Q&A for How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Go on a Trip Without Them

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    We have a school trip that is going to Scotland. My mom is really strict. How to I get her to let me go?
    Community Answer
    Explain the benefits of the trip. For example, tell her it will be a learning experience. In addition, stress the fact that teachers and other students will be going.
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    I want to go to Florida with my grandma, but I think my mom will say no.
    Community Answer
    Explain to your mom that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You love your grandma and want to spend time with her. In addition, you'll have a lot of fun. Finally, point out to your mom that she'll have some free time to do things she enjoys while you are away.
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    My daughter is 11 and grounded for 1 month. Should I let my daughter go on vacation with me. She has never been there and I feel bad. Please reply soon!
    Community Answer
    This is your decision. If you do allow her to go, you need to explain to her the circumstances and why. It is important to let her know that this is just a one time thing. In addition, make sure to communicate with your partner or any other parental figure before allowing her to go.
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    I'd like to visit my friend who lives in Edmonton. I have a ride and money to get there. I asked my mom. She said she'd think about it. That was days ago, and I'll have to leave in 4 days. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    At an appropriate moment, ask if she has thought about the trip. Don't attack her or pressure her to answer. Just let her know that the trip is approaching and you need to know soon.
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    How do I ask my parents to let me go on an expensive trip?
    Community Answer
    If you have a lot of time to prepare, you should put together a plan in which you can raise money to lower the cost of the trip for your parents. For example, you can babysit, mow lawns, do chores, and other activities.
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