Q&A for How to Escape the Condemnation of Hell With the Bible

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    Will you go to hell if you say curse words?
    Community Answer
    Saying curse words is not a mortal sin. Mortal sins are sins that directly break one of the Ten Commandments. If you truely love God and do not die in a state of mortal sin, you will go to heaven. However, swearing is a venial (minor) sin, and you should try your best not to.
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    Can we confess our sins directly to God?
    Community Answer
    Yes. See Mark 2:7: Who can forgive sins but God only?
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    Will I go to hell if I have sex before marriage?
    Community Answer
    It depends on who you ask. Some denominations do believe that having sex before marriage is a sin that must be forgiven like any other, but other denominations don't believe that this is a huge concern.
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    Will I go to hell if I watch pornography and masturbate?
    Community Answer
    No, as long as you are a Christian. Romans 8:1 "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." This means that if you are in Christ Jesus, you will not go to hell. If you are a Christian, and you are watching porn and such, you need to stop watching and confess to God. However, He will forgive you for it.
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    I killed my pet bird once and asked God for forgiveness. Am I going to heaven or hell?
    Community Answer
    If you truly feel bad about killing that bird, you would ask for forgiveness. God would purify you. But it all depends on if you really meant that you'd try to turn from all sin from then on. God won't ever un-save you, so if you devote yourself to God, you're living forever. But we do answer to God for all our mistakes.
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    Will God forgive me for listening to devil worshipper songs?
    Melody Taylor Suttles
    Community Answer
    There is no sin God has not forgiven. To be a Christian and sin means that we pay for our sins now while we live on earth by the decisions we make. God in heaven wants our lives here to be rich in life and well-being, but He does not let our sin separate us from Him. If you feel guilty and know in your heart that you aren't happy with some of your choices, then pray for strength to give it all up to Him. He is happy when we are honest with Him.
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    I'm a homosexual. Am I going to hell?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily; people go to hell when they are evil. If you have a kind heart, I bet you are not going to hell, even if you are a homosexual. Like everything, God is not just black and white. There are a lot of gray areas that we have yet to comprehend. The important thing is that you try to be a good person and act kindly towards others; God only worries about people's hearts and actions towards others.
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    What is fornication?
    Community Answer
    Fornication is sexual intercourse.
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    Is Jesus black or white?
    Top Answerer
    The reason we do not know the answer to that question is that the Bible does not contain a reference to Jesus's "color," and we do not have a photograph of Him.
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    Is baptism mandatory to make it into heaven?
    Community Answer
    If you have never had the ability to be baptized, but you love God, try to do good things, and avoid sin, it is most likely that you could go to heaven. Nobody truly knows. However, Jesus did say that to enter heaven, you must be baptized.
  • Question
    Will I go to hell for talking to elders rudely?
    Top Answerer
    If you make no effort to curb such behavior, then that is a possibility. Apologize to your elders, and ask for forgiveness.
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    Can I comment homosexual if I'm a Christian?
    Top Answerer
    I could never say this enough: a Christian who is gay is no less such than a Christian who is straight. There is no Bible verse saying that being homosexual is a sin. This said, some verses can be interpreted as condemning homosexual intimacy; I encourage you to interpret the Bible in your own way.
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    I have diabetes, am I going to hell?
    Community Answer
    No. Of course not. God loves all his children with his whole heart no matter what.
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    If I convert to islam am I going to hell?
    Community Answer
    God states the only one you can worship is him. Islam and Christianity do NOT have the same God and Muslims don't believe Jesus is the son of God.
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    When I keep repeating and praying for the same sin, will God forgive me?
    Community Answer
    He will, but if you don't stop your sin, God will eventually take action. However since you are praying for it, it is good.
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    Is there hope for me?
    Community Answer
    Yes, only if you have faith and lead a good life which pleases the eye of God.
  • Question
    Why does Jesus allow suffering and torment in hell if he loves and forgives everyone? Also if he knows all from beginning to end didn't he know may would suffer? Why would he allow that?
    Community Answer
    You may have heard this, but it's called the Free Will Defence. God, being omnibenevolent, decided to offer us the choice of: no evil/suffering and be CONTROLLED by him for eternity, or evil/suffering and having FREE WILL. We took this option and so Evil and Sin is a byproduct. So, hell is a place for those who had this free will but did evil with it, or did things displeasing to the eye of God. Many people in the world know of Christianity, so it's their fault for not becoming born again.
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