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Best ways to show gratitude to your guests after a big get-together
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The party’s over: the presents have been opened, the cake has been devoured, and the guests are all gone. The only thing that’s left to do now is write your thank-you notes to everyone who came and made the celebration a success! But what’s the best way to express your gratitude? With hand-written notes? A simple text? Thoughtful party favors? We’ll walk you through the many different ways to say “Thanks for coming to my party!” from the casual and everyday to the more elevated and creative!

How to Say “Thank You for Attending My Party”

  • Tailor your thank-you to the party. After a casual hangout with friends, a quick text to say “thanks for coming!” works, but after a wedding, go with thoughtful paper thank-you notes.
  • Thank the person for attending and for bringing a gift (if they brought one), and let them know how much their presence meant to you.
  • Consider including a party favor that matches the theme of the party. This way, your guests will remember your party for a long time to come!
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Casual Thank-yous

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  1. It’s an easy-breezy way to show gratitude after a casual or impromptu hangout, or for a party with people you’re on more intimate terms with, like close friends or family. It’s also more eco-friendly than a paper note!
    • You could send a note in a group text or email:
      • hey fam, ty for coming out last night! it was such a blast. let’s do it again soon. love, derrick✌️
      • Hi all, you made my birthday so special, and I'm so full of love & gratitude for you all! Thanks for being you and for celebrating with me!
      • yoooo girls and boys last night was something truly amazing, thank you all for coming out and havin a ball with me. see yall next week!
      • Dear friends, what an unforgettable day at the beach. Thank you all for coming and for celebrating my 21st birthday with me. I'll treasure the memory of seeing those whales together forever!
      • hey gang, the potluck-fundraiser last weekend was a huge success thanks to y'all: the food bank made over $3000 in donations! what a night! thank you, thank you, thank you! -ted
      • Friends and family, tonight was a blast. Thanks for making my special day even special-er! -Jonny
    • Or send individual notes:
      • Hi Mom, thank you for joining us to celebrate Henry’s birthday! He adores his new doll. He won't be parted from it for a minute! We are so grateful for friends like you. -Dana & Todd
      • Dear Cleo, Thank you for attending my birthday party. I was so excited to open your gift and find that new blender! I'm going to make so many cupcakes with it for the picnic next month! See you there, love, Addy
      • Hi Sasha, I just wanted to say thanks for coming to my party yesterday! I had so much fun and I hope you did too. I’m going to start using my new tea set IMMEDIATELY! Thank you so much for the beautiful gift!
      • Ben, I can't believe you got me a Nintendo Switch! I'm so excited, I've done nothing but play it all day today! Thank you so much for coming to my party, and for your amazing gift!
      • Tara, thank you so much for attending my party last week! It means the world to me. I don't think anything has given me more joy than this Etat Libre d'Orange fragrance sample set! I smell amazing! You're the best! -Dora
      • charmain, thank you SO much for coming yesterday and for all the BOOKS!!!! these have been on my TBR list for AGES and now i can officially add them to my TBR pile, hahaha. we should start a book club! ty so much <3 krissy
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Formal Thank-yous

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  1. After a big to-do like a wedding or a big-number birthday, match your thank-yous to the occasion and send out paper letters to guests, complete with a thoughtful note to the recipient.
    • Dear Deb, Thank you for attending my party last week. I can’t stop thinking about that vegan mac and cheese you made—I’d love to learn how to make it, if you’d be willing to party with the recipe! Warm regards, Martha
    • Dear Klaus, I’m so happy you could make it to my birthday. Your presence made the evening even more special than it already was! Best, Tanya
    • To the Martins: Your attendance at our wedding means more than we can express. We are so grateful to call you our friends and to have shared our special day with you. Endless thanks for the punch bowl and turkey baster! Wishing you well, the Smiths
    • Dearest Mrs. Klein, Thank you for coming to Edith's baptism party last week and for your thoughtful gift. She will cherish the American Girl Doll you brought her for many years to come. I hope you can join us next weekend when we celebrate the doll's baptism, which Edith will be conducting herself in the bathroom sink. Blessed be, the Watsons
    • Dear Louann, Marc, Rhonda, Connie, and Jake, From our family to yours, thank you for attending our holiday party! We appreciate your presence (and your sugar cookies!) more than we can tell. Until next time, The Deweys
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Funny Thank-yous

