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Q&A for How to Get Permission to Use the Bathroom in School
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QuestionWhat if you have detention and really need to go?Community AnswerSay: "Excuse me Mr/Mrs (your teachers name) but I really need to use the restroom." If they say no, then say: "I respect your answer but I need your permission and I cannot absolutely wait any longer." If they say no still, go to the restroom and call your parent or guardian and let them know what you had to do.
QuestionWhat if you really want to pee and the teacher is not in the classroom?Community AnswerJust go. Request that a friend tell the teacher where you are if she returns before you do.
QuestionCan I fake going to the bathroom?Community AnswerYou can, but it is not advisable. If you are caught, there is a good chance that you will not be allowed to go to the bathroom again, even if you really need to go next time.
QuestionWhat should I do if I have my first period in school, and the teacher won't let me go to the restroom?Community AnswerIf it's a female teacher, whisper in her ear or ask to speak to her for a moment in private to explain your situation. If it's a male, just tell him you have a girl's problem to attend to -- he'll know what you mean. You might consider having a parent write a note so you're teachers will be aware you may need to use the bathroom more frequently because of your period.
QuestionWhat if I pee my pants and the teacher still says no!Community AnswerJust leave the classroom and go talk to either another teacher, the principal, or someone in your school's office. And let your parents know. Your teacher should not prevent you from using the bathroom in an emergency.
QuestionMy son peed his pants in school because of a teacher not letting him use the restroom. Now he doesn't want to go to school. What do I do?Community AnswerYou should talk to the principal, and perhaps the superintendent about what happened. Teachers cannot prevent a child from attending to natural bodily functions. Tell your son that accidents happen to everyone, and that people will forget all about it in a few days. You should also tell him that if this happens again, he should just get up and walk out of the classroom. If he is punished for doing this, once again, you should call and complain about this teacher.
QuestionWhat if the teacher refuses to give me permission?Community AnswerIf your class will be over in a few minutes and you can wait, attempt to do so. If you cannot wait, respectfully say that you simply cannot wait any longer, and exit the class. Verify your guardian of this after doing so.
QuestionMy teacher locks the door when we come into the room and we have a 3 hour lesson. He will not open the door for any reason, even sickness, for anyone. How do I get permission?Tom De BackerTop AnswererIn most schools in most countries, locking the classroom door is forbidden by law, specifically for safety reasons in case of a fire or evacuation. With attacks on schools and such, this is an ongoing debate. However, if you need to leave, for whatever reason, you must stand your ground and insist that the teacher open the door. If you are sick, or even if you need to use the bathroom, the teacher is obligated by law to let you go. Stay calm and polite, but do not give up until they let you go.
QuestionHow do I get permission after I have already been told no?Community AnswerIf you're a female, just say that you think you've started your period. If you're a male, and don't mind waiting a bit after class or school, simply tell them you really need to go and that you'll make up any lost time afterwards. They shouldn't argue with that because it shows your dedication to the lesson and proves that you genuinely need to go and aren't just trying to skip out on class.
QuestionWhat if I am too scared to ask?Community AnswerDon't worry about asking. Everyone needs to use the restroom. Raise your hand and say, "please, may I go to the bathroom (I really need to go)?"
QuestionWhat if I have to pee so bad that it hurts and starts dripping out?Community AnswerJust go, and run as fast as you can. When you get home, tell your parents what you had to do, you don't have to mention it dripping out, just mention it being an emergency, and you couldn't wait any longer.
QuestionShould I tell my teacher it is an emergency?Community AnswerIf it legitimately is an emergency, then you can say that. However, if it is not a real emergency, do not use that as an excuse.
QuestionWhat if he says no, and it's an emergency and I can't leave?Community AnswerIf it's an emergency, just go. You can always explain later. No teacher is going to imprison you in the classroom and no teacher wants you to pee on yourself.
QuestionWhen I have finished in the loo, it drips. People think I have wet myself, but I can't help the dripping. What do I do?Community AnswerAssuming you're male, give your penis a shake or two before putting it back in your pants. If that doesn't help, you can also use toilet paper to wipe yourself off. If you're female, just make sure you're wiping properly and using enough toilet paper.
