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Q&A for How to Dry Wood for Woodworking
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QuestionWhat is the minimum period for seasoning of freshly cut teak wood?Community AnswerIn general, it depends on thickness and whether or not you are drying a log prior to cutting or slabs. Normally, it's one year plus if left in a somewhat regulated environment if a kiln is not used.
QuestionWhere can I buy wood that has been pre-dried?Community AnswerEverywhere. Wood being pre-dried or Kiln Dried is pretty much why you buy wood and don't just cut it off trees.
QuestionIf I totally seal the wood before it dries completely, will it still shrink?Community AnswerThe answer is no depending on what you seal it with, but in general, allowing wood to dry in the climate you live in (and to which it's exposed) is best. Unfortunately, that can take a long time, and it's absolutely best to seal the ends of the fresh cut cants or logs immediately to avoid splits as water will exit the ends faster (and unevenly). What you want is for the wood to lose its moisture through the surface, making sure all the bark is removed, it's in a dry place, and it's not subject to temperature extremes.
QuestionHow do I keep the ends from splitting when drying wood for woodworking?Community AnswerPaint the ends with paraffin wax. It will keep the moisture from exiting the ends and force it to dry out from the sides.
QuestionI dropped some blocks of wood into my swimming pool now they are wet--how do I dry them?Community AnswerDropping wood into the swimming pool won't make it wet unless left in there for a long time. If it takes a year per inch to dry wood, then you can assume dropping it into water isn't going to cause it to magically absorb water throughout the wood in a few moments. Just wait for the water to evaporate and then it will be just as dry as however dry it was before you dropped it in the pool.
QuestionI am trying to make chess pieces for a wood burned chess board. Do I dry the branches and cut or the other way round?Community AnswerYou cut to rough size, then dry. By cutting off excess wood to roughly the size you need, you encourage faster drying.
QuestionHow do I encourage multiple splits when drying wood for woodworking?Community AnswerShave off the bark, leave the ends untreated (not painted or otherwise sealed) and wet the wood and let it dry many times during the curing process.
QuestionWhat is the best wood moisture meter to use?Community Answerit depends. Two types are pin and pinless. Pin types have the advantage of measuring wood when green down to the fiber saturation point (FSP or 30 to 35 percent moisture content (MC). Pinless or RF measure the density. And you need to know the wood species to account for density and chemical composition. Pinless needs flat wood to measure correctly and only goes down to 3/4" to 1" max. Pinless are good for checking boards prior to woodworking and flooring.
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