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Q&A for How to Compost
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QuestionWhat if I live in an apartment and can't set up a compost pile?Kathryn Kellogg is the founder of, a lifestyle website dedicated to breaking eco-friendly living down into a simple step-by-step process with lots of positivity and love. Kathryn is the author of two books focusing on sustainability, 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste and 101 Tips for a Zero Waste Kitchen. She is the spokesperson for plastic-free living for National Geographic, has been featured by the Guardian, CNN, Refinery29, and Bustle, and has a following on instagram of over 700k.Consider setting up a worm bin. Worm bins use worms to turn food scraps into soil called vermicompost, and they're really good for apartments.
QuestionWhat can I use for compost if I don't have a garden?Kathryn Kellogg is the founder of, a lifestyle website dedicated to breaking eco-friendly living down into a simple step-by-step process with lots of positivity and love. Kathryn is the author of two books focusing on sustainability, 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste and 101 Tips for a Zero Waste Kitchen. She is the spokesperson for plastic-free living for National Geographic, has been featured by the Guardian, CNN, Refinery29, and Bustle, and has a following on instagram of over 700k.Look for an affordable private composting service as an alternate option. If you live in a place without a garden area, or if your city doesn't have a municipal composting service, there are many private organizations that provide composting as a service. They'll give you a bucket for compost and come to pick it up, and you get free compost anytime you need it!
QuestionWhy does compost need sunshine?Community AnswerSunshine provides heat. This heat is needed to keep the composting process going.
QuestionCan you add shredded cardboard?SGrosjeanCommunity AnswerYes, unless it has a coating on it. Plain corrugated cardboard that has been shredded will usually biodegrade very quickly.
QuestionI'm just starting up, what is best for the base?DonaganTop AnswererGrass clippings or leaves work well.
QuestionCan I use shredded paper in my compost?Community AnswerYes, provided that there is no color print on it.
QuestionWill adding moldy vegetables help or hurt the compost? The compost bin I started this summer smells like real, rich dirt from Kansas, unlike the sandy soil we have here in the foothills above the Mojave Desert.DonaganTop AnswererMoldy vegetables are fine. It sounds like your compost is perfect!
QuestionHow many days does it take for the compost heap to become useful compost?SGrosjeanCommunity AnswerIt depends on the weather conditions and the contents of your compost pile, but most well tended piles take about 2 to 3 months to become useful compost.
QuestionCan I used fruit like apples, watermelon rinds, pears, etc.?Community AnswerYes, but I found that this attracts lots of ants and other bugs.
QuestionI've heard using pine is really acidic and should not be used in a compost pile. True?SGrosjeanCommunity AnswerWhile pine needles are acidic when they fall off a tree, if they are added in moderation and completely composted, they won't hurt your compost. Keep in mind, however, that they can take a long time to completely biodegrade.
QuestionCan I use the corn husks for anything?Community AnswerYou can certainly compost the corn husks. Corn cobs can be composted as well, but you may need to break them into smaller parts to decompose.
QuestionIs used straw and hay from a goat OK to use as compost?Community AnswerYes. Even the goats droppings can be used in a compost, as long as the goat eats ONLY vegetables.
QuestionCan I put used potting soil in my compost bin?Community AnswerAbsolutely, although it might be worth checking to make sure it doesn't contain any plastic or non-compostable pieces.
QuestionWhen taking the lid off my in-ground composter, I become aware of a pig farm-like stench. What does this smell mean? The organic material placed in the composter does not seem to be breaking down.SGrosjeanCommunity AnswerA bad smell usually means you have too much moisture or not enough air circulation. Try adding dry materials, mixing the compost, and letting it dry out a bit.
QuestionDo I have to add worms in the compost bin?SGrosjeanCommunity AnswerNo. While worms can help you make compost quicker, a compost pile without worms will still become compost.
QuestionCan I use shredded office paper (white, bleached)?Community AnswerAvoid putting any bleached paper into the ground; the bleach can soak into the ground and contaminate the soil. It would be better to just recycle it instead.
QuestionMay I put a lid on it?Community AnswerYes. It can help keep the smell in the bin. You can find special compost lids online.
QuestionDoes it matter whether the box is opaque or translucent?Community AnswerMaterials that aren't see-through, like wood and plastic, are best. Translucent materials reflect light and can make the compost too hot.
QuestionDo I need to add lime?Community AnswerLime isn't necessary for most compost bins, and can result in a loss of nitrogen. However, if you have a compost bin with a lot of highly acidic materials, such as pine needles or fruit waste, add a small amount of lime (1 cup per 25 cubic feet of compost) to balance the pH.
QuestionWhy can't I compost fish bones? The heating process kills off bad bacteria like how it does in cooking and it's a great source of phosphorus. Is there another reason I should be aware of?DonaganTop AnswererBones are not recommended simply because they take so long to decompose. You could use ground-up bones or bonemeal.
QuestionCan I put mushrooms into my compost?DonaganTop AnswererYes, you can put anything organic into your compost - anything from the plant world that is or was alive.
QuestionWhat features are a must when buying a compost bin, what does one look for and are worms essential?Community AnswerWorms are a must for the decomposition from worm waste to soil matter. Aeration is key to a good compost so look for one that supports aeration. You also should determine what size compost bin would work best for you and your needs.
QuestionDo worms crawl out of composting bins?Community AnswerThey can, but they will stay if the conditions are right.
QuestionCan I use shells from the beach?Community AnswerYes, shells from the beach can be used. However, you would need to crush the shells first by putting them in a plastic bag and beating them with a spoon.
QuestionShould a compost bin be left in the summer sun or a shaded area?Wikihowuser0246Community AnswerIt depends on the climate where you live. If the air is humid, you do not need shade to help retain moisture. However, if the air is dry, a lid or some shade might help.
QuestionCan I use on old dryer tumbler?Community AnswerA washer tumbler would be better, as it has the necessary holes to provide aeration.
QuestionHow long does it take for a compost pile to grow?Community AnswerThe compost pile doesn't grow in size. As the compost material decomposes, the size of the compost pile will decrease by approximately 30% from its original size at the end of the composting process.
QuestionHow do I compost when I've got animals that want to eat out of it?Community AnswerYou can make a little fence around it, or you can make a lid to put on it and make sure the animals can't take off the lid.
QuestionCan I compost in the winter months with vegetable scraps, coffee grinds, and paper?Community AnswerYes, but decomposition will be slow, and may stop at around freezing. You could warm the compost by covering it or surrounding it with straw bales.
QuestionCan I use leaves with blackspot?Community AnswerNo, plants contaminated with any sort of disease or fungus shouldn't be composted. Most fungi and disease can survive the composting process.
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