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  1. A thank-you note doesn't always have to be elegant and serious. Give your party guests a chuckle with a funny thank-you.
    • Hey, Mr. Party Animal! You made the night what it was. I'm so glad you could make it out! Next time, no tequila!
    • Joan, your presence at my birthday made the night almost perfect. But it was watching you dance like a bowlegged chicken that was the real highlight. 'Til next time! Biddie
    • Rob, you're the glitter of my life: thanks for sticking by me, no matter what! Don
    • Dick, Thanks for being the CEO—Chief Entertainment Officer of our home. Your jokes might not always hit the mark, but your effort never fails to entertain. https://www.handwrytten.com/resources/thank-you-funny-messages </ref>
    • Dad, thanks for coming to my party. I can always count on you to make me laugh, even when it's at your own expense! Dodie
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Heartfelt Thank-yous

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  1. When you're overflowing with gratitude and love for your party guests, don't hold back: let your appreciation and excitement show.
    • Miss Moffett, I'm overwhelmed at the beautiful quilt you made for Marge's and my wedding. It's just gorgeous. We'll treasure it, and its creator, forever. Thank you! Love, June
    • Dear Lane, Thank you for joining us to celebrate Henry’s life! Even during such a sorrowful time, we took comfort in each other and in the memory of our beloved Henry. We are so grateful for friends like you. Sincerely, Dana & Todd
    • We've never been so moved by a gift as we were by yours. In all my years, I've never seen such a beautiful painting.
    • My party would have been incomplete without your presence. I am so, so glad you're in my life, and I don't know what I've done to deserve you!
    • Dear Theo, I can’t express how comforted I felt with you by my side at the funeral last week. Your presence means so much after Mom’s death, and I know she was there with us. Thank you. Love, Matty
    • Mrs. Murphy, your support of my art career has made all the difference in the world. Thank you so much for coming to my show opening. It's all because of you! Love, Melinda
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Graduation Thank-yous

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  1. All your friends and family have come to con- grad -ulate you on passing the milestone that is a high school or college graduation. Send them a thank-you to let them know you appreciate their presence at your big day, and that you couldn't have done it without them.
    • Dear Uncle Lou and Aunt Louise, Thank you so much for celebrating graduation with me and for supporting me in my next adventure. It means so much to me to have family like you. Your niece, Jess
    • Dear Mandy, Thank you for coming to my party! Graduation is nothing without friends to share it with. I can't wait to come to your party next weekend! Your pal, Dave
    • Sharon, Thank you so much for celebrating my graduation with me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the new laptop! It's just what I need for college in the fall! Yours, Meryl
    • Dear Granny and Gramps, I am so grateful for your presence at my college graduation. Having you there to watch me walk across the stage means more to me than I can express. I couldn't have done it without you. Love, Nan
    • Dear Mom, Thank you for coming to my graduation and for throwing me a party after. I couldn't have made it through high school without your love and encouragement. Love, Sam
    • Dear Pops, Thanks so much for coming to my graduation party. I wouldn't even have graduated without your support. You're my hero. -Ichabod
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Baby Shower Thank-yous

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  1. The baby shower was a hit; now it's time to thank everyone for coming and for supporting you through life's big changes.
    • Mom and Dad, thank you for coming to my shower. I wouldn't know anything about being a parent if it weren't for you guys. Marnie
    • Thanks for helping celebrate Baby Jr.! He can't wait to meet you!
    • Dear Mrs. Mellencamp, thank you for coming to Ralphie's baby shower and for your thoughtful gift of a year's supply of diapers! I'm sure that will come in very handy! Love, Jameela and Ryan
    • Thanks for supporting us as we take on these new and exciting roles! With friends like you, we know we're up for the challenge.
    • Thanks for the basket of baby books! I can't wait to read them to Baby Sabrina when she's here with us! Thanks for your love and support!
    • We're so grateful for your presence at our baby shower last week. We couldn't do this parenting thing without you!
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Corporate Thank-yous

