Q&A for How to Do Gymnastics Tricks

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    How do you do a backbend at home?
    Tanya Berenson
    Gymnastics Instructor
    Tanya Berenson is a Gymnastics Instructor and the General Manager of the Los Angeles School of Gymnastics. With over 25 years of professional gymnastics experience, Tanya has also served as a consultant to USA Gymnastics, has served as the USA World Maccabi Games Head Coach, USA Gymnastics Meet Director, and RAS counselor. She holds a B.Ed. in Early Childhood Development from the University of California, Los Angeles.
    Gymnastics Instructor
    Expert Answer
    If you're beginner, try to utilize a wall as you practice. Tighten your core, tuck your head in, and place your hands behind your ears to a wall partition. Keep your legs parallel in front of you, and start walking your hands down and up the wall. Continue practicing until you feel comfortable doing backbends without the help of the wall or a spotter.
  • Question
    How difficult is it do a one-handed cartwheel?
    Tanya Berenson
    Gymnastics Instructor
    Tanya Berenson is a Gymnastics Instructor and the General Manager of the Los Angeles School of Gymnastics. With over 25 years of professional gymnastics experience, Tanya has also served as a consultant to USA Gymnastics, has served as the USA World Maccabi Games Head Coach, USA Gymnastics Meet Director, and RAS counselor. She holds a B.Ed. in Early Childhood Development from the University of California, Los Angeles.
    Gymnastics Instructor
    Expert Answer
    It depends on your confidence level and how quickly you can learn. For instance, a 3-year old might do this move easily, while an adult is just starting to learn.
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    How can I stop being scared of doing backwards gymnastics skills?
    Community Answer
    If you picture yourself doing it correctly, that will help. Also, if you are practicing on a soft surface, you will know that if you fall, you will not get hurt. If you have a spotter that you trust, they will make sure that you don't fall.
  • Question
    Will the splits hurt?
    Community Answer
    You should not stretch to a point where you are in major pain, but you should feel a slight discomfort, or else you are not stretching. After a little while, you should be able to do it quite easily.
  • Question
    It's painful when I try to do the splits, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    You need to do some modern stretches like leg ups, split handstands, and split leaps. There should be some discomfort but don't push it to where it hurts.
  • Question
    Are there other ways to help me practice the back handspring without a trampoline?
    Community Answer
    Get a spotter or go to gymnastics classes, but still stay on a well-padded surface. A trampoline is the best option, but if you don't have one, use a lot of pillows or soft items, with a spotter (if you're a beginner and not as confident).
  • Question
    How do I do a balanced handstand?
    Community Answer
    Practice against the wall, then each day try to come further off the wall so it you do it and fall, you will just be leaning against the wall. More help can be found at: How to Do a Handstand .
  • Question
    How do I do a front handspring?
    Community Answer
    Do it fast because if you do it slowly, you lose balance and fall down. Take off fast and put your arms on the ground. Do it like a fast handstand. Throw your legs over your head and try to put them closer to your back.
  • Question
    Which type of clothing should I wear when doing gymnastics?
    Community Answer
    Wear clothing that will press against your body and is not flimsy. Do not wear something that sags, such as an oversized shirt, nor something too tight such as skinny jeans. Yoga pants or a leotard are great options. If you can move with ease without tripping over anything, that's good clothing.
  • Question
    Can you do gymnastics tricks without equipment?
    Community Answer
    Yes. All you need is a soft surface. If you are new to gymnastics or not very good at it, you also need a spotter. Internet access is also helpful, to get tutorials to follow.
  • Question
    Do you stretch every day and go lower every day?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. You may not go as far every day. If you are naturally flexible, doing several splits one after another may make you go lower each time. This is usual for small children. If you are not naturally flexible, it will take a while to gain full flexibility.
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    How do I do a kick over?
    Community Answer
    When in a bridge, keep one leg in, and your dominant leg pointing out. Then push off of your bottom leg and kick your good leg over.
  • Question
    How can I stop being scared I will hit my head?
    Community Answer
    Trust yourself -- know that you can do anything if you set your mind to it. Don't think about injuries -- the more you worry the more likely you will mess up. Focus -- don't let your mind think about anything but the skill you are doing.
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    How do I do a round off?
    Community Answer
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    How do I do back walkover?
    Community Answer
    See How to Do a Back Walkover for details.
  • Question
    Is doing the splits a similar process to learning how to do a head stand, where it takes multiple practices and a lot of time?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The key to splits is flexibility: practice consistently every day, going a little farther each time.
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    How do I avoid landing on my head or neck?
    Community Answer
    You can't really avoid landing on your head or neck. However if you are scared of hurting yourself, use a trampoline to practice on. Then, if you do fall, it is less painful. Also, if you feel as if you are going to fall into your head or neck, try and move your body, such as putting your arms out so that you land on your stomach or elbows.
  • Question
    How can I do the move where my leg goes straight up, next to my head?
    Community Answer
    This is called a kick. Practice flexibility stretches, such as splits and lunges.
  • Question
    Will doing a back flip hurt?
    Community Answer
    It can hurt if you haven't stretched. If you think you will hurt yourself, don't attempt it.
  • Question
    How do I do the box splits?
    Community Answer
    Stand with your legs apart and slowly move them farther and farther apart. If your muscles are tight, stop and listen to your body. It needs time to adjust to this new position. It may take a few days, depending on your flexibility, to go all the way to the ground, but eventually you will get there.
  • Question
    If I can't do a handstand, can I do other things?
    Community Answer
    You will be able to do some other things, but not everything. Try to work on your balance and try out some different things. And keep trying to get your handstand -- it's important.
  • Question
    How can I do a backwards roll?
    Community Answer
    Practice getting the motion of a forwards roll correct. This helps because it is the backwards roll reversed. To start a backwards roll, sit up with your legs bent. Roll back like you're about to do a bridge, but tuck your legs in. Roll and slowly flip your legs back so your feet touch the floor. Now push your arms straight and lift you upper body up until you're in a standing position.
  • Question
    How do I learn a back handspring without injuring myself?
    Community Answer
    Practice on the trampoline as it will help you push up and go over, and if you fall, you'll just bounce back up!
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    How do I learn to use the beam?
    Community Answer
    Practice by placing a tape on the floor in a straight line that is the same width of the beam. Once you get used to moving on that, you can practice on a lower beam with supervision in your gym.
  • Question
    How can I stop being scared to do a wall handstand?
    Community Answer
    Practice with a good and reliable spotter, and practice on a soft, padded surface until you build your confidence.
  • Question
    What if I'm scared to do backward flips?
    Community Answer
    Picture yourself doing it correctly. Have confidence and ask someone to spot you. Try it on soft surfaces first.
  • Question
    How do I do a handstand while doing a split?
    Community Answer
    Practice your handstands and splits. Once you have a solid handstand, do a handstand, then lower your legs into a split. Your back should be slightly arced while doing this.
  • Question
    How should I have my hair so I don't put my hands on it when I do a bridge or other tricks?
    Gracie H
    Community Answer
    If your hair is any longer than shoulder length, you should have it in some kind of a bun. It doesn't have to look amazing, but ponytails can often be stepped on.
  • Question
    How do I do the one where I flip back into a crab?
    Community Answer
    Keep your hands by your ears and ease yourself down to the ground slowly, arching your back and slightly bending your legs. If you are attempting this for the first time, fall backwards onto a bed or something soft.
  • Question
    How long does it take to get flexible?
    Community Answer
    If you stretch regularly every day, you'll start to notice a difference within a month or so for sure.
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