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Q&A for How to Celebrate Independence Day
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QuestionWhere do I buy patriotic clothes?Community AnswerAnywhere! Just buy a cute outfit that's red, white and blue. Or create something by yourself. An outfit I wear is a red T-shirt with a white overcoat, and a blue skirt with white stars.
QuestionWhy is Independence Day important to people?Community AnswerIndependence Day is a holiday representing America's freedom from British rule. Patriotic people like to celebrate the day America effectively became its own nation.
QuestionIs it appropriate if for a non-white person to celebrate Independence Day? (e.g., Asian-American, African-American, etc.)LYDIA RUSHINGCommunity AnswerOf course! You can celebrate Independence day if you are proud to be in America, regardless of race!
QuestionHow will people know that I'm not British if I wear red, white, and blue?Community AnswerIf you're in America and it's the Fourth of July, most people will assume that you are American. If you're asking this because you will be in another country, wear something with the American flag on it.
QuestionWhat if I have migrated to another country? How can I celebrate it in a different country?Community AnswerHave a party with friends you have made in the country. Teach them different things about your home country.
QuestionHow should I celebrate Independence Day at home?Community AnswerHave a barbecue with friends or family and watch fireworks from your home or on the internet.
QuestionWhy should the flag be flown on Independence Day?Community AnswerThe flag is one of the most prominent symbols of independence in the United States, so since Independence Day is a national celebration of our independence, flying the flag is appropriate.
QuestionCan a school marching band perform for an Independence Day parade?Community AnswerAbsolutely. It is not common for a school marching band to perform because school is out, but they can definitely be hired for playing patriotic marches.
QuestionWhat can I do to celebrate Fourth of July in my community? Like barbecues, etc.Amanda CousinsCommunity AnswerHave a barbecue or family reunion or attend a sports event or concert with fireworks to celebrate the holiday.
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