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Q&A for How to Chat with a Girl on Facebook
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QuestionHow can I get better at speaking with girls on Facebook?Community AnswerJust be yourself. Be confident. Don't let your shyness take you out. Stay smooth and calm. You should always have a words to say.
QuestionWhat would be an interesting topic? What do girls like to talk about?Community AnswerIt depends on the girl. Not all girls like to talk about the same things. They're individual people with individual interests. Check her Facebook page and see what she likes, bands, books, TV shows, etc. Or just ask her about her day, how school or work is going, etc.
QuestionWhat should I say if a girl asks why I want to chat with her?Community AnswerSay something like "I just want to know more about you because you're different from other girls."
QuestionHow to be a guy in whom girls take more interest?Community AnswerBe yourself, be confident, and develop your sense of humor.
QuestionHow can I make a girl interested in talking to me in a chat?Community AnswerShow interest in her and her life/world. It's really that simple.
QuestionCould I say she's beautiful when I introduce myself or would that be a bit too early?Community AnswerIf you're introducing, it probably means you don't know each other very well, so yes this would be a bit too early. But if you know each other pretty well and you're introducing yourself just because you never had a one-on-one chat with her, then this may be a good method to give her a hint that you like her.
QuestionWhat do I do if a girl is saying I am desperate?Community AnswerLive your life and don't let her get to you. Respect yourself and maybe she'll come to notice your confidence. If she doesn't, you don't need her in your life.
QuestionHow do I propose to a girl on Facebook?Community AnswerThis is probably not the best way to propose. However, if this is really what you think is the right way to go, use lots of emojis and gifs and sparkle and be unique in your approach. Just be aware that this may not feel very romantic or special to her, so she might think you're either joking or a bit short on creative ideas.
QuestionHow can a shy person talk to a girl on Facebook?Community AnswerThere is nothing wrong with being shy. Some girls actually like shy people because they find them to be less intimidating. If you want to be less shy, consider taking some personal development lessons or ask for help from friends.
QuestionWhat should I do if the girl I was talking to suddenly started ignoring me?Community AnswerShe might simply be busy; just because she has read your message does not necessarily mean that she has the time to reply to it. It's also possible that you might have said something that offended her. If you suspect this, apologize to her, and ask her what you did to offend he and what you could do to fix the issue.
QuestionIs it proper to ask a girl you just met for the first time for a relationship?Community AnswerNo it is not. You should get to know her first.
QuestionHow do I start a chat with a shy girl? I already focused on her interests, but she won't open up to me. I have no subject left and am scared she may not like me.Community AnswerShy girls don't show their affection as sociable girls do. Chances are, she is as afraid of you not liking her as you are! Just keep going, don't stop talking to her because that'll affect her more.
QuestionWhat should I do when a girl says, "I'm committed"?Community AnswerRespect the fact that she is in a relationship. If you'd like to be just friends, you can pursue a friendship.
QuestionWhat should I do if the girl answers my questions but does not ask me any questions herself?Community AnswerThis could be a sign that she isn't interested in investing in the conversation. You can try to get her interested by using her answers to your questions to bring up topics she'll likely to find interesting, or you can give up.
QuestionHow can I have a relationship with three women?Community AnswerFirst off, you should not have relationships with three women simultaneously. No other woman will want to be with you if they find out you've been with multiple women at the same time. Pick one that you have a lot in common with and feel strongly about. Don't lead other girls on for no reason.
QuestionHow can I keep the conversation going with a girl that I admire?Community AnswerYou can ask her questions so that she can respond, and hopefully ask you questions as well. You can also talk about things that you have in common.
QuestionHow do I start conversation with a foreign girl?Community AnswerThe same way as starting a conversation with any girl. Show interest in her and her life.
QuestionHow do you make a girl you love laugh on Facebook?Community AnswerJust be yourself. Try to make jokes that come naturally. Don't force it.
QuestionHow should I reply if a girl says she's feeling "bored with life"?Community AnswerYou could try suggesting some activities that she might like to do, or invite her to do one of those activities with you. You could also just probe her for some more information -- does she wish her life was different? If so, how? This can be a good way to get to know her.
QuestionWhat if she's ignoring my messages?Community AnswerIf she's ignoring your messages, she may not be open to a friendship. Try again with someone else; it may not be personal.
QuestionWhat do I do if a girl sends me a friend request, but ignores me when I send her a message?Community AnswerShe might be too busy to reply to your message. Also, Facebook does not always show messages from people who are not on your friends' list. Try accepting the friend request and see what happens. You can always delete her from your list later on if you find that you have nothing in common.
QuestionHow do I make her like chatting with me?Community AnswerYou can't make someone like chatting with you, but the more you practice your online conversation skills the more enjoyable you will be to talk to.
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