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Q&A for How to Create an Account on Blooket
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QuestionEven though I'm 13, Blooket won't let me sign in. What do I do?Quo (He, They)Community AnswerLook for the error at the top of the screen. It should be in red and will tell you what box you may need to fill out.
QuestionHow do you unlock Blooks?Quo (He, They)Community AnswerBlooks can be unlocked from coins received from completing games. You then use those coins to purchase packs to open. It is completely luck based.
QuestionI am under 13 and do not have an email. Can I sign up?Quo (He, They)Community AnswerYou may sign up with parental permission. Just make sure to use their email and actually have their permission before going forward.
QuestionCan you do exam preparation in Blooket?Quo (He, They)Community AnswerBlooket can be used in many different ways and exam prep is one of many ways that it was designed to be used.
QuestionWhat does it mean that I have to be at least 16 outside of the U.S?Quo (He, They)Community AnswerThe child privacy laws outside of the US are typically more strict and are just a precaution on Blooket's behalf.
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