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Q&A for How to Deal With Your Friend Who Likes Your Boyfriend
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QuestionThis girl has been sending me fake stuff about my boyfriend so I can break up with him. What should I do?Community AnswerSounds like she might be trying to get under your skin. Ask your boyfriend about it, bu otherwise you should probably let it go. Relationships are built on trust. You mustn't allow an outsider to turn you against him...unless she has hard evidence that he has been unfaithful to you.
QuestionBut what if she's stronger and bigger and will hurt you?Community AnswerIf you're concerned that your "friend" will hurt or bully you, then you should probably stop being friends with this person. No friend should ever throw their size around to get their way.
QuestionMy friend likes my bf but if she does not get her own way with boys she becomes suicidal and I'm not sure what to do .Community AnswerSounds like your friend needs professional help. You shouldn't allow her to guilt-trip you. Tell an adult so that she can get the help she needs.
QuestionSometimes I'm on the phone with my boyfriend and then out of nowhere he stares at his phone and says I gotta go and doesn't talk to me for the rest of the day. Should I be worried?Community AnswerI would ask him what's going on and try to get to the root of the problem. If he shies away from answering, then you should be worried.
QuestionHow do you make a long distance relationship work?Community AnswerThe key to a successful long-distance relationship is communication. You and your partner need to be on the same page with each other about things like exclusivity, contact, and generally staying in touch with each other's lives from afar.
QuestionWhat if your friend would get super mad if you said to stay away from your boyfriend?Community AnswerIf your friend doesn't respect your wishes, you probably should reassess the health of your friendship. If she's getting too close or acting inappropriately towards your boyfriend, you have a right to tell her to back off.
QuestionWhat do I do with a Friend who comes late at night to my boyfriend house when am not there?Community AnswerUnless you have a rule that this is okay, you should probably talk to your friend and your boyfriend. All of you need to set boundaries about what is appropriate between the three of you.
QuestionWhat should you do if your bestie wants to date your boyfriend and you said it would be cute just to keep her happy and be a nice friend.Community AnswerWhy would you give your friend the OK to date your boyfriend? Do you not really like him yourself?
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