QuestionWhat if I have bladder issues and am unable to predict when I need to go?Community AnswerYou should have a doctor's note on the subject and be able to use the restroom at any.time.
QuestionHow do I convince my teacher that my need is real and it is an emergency?Community AnswerJust leave, and when you return, reinforce that it was an emergency. If you face any consequences for leaving, talk to your parents.
QuestionWhat if I really have to pee, and my teacher says later and then never lets me go?Community AnswerTry waiting a few minutes and ask again, explaining that you really need to go.
QuestionWhat happens if they won't let me, but I'm about to poop myself?Community AnswerJust go! Your teacher should always let you go in an emergency. If not, just go anyway, and tell another teacher or the principal about it later.
QuestionWhat should I do if I have to use the restroom while I'm in assembly at school?Community AnswerLook for your teacher, then raise your hand or signal to them that you need to use the restroom.
QuestionWhat if I need to pee really badly, and I start to pee your pants?Community AnswerGet out the classroom as quickly as possible, walk or run to the nearest bathroom. Don't worry about getting in trouble, if it's an emergency, your teacher will understand. Clean yourself up as best you can. If you've stained your pants, go to the nurse or the principal's office and ask to call home.
QuestionMy thirteen-year-old son was molested in the school's toilet by his PT teacher. Now he is wetting his bed and not wanting to use the home's toilet. What do I do?Community AnswerFor now, you should have him wear diapers. Don't make him feel bad or like his fear is not an appropriate reaction to the situation, because it is totally valid. Talk to his doctor and ask for a referral to a therapist.
QuestionWhat if I'm called to the front of the class and I pee myself?Community AnswerThis is probably not going to happen. Make sure to use the bathroom as soon as you feel like you have to, don't put it off until the last second. If this does happen, just ask to use the restroom or to go to the nurse's office and clean yourself up.
QuestionWhat if I need to go on my way to school/class, and then I'm late because of it?Community AnswerWhen that happens, calmly explain that you were in the bathroom.
QuestionIf we only get two bathroom passes and I use them all, what do I do if I have to go?Community AnswerTell the teacher that it is an emergency. If this happens in a regular basis, inform your parents about the problem, and ask them to write a note to your teacher.
QuestionMy class is in a different part of the school building, what if I need to go?Community AnswerJust allow plenty of time to get to the bathroom, don't wait until the last second to ask. Your teacher should understand and let you go.
QuestionWhat if the teacher says I should have gone at lunch?Tom De BackerTop AnswererYou should always go whenever you have a break, just to be on the safe side. Nonetheless, if you have to go, you have to go, and no one has any right to stop you. Remain polite and calm, and say something like "I did indeed go at lunch, but now I urgently need to use the bathroom and would like to be excused immediately. I understand this is an inconvenience, but I can't help it."
QuestionHow do I ask permission to enter the class?Tom De BackerTop AnswererFirst, make sure the teacher can hear you. If the door is open, stand where they can see you as well. Then, make sure you are calm and polite. Wait for a break in what the teacher is saying, to avoid interrupting them mid-sentence. Then knock on the door, even if the door is open, and ask for permission to enter or to speak. Examples: "Excuse me, can I make an announcement?" "Excuse me while I return to my seat."
QuestionWhat if my teacher says no, and when I try to leave she stops me?Community AnswerIf it's not an emergency, just wait. If it is an emergency, state firmly that it's an emergency and you have to go. If she doesn't get out of the way, say you will not sit back down until you have gone to the bathroom, and you will talk to the principal about this. Complain to your parents later and maybe ask them to talk to the principal.
QuestionWhat if I really need to go, the teacher says no, and I pee in my pants?Community AnswerCall out that you've had an accident. It'll embarrass everyone, and you'll be allowed to go to the bathroom.
QuestionIf my male teacher won't let me go to the bathroom when I'm on my period, can I just walk out?Community AnswerIf you've made it clear to your teacher that it's an emergency and he still won't let you leave, then yes. You can always explain to an administrator later on why you had to leave against his wishes.
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