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Q&A for How to Install an Electric Fence
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QuestionHow do we connect the electricity to another high-tension wire?Anthony "TC" Williams is a Professional Landscaper in Idaho. He is the President and Founder of Aqua Conservation Landscape & Irrigation, an Idaho Registered Landscape Business Entity. With over 21 years of landscaping experience, TC has worked on projects such as the Idaho Botanical Garden in Boise, Idaho. He is a Idaho Registered Contractor and a previously Licensed Irrigator in the State of Texas.Pull the wire from one end post to the other end post. Attach it vertically down the post to desired height and pull wire back the other way. You will have to tighten the wire and anchor it well before creating the 'loop'.
QuestionI want to make a corral instead of a straight line fence. Where do I start stringing with ewire if it has to be the post furthest away from the charger? How do I connect the wire to complete the circle/corral?Anthony "TC" Williams is a Professional Landscaper in Idaho. He is the President and Founder of Aqua Conservation Landscape & Irrigation, an Idaho Registered Landscape Business Entity. With over 21 years of landscaping experience, TC has worked on projects such as the Idaho Botanical Garden in Boise, Idaho. He is a Idaho Registered Contractor and a previously Licensed Irrigator in the State of Texas.Start at one of the gate posts and attach from post to post all the way around the corral to end at other gate post. Put the charger any where convenient but not to near the gate as it could get in the way of gates.
QuestionWhat about the ends of the runs? What about entrance points?Community AnswerThe end of runs will simply be made into a loop and wound over on itself. It does not have to be a full circuit and can easily be used with one to three sides.
QuestionMy house is completely surrounded by woods. Can I attach the wire to trees?Community AnswerYes, you can attach wire to trees, but you will still need to use insulators. If you connect your wire straight to the trees, it will earth out and you will lose power.
QuestionIs the ground important when installing an electric fence?Community AnswerThe ground is only important where your earth stakes go. If you're dealing with dry ground, you can buy larger earth posts with material in them to compensate.
QuestionCan weeds touching the lower wire of an electric fence cause a short in the fence's electrical system?Community AnswerYes. You should ensure that grass, weeds, branches (even dead ones) do not touch the fence and provide a route to ground for the electricity. Check the perimeter regularly to ensure nothing is short circuiting the line. I have found that with a battery operated system short circuits caused by weeds or grass will not only significantly reduce the effectiveness of the fence, but also reduces the battery life.
QuestionDoes the grounding wire need to be insulated?Community AnswerNo. As long as the grounding wire doesn't touch the live wire, you should be fine. However, using an insulated wire for the grounding wire may extend its life. It may also make your system more reliable and less likely to get shorted.
QuestionHow tightly do I put the wire for cattle?Community AnswerUse a wire tightening lever sold at most farm stores. The wire should be tight for large animals.
QuestionWhat does it mean when the light flashes green?Community AnswerYou should check the instructions for the make/model of energiser that you are using; they are all different. Some flash red to show operating normally, some flash green when OK, then turn red when the battery charge is low or failing.
QuestionCan the ground wire be welded (soldered) to the ground rod?Community AnswerIt can, but not necessary.
QuestionIf the ground is too dry at the grounding rods, will the solar or battery operated fencers quit working?Community AnswerYes and No. Yes because dry ground has high resistance which means less shock. No because charger voltage remains constant but with less conductivity.
QuestionI am adding a larger pasture to the original. I still want to be able to keep the horses in the small one at night. If I use wire gate openers, will the fence work when they are not hooked?Community AnswerIf it’s not hooked together then no, it won’t work on the far side. Easy way around this is to use insulated wire attach to hot side of the fence run underground to other side of gate or wherever you're hooking the gate fastener to. This way both sections will always be hot even if you disconnect the fence connector.
QuestionIf I am not insulating the fence and it is attached to a wood pole, would it possibly ground-out?Community AnswerIt could only if the wood itself is wet like when it is raining or if the wood is not dried out completely.
QuestionCan a wire be threaded through a chain link gate or a field fence to electrify the gate?Community AnswerNo. The electricity would be shorted into the ground.
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