Q&A for How to Choose a Confirmation Name

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    Do I need to choose a male saint if I am a male?
    Community Answer
    No. You can choose a male saint if you are female or a female saint if you are male.
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    Can a girl choose Michael or Gabriel as her Confirmation name?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this is permitted. Likewise, boys may choose a feminine name. It's important to be aware that some cultures and leaders will value and respect this practice more than others. As always, the choice of a Confirmation name should be considered prudently and prayerfully.
  • Question
    Do you need to choose another name if you have a middle name?
    Community Answer
    A Confirmation name is different than the name your parents have given you. It's a saint's name. So if you're trying to adopt a Confirmation name on your spiritual journey, yes, you will need to choose another name.
  • Question
    Do I have to use a saint's name for my Confirmation name?
    Community Answer
    You may also use the name of a Bible hero, but a saint is the typical choice as they may intervene and pray for you.
  • Question
    Do I use the saint name as a part of a full name in the future?
    Community Answer
    No, choosing a confirmation saint is choosing a saint for guidance during your life.
  • Question
    What patron saint led a playful life?
    Community Answer
    Well, St. Francis of Assisi enjoyed a life of partying with his friends, before experiencing the call to serve Christ. St. Maria Goretti was only a little girl, who loved to play with her friends, before she was murdered.
  • Question
    Can I make up a saint name?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    No, it has to be an actual saint who is venerated by the Catholic Church. To simply make up a "saint's name," would be like making up a historical person.
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    Can archangels be chosen for confirmation names?
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    Can I have two Confirmation names?
    Community Answer
    You only may have one.
  • Question
    Is Raven a Confirmation name?
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    Do I need to choose another one if someone has my confirmation name already?
    Community Answer
    Certainly not. Many confirmed in the same class can have the same confirmation name.
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    Which saint should I choose if I am dedicated, hardworking and caring?
    Community Answer
    Pretty much every saint was dedicated, hardworking, and caring, so with those criteria you could choose almost any saint.
  • Question
    My middle name is Joseph, may I choose Saint Joseph for my confirmation name?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course. Many people choose a saint they feel connected to or want to be like. If you like St. Joseph, go ahead! Just be sure to do research on the other saints to see if there's one with whom you feel more of a connection.
  • Question
    Can I combine saints' names, like Mary and Joseph to MaryJo?
    Haley Cope
    Top Answerer
    I don’t believe so, but ask your priest. You might be able to pick more than one.
  • Question
    Is Payton a confirmation name?
    Haley Cope
    Top Answerer
    There is a Venerable Father Patrick Peyton, so you could choose him (if your parish allows venerables and blesseds as confirmation saints).
  • Question
    Can I choose the name of someone who is blessed but not a saint yet?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. You can, for example, choose bl Laura Vicuna, bl Chiara Badano Luce, and many more.
  • Question
    Is there a saint Anne?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Yes. She is the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Question
    I need help choosing a saint's name. I love my animals (sheep, llamas, horses, cattle, dogs, etc.), but I also spends a lot of time visiting, cooking and doing for others. Ideas?
    Haley Cope
    Top Answerer
    St Francis is a common one for animals. For service, there are a lot of saints! You can choose Mama Mary (who visited St Elizabeth) or a saint who was very charitable (like Mother Teresa). Pray on it.
  • Question
    Can a saint be an apostle?
    Community Answer
    Yes! If the Saint is one of the Apostles (St Peter, St Paul, St Andrew...) or a saint who brings the Gospel to a new land and people (St Cyril, St Methodius, St Mark...).
  • Question
    Is Gemma a confirmation name?
    Haley Cope
    Top Answerer
    That is! One saint is Saint Gemma Galgani, an Italian mystic. You should read about her and see that she is a saint you personally feel connected to.
  • Question
    What saint am I? I'm brave, female, Irish, and I want to be a police officer.
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Although she is the patron saint of the French, I think Joan of Arc would be a perfect saint for you to choose.
  • Question
    Who is the female saint of horses?
    Community Answer
    St. Anne is the saint of equestrians. You could also use Joan of Arc as she rode often.
  • Question
    Can I choose a saint's name that is the same as my middle name?
    Top Answerer
    That wouldn't make much sense to do. For example: Laura Marie Marie LastName. Try to find a Saint you truly admire for specific reasons.
  • Question
    I'm reserved, creative, caring, motherly, giving, and supportive. Who should my Saint be?
    Top Answerer
    A saint you admire for how they lived their faith. For example, St. Joan of Arc was courageous in the face of real life dangers.
  • Question
    Is Lucy a confirmation name? And if yes ,who is she?
    Community Answer
    Lucy, whose name means 'light', is the patron saint of the blind. Lucy was born in 283 AD in Syracuse, Sicily, and was killed there in 303 AD during Roman persecution under the Emperor Diocletian.
  • Question
    Does confirmation cost money?
    Community Answer
    Not the actual process of getting confirmed, no. However, people tend to dress fancier for their confirmation and may celebrate with food, which does cost a little.
  • Question
    Is Jason a saint's name?
    Community Answer
    Yes, Saint Jason (also known as Apostle Jason) is one of the Seventy Apostles.
  • Question
    Is Audrey a saint's name?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is, although she is also referred to as Saint Etheldreda. She is the patron saint of throat ailments.
  • Question
    Is the most important point of a confirmation name to enhance one's relationship with God, or one's relationship with the church?
    Community Answer
    It is more important that you enhance your relationship with God. The Church is the bride of Christ, and you serve Christ before you serve the Church, though both are important.
  • Question
    Can you get a confirmation name after having been confirmed?
    Community Answer
    No. You choose a Saint when you are confirmed, and they become your confirmation name. I chose Saint Dymphna because she is the patroness of mental illnesses and neurodevelopmental disorders and I have both. So, look for Saints that have patronages over things you connect with well.
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