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Q&A for How to Contact God
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QuestionHow can you know if God is talking to you?Olivia Woodford is a Holy Bible Expert and the Founder of Bible Women Speak. Olivia has been teaching biblical stories of women through theater since 1992. She is a member of Biblical Storytellers International and has performed at and hosted learning retreats with churches, schools, and women's groups of all denominations throughout the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. Olivia has a BFA in Theater Arts from Boston University.We can often imagine it, but when it happens you will know that God is speaking to you. It will no longer be a question, you will just know it.
QuestionHow does God speak back to your prayers?Community AnswerGod will speak to you through other people, God will show up unexpectedly; He will show up in a dream, show you a sign, or you will have an inspired thought to take action. God will lead and guide you, and manifest Himself in many ways.
QuestionMy grandpa died. What do I do?Community AnswerSorry for your loss. You can pray to God for your grandfather and talk to God about your grandfather, perhaps about all the wonderful times you spent with your grandfather -- this will help tp keep him alive in your memories. It can help to talk to your parents and siblings too, if you feel you need some support.
QuestionWhy has God made my luck worse?Community AnswerGod doesn't make luck worse or better; you are in charge of deciding which opportunities you take or let slip by, while the broader circumstances of life and society determine much of your luck or lack thereof. Don't be hard on yourself but do try to turn hardship into opportunity by looking for the silver lining in bad luck situations. If you blame God, you won't help yourself and that's not the purpose of belief.
QuestionBeing a Christian in high school can be extremely hard, due to different opinions and whatnot. My question is, how do I, as a Christian and a teenager, spread the word and love of God through school?Leo BoivinCommunity AnswerYou don't have to spread it verbally. Just apply His teachings in your life. People will sense His power.
QuestionMay I ask Him to meet me in my sleep?Community AnswerOf course you may. There are many cases when people met God, Jesus or saints in their dreams. But don't be too fixated on this. He may fulfill your prayer in another way. He may want to meet you in real life through a person or event.
QuestionHow do I know God is listening to my prayers?Community AnswerHe is always listening. There is a saying about this: His answer may be "yes," "not now," or "I have something better for you." If we doubt that He is listening it's usually because the prayed-for thing is not coming. But He won't give it to us if it wouldn't be for our good (in the meaning of eternal life) or if we wouldn't be prepared for it. He knows what He's doing and loves us, therefore all He does is for our good. Trust and have faith.
QuestionWhat if I don't understand the steps? I love God, but I'm just a kid.Community AnswerThere is no set way to pray - this is just a guide. You can pray in whatever way you want, whatever way feels right to you. Even if it's just a quick thought, a thank-you, a request, whatever. You could even just talk to God like you would talk to a teddy or an imaginary friend. God hears all prayers.
QuestionHow can I make sure I will go to heaven?Community AnswerDifferent religions and philosophies have different takes on heaven. Your best bet is to live your life as a kind, helpful person.
QuestionDo you have to confess every day?Community AnswerYes, you must try to confess as often as possible. This will help you to remain humble before God.
QuestionWill God help me get money?Community AnswerIf you pray, and you are meant to have the money, then perhaps he will! God works in mysterious ways, but I assure you that if it is meant to happen, it will.
QuestionHow do I contact God on a phone?Community AnswerYou pick it up and call one off the many numbers asking for help for starving children, cancer, or heart disease and make a donation. Then you will know God has been listening because no good deed goes unnoticed.
QuestionDoes god give people money if they pray and talk to Him about it?Balla17Community AnswerNo. God wants us to work hard at our lives and reap our own rewards.
QuestionIs my great grandma there?Community AnswerOf course. I'd like to think you can talk to your relatives just like you can talk to God.
QuestionWhy does God say He is in charge of all wealth, then not give you what you sow?Community AnswerWhat we think is good is not always good for our souls and eternal life. Very simplified example: God will not give you a new car, if He knows you would drive fast in the car, cause a car crash, die and go to hell. He is in charge, but His priority is our eternal good and holiness.
QuestionI love God (supreme power) and I want to meet God. Can anyone help me?Community AnswerGod Is literally present everywhere. If you are Catholic or Orthodox Christian, God is present in the blessed sacrament in every Catholic and Orthodox Christian church in the world, so you could visit your local Catholic or Orthodox Church and pray before the blessed sacrament. If you have a different faith, ask your priest/minister/iman/rabbi, etc., for spiritual advice.
QuestionThree people I know have died in the past two years, and as an atheist I don't know how to pray to God or ask him for advice. What can I do?Community AnswerThere is something called the Holy Spirit. It's all around us, and it is God. He is in our presence all the time. When you want to talk to Him, you just pray. There's no ritual or pre-planning, because His presence is all around us. He knows everything. God will love and provide no matter what. If you want to talk to God, just start talking.
