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Q&A for How to Drive Smoothly with a Manual Transmission
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QuestionWhy does the engine shut off when I try to move slowly without applying pressure to the gas pedal?Community AnswerThe car stalls if the RPM level is too far below idle. An easier way for beginners to get the car moving in first gear is to slowly release the clutch pedal and, at the same time, apply a small amount of pressure to your gas pedal.
QuestionWhat gear do I use to climb a hill?Community AnswerIt depends on how steep the hill is and on your car. Very steep hills can require first gear with almost redline RPM (very rare). Otherwise, second gear can handle the situation.
QuestionIf I am downshifting, do I do it numerically? Like 5th, then 4th, then 3rd, and so on. Or can I go straight to 2nd gear from 5th?Community AnswerIt depends on your speed. If you're in 5th and have slowed down enough to go into 2nd, then you can shift straight into 2nd.
QuestionWhy can't I shift while pressing the gas pedal?Community AnswerYou cant do this because when the clutch is in, the car is effectively in neutral and keeping the gas in will increase your RPM. This will either increase the RPM of the engine and cause a jerky shift and wear the clutch or, in worse scenarios, it will damage either your engine or transmission.
QuestionShifting into a lower gear and removing your foot off of the accelerator to slow your vehicle is known as?Community AnswerIt's called engine braking. Downshifting isn't necessary in everyday driving unless the speed is suitable and you can also use that gear to get going again.
QuestionCan I run the car in first gear for some distance with the help of only the clutch by slowly releasing it without giving gas? Or it is necessary to give gas, especially in a heavy traffic area where the car is required to stop and run frequently?Community AnswerYes! You can let off the clutch slowly to make the car move forward in first gear.
QuestionI drive a stick shift and I'm always scared that I'll stall when going uphill. How can I overcome/avoid this?Community AnswerPractice and challenge the hill. Put your gear into first when you get there after you have stopped. While your right foot is on the brake and left foot is on the clutch, put your right foot on the gas and press and release your left foot off the clutch. Keep doing this until you feel confident. Then you can drive in the hills of San Francisco.
QuestionIs it good if I shift too fast to a higher gear to reduce fuel consumption?Community AnswerYes, avoiding excessively high RPM reduces fuel consumption.
QuestionCan I ride the clutch in traffic?Community AnswerYou "can" if you really want to, but keep in mind that by doing so, you're reducing your clutch's life span, along with the lifespans of your flywheel and bearings.
QuestionWhen in 5th gear and coming to a stop, can I just go to neutral and fully stop? Also, if I don't downshift before stopping and just go to neutral and then to 1st gear when taking off, will I mess up the clutch?Community AnswerDo as the article says, brake in gear. The reason for that is fuel efficiency. The engine runs on the kinetic energy of the car and doesn't need extra fuel to keep running. Brake until you feel the engine is about to stall, and then depress the clutch. Only shift into 1st if you're stopped or moving at walking speed or less. Shifting into a low gear at high speeds can damage the transmission.
QuestionWhat is the process of shifting the gear from 5th to a complete stop?Community AnswerIf you have to stop suddenly and you are in fifth gear, simply step on both the brake and clutch pedal until you're stopped. You can then change into first gear to start driving again.
QuestionCan the clutch reduce the vehicle speed?Community AnswerYes. There is a method of controlling speed using the clutch known as clutch control. This involves feathering the clutch on the bite zone while moving slowly. This can help control your speed when you're in traffic or crowded spaces such as parking lots.
QuestionCan I shift to fifth gear under 60 KPH?Community AnswerYou can, but it won't help you accelerate. Higher gears give you more speed. Lower gears give you more torque. Stay in fourth until you get to 3000 RPM. and then shift up.
QuestionWhen in fifth gear and coming to a complete stop, is it bad if I hold in the clutch the entire time as I'm shifting down to fourth, third, second and first gear?Community AnswerYes, because holding down the clutch is called coasting. This is bad because you will not have control of the car.
