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Q&A for How to Maintain Your Treadmill
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QuestionCan I lubricate my treadmill?Greg Maurer is a Health & Fitness Specialist and the Vice President of Fitness and Education for Workout Anytime. With over a decade of experience, he specializes in functional training, yoga, pilates, exercise and aging, home exercise programs, and numerous fitness diets. Greg holds a BS in Exercise Physiology from Temple University.You should lubricate your treadmill on a regular basis. Depending on the make of the equipment, though, you might need to hire someone to do it for you, as the process can be complex.
QuestionIs it okay to leave your treadmill in an inclined position when not in use?Community AnswerYes.
QuestionWill running or walking on the treadmill without athletic shoes ruin the treadmill?Community AnswerNo, it won't ruin the treadmill, but it may be less comfortable for you.
QuestionWhat could be wrong if there sometimes is a shaking sound in the rear part of the treadmill when it is running?Community AnswerThe motor may be dying, but it also could be dirt in the treads or a loose part.
QuestionDoes unplugging after each daily use cause harm or save energy?Community AnswerIt won't do any harm and will save energy. My treadmill's user manual recommends unplugging it when not in use.
QuestionI've been told to leave the power switch on, even when not using the treadmill, because turning it off and on can hurt the motor. Is this correct?Community AnswerThis is incorrect. Turning the machine off when done or not in use is a practical energy saving idea; it does not hurt the machine's motor. Manufacturers suggest that you even go as far to unplug your units to prevent power surges from damaging your motor and electrical circuit boards when not in use. Or, if you want to keep the treadmill available for use, keeping them plugged into a surge protector is always a good idea.
QuestionWill allowing the treadmill to run without literally running on it cause damage?Community AnswerIt won't cause damage. There is less friction since your weight won't be on the belt
QuestionHow do I take off the motor cover of the TR1200-DT3 for cleaning?Community AnswerCheck your owners manual, or find it and download a manual from online. However, there are usually screws hidden/blended into the plastic housing to reach the motor; cleaning dust from around the motor is always a good idea. If you are speaking about the metal casing around the actual motor itself, though, it is not removable unless you are a skilled small engine machinist who rebuilds these units. Locate an electrical small motor factory business if you have a problem. That said, most treadmill motors need no maintenance nor lubrication other than keeping a clean working environment around them.
QuestionThe motor on my treadmill will not start. How can I fix it?Community AnswerCheck fuses and wiring. If they are okay, then the motor is toast. You can probably get it repaired if you can remove it, or just find another one with same part number.
QuestionAfter about 25 minutes, we detect a hot smell from the treadmill and the cover gets very warm. Does the motor need oil?Community AnswerThe motors do get warm anyway due to friction, and can get quite hot but there should never be a smell from it. Try to lubricate it as per manual instruction. If that fails, then don't use it again because the motor could burn out and catch fire, and the fumes are toxic. Make sure the mat is lined up properly and not rubbing anywhere as this may also cause a rubber burning smell.
QuestionThe power comes on for my treadmill and the display says safe, but the belt won't operate. What do I need to do?Meagan McChesneyCommunity AnswerThis is likely the result of an issue with your treadmill's internal computer, or a malfunction with the belt. You may need to get the belt replaced (your warranty might cover this), or have a repair technician look into the internal computer.
QuestionWhat do I do if it feels like my treadmill belt slips when on my treadmill?Meagan McChesneyCommunity AnswerThis means that the belt has gotten too loose and needs to be tightened. As described in this article, you can usually tighten the belt by adjusting the bolts on the back of the machine clockwise with an Allen wrench. How you do this varies from one machine to another, however, so make sure you read the owner's manual first.
QuestionWhen treadmills show "Error E-1", is it saying something specific or is it broken?Meagan McChesneyCommunity AnswerThis error code generally means that one of the wire connections within the treadmill is loose. You might be able to fix this by checking all of the wire connections inside the treadmill's computer screen and inside the hood. If you aren't able to find the loose connection, this could be the result of a bad wire, in which case you'll need a technician to fix the issue.
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