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Q&A for How to Get Rid of Your Boyfriend's Game Addiction
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QuestionMy girlfriend is upset about the fact that I play games a lot and sometimes don't respond to her. She says I act cold. She wants to leave me. What do I do?Community AnswerTalk to her and spend more time with her. Video games can't be your whole life. It takes more than one to make a team.
QuestionWhat do I do if I try to talk to my boyfriend about his video game addiction and he blows up at me?Community AnswerTell him that you're concerned about the amount of time he's spending playing games, and that it's beginning to affect your relationship. Try to cite examples of how this has happened. If he continues arguing with you, you might want to take a break to cool off and try to have the conversation again another time.
QuestionHow am I supposed to talk to my boyfriend about how I feel when he accuses me of controlling him? He also won't put his controller down to even have a conversation.Community AnswerIf he won't even talk to you he is probably not worth your time. You need to be respected.
QuestionWhat do I do to stop my boyfriend from playing so many video games and ignoring me?Community AnswerThis article provides information on getting rid of your boyfriend's game addiction.
QuestionWhat do I do if my boyfriend is addicted to gaming and we're expecting a baby soon?Community AnswerSuggest you both have a talk about the baby's future. Tell him that the baby is the future for both you you, not gaming. Suggest that he help in preparing for the baby and do fun activities with him.
QuestionWhat can I do to help my husband who plays internet poker obsessively any chance he gets and does it to hurt me because he says I am controlling?Community AnswerWhen he accuses you of being controlling, consider that he may be shifting the blame because he feels ashamed or guilty. Unless other friends are also telling you that you are controlling, it's likely it's a cop-out. Whether you are controlling or not does not make his addiction right, especially if it includes large losses of money or jeopardizes your ability to buy groceries or pay for housing. In that case, please find someone to talk to like a pastor or counselor.
QuestionWhat do I do if someone is addicted to online games?Community AnswerTry to talk to them and show them how you feel about them playing the game. If they care about you, then they wouldn't want you to be hurt by them playing the games too much. Make sure they know it is okay to play sometimes, just not every second of the day. You could also try to show them other activities such as things you like to do, other then playing the game, so this way they won't be so tempted to play.
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