QuestionCan God help me understand why I have nightmares and make them go away?Community AnswerGod gives people visions and spiritual insights, but it's not clear that He creates your dreams. Your nightmares are a manifestation of things that scare you. If you're watching scary movies, stop. If you're dreaming about some sort of betrayal or fake friendship, think about why you're insecure in your relationships. Ask God to bring you peace, and if you continue struggling with nightmares consider talking to a therapist.
QuestionI am suffering horribly right now. My boyfriend has been making a fool of me for 10/11 years. Now I know he is already married for 4 years. He ruined my life emotionally and financially. What do I do?Community AnswerYou are not the first woman to be exploited by an unscrupulous man. In fact, this is their nature, and why women need the protection of family support and marriage. In Islam the correct way to go about it is to have a marriage meeting, have both families consult, investigate his character and standing in the community, and for him to give you money as token of his sincerity, and support you. A woman's money is her own in Islam and she does not have to give money to her husband. Having boyfriends is a risk for the woman. If you can recover the money through family or legal actions, do so, otherwise forget it and move on. Find a good, sincere man and marry him.
QuestionHow could I start God's work when I'm not financially buoyant?Community AnswerSome of the best things in life are free? All you have to do to begin God's work is to be a kind and loving person who helps others. That's absolutely free, and the best work that you could be doing.
QuestionHow do I turn into an angel when I've already fallen into Satan's pit?Llamacub1Community AnswerAsk for forgiveness from God, and stop and give up the life of a fallen angel. Don't do things that they do and devote the rest of your life to God. Pray to God to forgive you and ask God how you could redeem yourself. You'll know you're no longer fallen when your heart feels clean and your soul soars.
QuestionI am losing my faith and turned against God! I feel guilty for things I have done and I want to repent and change my life. Will God forgive me for what I have done?Community AnswerOf course He will! Ask Him to forgive you for what you have done wrong and let Him tell you how you can be the person He made you to be! God knows that we fall into sin, but He will forgive us.
QuestionA lady don't want to talk with me, she don't want to see my face and I know she don't like me but I don't know why my heart still beating for her.ZackTop AnswererGod heals broken people. True love is a vulnerable position, in that, we must leave open the possibility of rejection. God loves us as we are, no rejection ever.
QuestionCan I pray to know what my pastor is really like and why he really wants me to stay in that church? Is it just the tithe?ZackTop AnswererRather pray that you would know Jesus, what He is really like, so that you can live like him. Stop fixating on a man.
QuestionMy husband is sick, he's bleeding from his ears eyes, nose, mouth, having fever, vomiting blood, head pain. Why is God not listening to my prayers? Please save him, please hear my prayers.ZackTop AnswererPhysical healing is not the greatest answer to prayer. In fact, healing is always temporary because the healed person will still face death someday. Heaven is permanent. God is with us in trouble, not to do our will, but to work through us to perform His will. We can hate sickness and disease and injury in this broken world, but God promises to set everything right in heaven. In fact, life doesn't make sense unless God has the opportunity to reconcile our suffering when we meet Him. See 2 Corinthians 4 and 5.
QuestionHow much do I still have to repent because it never ceased since childhood?ZackTop AnswererRepent means to change. Repentance is turning away from sinful living and heading the other direction. Only you can determine how much until you are facing the right way and headed in God's direction.
QuestionIs there a specific way to call God to talk to him personally?ZackTop AnswererSince God is everywhere, there is no limit on ways to talk to Him. However, for your own focus, it is good to find a peaceful environment where no one will interrupt or misunderstand what you are doing.
QuestionHow do you keep your faith in God when atheists call you names for believing?ZackTop AnswererIf you have real faith in God, you don't believe because it is the easy way. You believe because it is true, not because it is convenient. Name-calling isn't a valid argument. People start calling names when they have no valid argument. It means you win when someone calls you names to hurt your feelings.
QuestionIf God knows everything why would he allow us to live if we are going to fail I'm the end. Why is it that different religions are all saying if you do not believe what I believe you will go to hell?ZackTop AnswererYou have found something true: there can't be conflicting truths about God. If different religions are in conflict, then they both cannot be true. It can be true that God knows everything yet does not force people into obedience. Willingness is a necessary component in love. Love must be voluntary. Love does not exist in an environment where failure is impossible. If God is love, then He must allow us to make choices for good or bad, He must allow us the real potential for failure or success. If He is really God, He can know the end result without forcing it to come about. If He is really God, He would provide us with the resources necessary to make good decisions and behave well.
Questionif i were to dress up as God, would that represent him?ZackTop AnswererNo. Your external appearance may not genuinely represent your inner person. To represent God, you need Him to dwell in you and live through you. This may change how you dress or it may not.
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