise (Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), and believe it or not, you actually burn calories metabolizing your food (Thermic Effect of Food). But it is believed your BMR accounts for about 70% of the calories your body burns daily.
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