QuestionWhat will happen to my car if I accidentally shifted into reverse while driving?Community AnswerThe design of the car will not allow you to do this.
QuestionCan an individual that is currently in any gear higher than 2, simply press in the clutch and go directly into neutral for a complete stop, i.e. for an unexpected traffic jam?AcyclistTop AnswererIf the traffic has completely stopped in front of you, is not creeping forward, and you know you'll be stopped for about 2 or more minutes, then go for it, but ensure you apply the handbrake.
QuestionHow do I master taking off while driving with a manual transmission?Community AnswerPractice. Keep the gear in first if you're not in front of the lane in case the guy behind you does not stop. If you are behind a lot of care, leave the gear in neutral and rest your left foot.
QuestionWhy do my truck gears make a grinding noise when downshifting?AcyclistTop AnswererDepending on the age of the truck, it's entirely possible that the syncromesh in some/all of your gears have gone. To replace these requires taking the entire transmission apart, so it's therefore a very expensive job. It's entirely up to you, but you can learn to rev match and double de-clutch to attempt to minimize the noise, or you can just live with it until the gearbox wears out completely.
QuestionHow do I stop using my handbrake at lights/stops and make sure I do not stall when moving again?AcyclistTop Answerer(WARNING: The following method is done at your own risk). Depress the clutch completely and depress the brake pedal just enough to hold you in place. Make sure you keep the car in first gear. When the lights turn green, lift the clutch up to the bite and hold it there, release the brake, apply sufficient throttle, and then lift the clutch until it is fully out.
QuestionDo all manual cars move from a stop without pressing the gas when releasing the clutch?Community AnswerThat's actually the jolt of the clutch being eased off and released up until it stalls because your not touching the gas.
QuestionHow can I quickly start the vehicle after it suddenly shuts off due to clutch imbalance?Community AnswerDepress the clutch quickly and start the engine. You have to maintain the clutch balance.
QuestionWhen I am turning a corner and I am in fourth gear, can I go to neutral, or do I need to downshift first?Community AnswerChange down to 2nd before turning the corner. Clutch down while turning.
QuestionCan I drive in neutral when coming to a stop?Community AnswerIf you are going 1-3 miles per hour, it's not the end of the world. But the faster you're going in neutral, the harder it will be on your brakes, especially going downhill. The smart way to brake is by using the brakes while in gear (engine braking along with brakes). Once you reach a near halt (2mph), quickly depress the clutch in and shift to Neutral. Avoid depressing the clutch slowly as you brake (this will fry up your flywheel).
QuestionWhich pedal do I use to keep the car on an inclined plane where there are other vehicles in front and back?Community AnswerKeep your right foot on gas and left foot on clutch about partway up until you feel the car is inching.
QuestionIs it good if you up-shift too fast to reduce fuel consumption?Community AnswerAs long as you don't bring the engine below idle speed or give too much gas at low revs. Doing either of these causes a phenomenon known as "bogging" the engine, where you can feel the car shake and stutter because the engine load is too high for the gear/rpm combination. If this happens, downshift.
QuestionHow do I rev my car?Community AnswerUse the gas pedal. If you want to rev without moving, hold in the clutch or put the gear into neutral to rev using the accelerator.
QuestionCan I press down clutch and foot brake at the same time?Community AnswerYes, you can step on both the clutch and the brake in order to have full control of the car in case there is an urgent need to change the gear.
QuestionWhen I am slowing down, do I need to step on the clutch at the same time as the brake pedal?Community AnswerYes, you can step on both at the same time.
QuestionWhy does my engine shut off when I apply the break?Community AnswerIf you apply the brake in high gear, the engine will slow down until it stalls completely. Just brake and as the car slips below idle, downshift.
QuestionWhat do I do if I'm in 6th gear and I need to slow down to a stop light/sign?Community AnswerDecelerate with the brake pedal (without pressing the clutch) until you're about 3/4 the way to the point at which you need to stop. Then, lighten up on the brakes, press in the clutch, shift into neutral, release the clutch, and brake to a stop.
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