How to Build Your Future
Q&A for How to Live by the Spirit
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QuestionI want to live right with Christ, but I keep sinning. What do I do?Community AnswerRemember God loves you and knows you are human. Make a real effort to repent for your sins and prevent them in the future. Talk to your religious leader for advice.
QuestionHow can my heart heal regarding a hurtful, selfish brother?Jonah HammanCommunity AnswerJesus dealt with many hurtful people. Talk to your sibling honestly and calmly. You might bring in a mediator, whether it be a parent or pastor. If needed, ignore his hurtfulness and "turn the other cheek."
QuestionIs masturbation a sexually immoral act?Michael PikeCommunity AnswerThis is a very sensitive topic for Christian believers, and one on which there will probably a certain amount of disagreement. The Bible does not often describe the exact definition of "immorality," but most believers would agree that "immoral" means not in line with the moral code God gives us in the Holy Bible. Since sex and sexual activity were designed by God to be healthy and safely enjoyed only within the bonds of marriage, masturbation outside of marriage is not healthy in a moral sense. The Bible describes anything that takes a shortcut to pleasure or fulfillment apart from God's will and guidance as compromise, and compromise in a moral choice is not God's best for us.
QuestionI masturbate and I feel like I'm in the shackles of it. Every conscious effort to stop seems in vain. I don't want to keep doing it, but I find myself returning to it. I'm tired of living this way, what can I do?Community AnswerBiological pleasures, when abused, cab turn into addictions which often are layered by mental issues (don't think crazy or psychotic, but often issues with coping from breakups, abuse, other addictions). If you know you just can't help yourself, find a specialist or doctor that can help. If you can't afford one, attempt to do less. If you masturbate 3 times daily, try twice, then once, then a few times a week. If you are single, I would argue once a day is average; if you are active, then only the days that you are not having sex.
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