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  1. Whether you hosted a soiree for your work buddies or you invited your boss to your birthday party, send out a fun but professional thanks via email or letter to let them know how much it meant to you.
    • Hi Craig, I’m writing to let you know how much I appreciate you coming to my party. It was wonderful to spend some time together outside of work and get to know you better. Thank you for being a great boss. Regards, Marvin
    • Dear Natalia, I am so grateful for your presence at my birthday party yesterday. It was a pleasure to celebrate together. I feel so lucky to have you as a colleague. Best regards, Bobbie
    • Hi Lukas, I am so glad you made it to my dinner party. The night was a triumph, primarily due to the presence of my wonderful coworkers, including you. Looking forward to continued professional success. Regards, Glenda
    • Dear Mr. Barnes, It was a pleasure to see you at my barbecue last week. I enjoyed getting the chance to chat outside of work, and I look forward to many more barbecues in the future. Please also thank Mrs. Barnes for attending and for her wonderful rhubarb pie, which was the hit of the party! Warm regards, Melinda
    • Dear Dr. Li, I hope you are well. I wanted to express my appreciation for your presence at my dinner party on Sunday. Your attendance (and the delicious lasagna you brought) made the evening the success it was. I look forward to our work together, and to more dinner parties in the future. Best, Dr. Fran
    • Dear Xander, Thank you for attending my daughter's recital last Saturday. The evening was a special one, and I'm grateful for your presence! Tell Jack I say hello, and please thank him for attending as well. We hope to see you both again soon. Best, Patty
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Thank-yous for Party Helpers

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  1. Whether your party was planned or catered by a professional or you just had some assistance throwing your soiree from friends, don’t forget to acknowledge your helpers’ time and energy .
    • Hi Marty, Thank you so much for helping decorate before the party yesterday. I’m so grateful for your help and support! The party wouldn’t have been the success it was without you! -Deena
    • Dear Emily, You’re the best wedding planner on the planet! Thank you so much for making sure my special day went by without a single hitch. Every last detail was perfect. I truly appreciate it. Best, Mary
    • Dear Hans, I can’t thank you enough for catering my party last week. Every bite of your lasagna was incredible—and that crème brulée was to die for! Next time I throw a party, I’m reaching out to you again! Thanks, Phil
    • Dear Miss Diehl, What a beautiful tea party you put together for our knitting club! This was the best yearly assembly yet, and it's all thanks to you. From the variety of teas to the pastries in the shape of yarn balls, everything was just marvelous. We'll be in touch about next year's party, no doubt! All our best, the Knit-wits Knitting Club
    • Hello Emil, The whole team is grateful for your hard work putting together last weekend's festival. It was a smash hit! I don't know how you knew to prepare extra corndogs, but you were right! We'll never forget the amazing weekend, and all the love and care you put into it.
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  1. Even if they couldn’t make it to your party, take a moment to acknowledge a “happy birthday” note on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platforms.
    • Hi Aunt Lynn! Thank you so much for the happy birthday wishes and for the lovely sweater you sent! I wish we could be together in person to celebrate, but I’m sure I’ll see you next time I’m in town. I hope all is well. Love, Danny
    • hi beth! it’s been too long! thank you for your well wishes—i hope we can catch up sometime soon IRL
    • Mr. Collins, thank you so much for the warm wishes! I miss coming over for dinner on Sundays. Next time you're in the area, you come by! Give Mrs. Collins my best. -Darla
    • Thanks for the happy birthday wishes, Mom! I love you! Can't wait for the party this weekend!
    • what's up dean! thanks for the shoutout! wish you were here!
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Party Favors to Say Thank You

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  1. Party favors are great ways to show you appreciated someone’s presence as well as give them something tangible to remind them of your party for years to come. Send them in the mail with your thank-you notes—or hang them out at the door as your guests leave the party!
    • For a kid’s birthday party, you could send guests off with a goodie bag of generic plastic party favors, but if you want to be more eco-conscious, try something more creative, like cool rocks, or even money! [1]
    • Don’t be afraid to get creative or try to match the party’s theme. For instance, after a tea party, you might send guests away with tea cups—don’t want to break the bank? Try thrifting tea cups!—and put a few of your favorite tea bags or cookies in the cup for guests to enjoy later.
    • For a more elegant, formal event, like a wedding, consider doing a bit more planning: for instance, you can make (or hire a professional) bespoke perfume or a bespoke candle that will remind guests of your special day whenever they smell it.
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Expert Q&A

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      • Be sure to send out thank-you notes as soon as you can. Ideally, send them within a week following the event, but it's still OK to send them weeks later. Better late than never! [2]
      • Opt for handwritten notes over typed notes, if possible—they’re more personal. [3]
      • Etiquette expert TamiClaytor suggests starting a thank-you note off by thanking the person for coming, and then, if they brought a gift, tell them how you'll use the gift or why it's meaningful.
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