How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Host a Harry Potter Marathon
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QuestionWhat kind of activity could I include for guests?Ivy Summer is a Certified Wedding Planner and the Owner of Voulez Events. Ivy has over 10 years of experience consulting, planning and coordinating weddings around the globe. She has also created a DIY online wedding planning workshop for couples, called "Plan Your Wedding Like A Pro." She currently resides in Greece where she continues to work with a worldwide network of planners and wedding professionals.You could have sorting hat activity! If guests know what house they're in, they could stick with that, but for those who don't identify with a specific house, you could have them sit down in a special chair, Put the "sorting hat" on them, and discuss which house they fall into. That can often be a super fun, interactive activity!
QuestionWhat kind of decorations can I use for a Harry Potter marathon party?Ivy Summer is a Certified Wedding Planner and the Owner of Voulez Events. Ivy has over 10 years of experience consulting, planning and coordinating weddings around the globe. She has also created a DIY online wedding planning workshop for couples, called "Plan Your Wedding Like A Pro." She currently resides in Greece where she continues to work with a worldwide network of planners and wedding professionals.You can recreate the floating candles look just by hanging painted paper towel and toilet paper tubes from fishing lines. That's a really fun, crafty project and the look is ultimately really cool.
QuestionWhen is a good time to take bathroom breaks during a marathon?Community AnswerYou could take breaks in between each movie or plan a set amount of break time every couple of hours or so. There's also an app called "RunPee" that tells you when there is a lull in the action of a movie so you can go to the restroom.
QuestionWhat if I only have 2 friends, how do I sort?Community AnswerPick a house for them, or don't do the sorting. It may be too hard with only 2 people.
QuestionHow do I host if I don't have any friends?Community AnswerYou can party by yourself or invite Potter-loving family members.
QuestionWhat type of food should there be?Community AnswerAnything Harry Potter themed will have your guests going crazy. Try making some homemade butter beer or chocolate frogs for people to snack on.
QuestionCould I plan to watch the Harry Potter movie marathon by myself if my friends can't come or if they don't like Harry Potter?Community AnswerSure, you can do whatever you like by yourself.
QuestionWhat are some tips for binge watching the movies by myself?Community AnswerSince you’re having it by yourself, make sure to have all your favorite foods with you and a have a comfortable place to watch the movie. Also make sure you don’t have anything planned the next day, so you can relax and enjoy your marathon. It’s really up to you what else you want to include, because you know what you like best.
QuestionHow do I get friends to agree to do this with me?Community AnswerMake sure you take breaks between the movies and have plenty of comfortable seating and, of course, plenty of food.
QuestionCan I do this with only three of the films?Community AnswerOf course!
QuestionWhat alternatives can I try since I am in India and I can't do the things you recommend?Community AnswerYou can make food from the movies, but it's really not necessary, just normal snacks would be fine. Decor is great, but if you don't have any it won't matter because you'll be watching the movie not the decor! Don't stress about it, just enjoy your marathon!
QuestionHow do I host a Harry Potter marathon if I don't have much room in my house and my family is irritating?Community AnswerMaybe you can host the marathon with a friend and watch the movies at his or her house. But you could also talk to your family about this problem. Especially if you don't host a lot of things at home, you could convince them to keep out of the living room for this one event.
QuestionHow can I do the sorting if I have a bunch of Harry Potter fan friends, but if there's only one in Slytherin and one in Gryffindor?Community AnswerWhatever house your guests are in is fine. Remember, you are hosting the party to watch Harry Potter, not only to do the sorting.
QuestionCan I serve food that's not Harry Potter themed at a Harry Potter marathon?Community AnswerSure, but if you wanted to have an added effect, you may want to have Potterverse-themed snacks.
QuestionHow do I host a Harry Potter marathon if I don't like Harry Potter?Community AnswerEven if you don't like Harry Potter, just assemble all the movies, some fun food and make the place comfy for everyone. And then you can just let everyone sit back and watch the movies but be such a good host running around checking everyone has enough food, go bake more, etc., that you have excuses to keep missing lots of the movies. You could also play games on your phone during the movies if you'd prefer.
QuestionWould you recommend browsing Pottermore shortly before or after the marathon?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYou don't have to, however if you want to browse Pottermore, you certainly can! This is optional.
QuestionWhat if I don't want to play "Muggle Quidditch"? Can I just do snacks?SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYou don't have to play Quidditch. Just provide enough Harry Potter-themed stuff so people know it has to do with Harry Potter.
QuestionEvery time I send my marathon invitation, nobody comes. Is this because they don't like me? Or just because they don't like Harry? How do I force them to come...SunPuppyCommunity AnswerYou can't force them to come, they have to come on their own. If you want them to come, don't be forceful about it. Tell them everything about your marathon. You shouldn't get them to come against their own will, but instead encourage them to come.
QuestionWhat if my parents won’t let me stay up late enough to watch all the movies?CnemesiCommunity AnswerGo to bed and then start again the next morning! Nobody stops you from watching the movies with your own rhythm.
QuestionHow can I turn this into a sleepover party?CnemesiCommunity AnswerJust ask your friends to stay over for the night. You can stay up to watch the movies together or sleep and then finish.
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