Q&A for How to Make a Friend Jealous

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    How do I make my friend jealous over a text?
    Community Answer
    Text them saying, "Can't wait for our plans tonight!" or something along those lines. Then, a few minutes later text, "Sorry wrong person."
  • Question
    How do I ignore annoying people and let them know I don't care about them?
    Community Answer
    Don't make eye contact if they try talking to you. Seem like you're uninterested, or make an excuse that you need to do something rather than talk to them. If you're confident, tell them straight up.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone doesn't care and just walks off when I talk to her?
    Community Answer
    Let it go, even if it's hard to do it. You do not deserve to be treated like that. Find other friends who will treat you with respect.
  • Question
    How can I make someone think I am hiding an important secret?
    Community Answer
    Start saying something in front of him, but then stop in the middle of the sentence, and say, "Whoops, I didn't mean to say that". Then start whispering something to your other friends, very suspiciously.
  • Question
    How to show my friends I am having fun?
    Community Answer
    Be authentic, smile and actually have fun. It's that easy. If you're doing anything to inspire jealousy rather than actually enjoy yourself, then guess what? You're not actually having fun. Making people jealous is hard work and removes you from being in-the-moment authentic you.
  • Question
    What should I do when a girl is trying to take away my best friend?
    Community Answer
    Spend more time with your friend. Plan some fun events and outings. Your friend will soon find that she prefers spending time with you. Don't act jealous or whiny--no one wants a friend like that.
  • Question
    What should I do if my friend is constantly trying to make me jealous by talking about her friends all the time? Should I try to make her jealous and brag about my plans, or do nothing?
    Community Answer
    Ask her why she is always trying to make you jealous, and that it is kind of annoying. Your friend will be embarrassed and stop trying so hard to impress.
  • Question
    How do I make my best friend stop hanging out with this one girl who is bad news?
    Community Answer
    Find a way to prove to her that the other friend's company is bad without seeming desperate to get rid of her. Maybe find a way for your friend to catch the other girl doing or saying bad things about her.
  • Question
    What if your friend is better at everything that you can do?
    Community Answer
    Some people are blessed with many gifts. You're blessed with being the friend of a gifted person. Learn from your friend, ask plenty of questions and get your friend's help when needed. In turn, consider whether you're trying too hard to keep up instead of finding out what you're truly good at, that special something that you'll end up being great at. Being jealous is a wasted opportunity, instead be a great friend.
  • Question
    What do I do if she doesn't care about what I've done to make her jealous?
    Community Answer
    She might be faking it, because she doesn't want you to know that she is jealous, but if she really isn't jealous, try this: if she asks if you want to come over, you can say something like, "Can my friend come as well?"
  • Question
    Why do people love to show off?
    Community Answer
    People usually love to show off to impress others. For example, maybe one of your friends are showing off a talent or how good they look to impress their friends or their crush/partner. People also love to show off to make others jealous. This may be a result of the person feeling insecure.
  • Question
    How do I know if my friend is already jealous of me? I have a really nice house, I'm pretty and popular and I think she's jealous of all this.
    Community Answer
    Is that really what you want from a friendship, jealousy? If so, you may have yourself an eager servant willing to do your bidding but she's hardly a friend. Think about cultivating a little humility and kindness in place of that egotistical outlook about friendship, otherwise none of your friends can truly ever be trusted as liking you for you.
  • Question
    What if she is not giving importance or attention to me?
    Community Answer
    Maybe you should reciprocate and not pay attention to her.
  • Question
    If my friend broke a wrist, should I pretend mine is broken. too?
    Community Answer
    No. It would be very hard to believe a coincidence like that. Your friend who broke her wrist might think you're lying and that you are trying to take attention away from her. That might lead to other conflicts.
  • Question
    How can I make my friend cry and be jealous?
    Community Answer
    Why would you want to make them cry? That's not being a very good friend. As for jealous, just send a message about plans or something and then say, "Sorry, wrong person," or act like you are hiding something or have something they don't have.
  • Question
    What if a friend is really jealous of my close relationship with another friend? I want to make her mad because she annoys me.
    Community Answer
    Spend lots of time with that person, and if you see your other friend, then try and make it look like you are having way more fun with the friend you are closer to.
  • Question
    How long do these things usually take?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your friend. She may be a person who does not become jealous easily.
  • Question
    What if they are bullying me, like saying bad words and hitting me?
    Swagcat lover C A T S !!
    Community Answer
    Report it. If someone hits you, they can get in serious trouble. Don't worry about them being mad at you, just report it! If you absolutely can't report it, stay away from them and make new friends.
  • Question
    How do I make someone jealous without it being obvious?
    Community Answer
    Don't make it look like your fake laughing, but you want to look at your friend and laugh. This will make them jealous.
  • Question
    Can I steal the boy that she likes and have fun with that boy? Could I also take pictures of us together and post them on social media?
    Community Answer
    You could, but if you don't really like that boy, you'd be using him and taking advantage of his feelings, and that's not very nice.
  • Question
    How can I get my friend to be jealous of me but not let her know I am trying too hard to get attention?
    Community Answer
    Do little things at first, like learning some new craze that you know they can't do. Explore their personality a bit before doing things to make her jealous. What is it they love that you can be better at than them? Make sure you truly love what you're doing otherwise you won't get anywhere, and just try your best and she'll soon see you're better than her!
  • Question
    How can I know if they are jealous?
    Swagcat lover C A T S !!
    Community Answer
    They might ignore you, glare at you, or rant about not having something that you have.
  • Question
    My lifelong best friend made new friends her age (she's 2 years older), and she NEVER talks to me. She also cancelled our plans to go to a concert. What can I do to get her attention?
    Community Answer
    I strongly suggest you just end this friendship and look for new friends. I know it's hard, but it sounds like she's moved on. You deserve to have friends you can count on who put you first.
  • Question
    Whenever I play a game that my friend is really good at and I fail, he calls me a "noob." It's really annoying. How do I get him to stop?
    Community Answer
    If he's just messing with you in a friendly way, just laugh it off. Say something like, "Yeah, whatever, I'm a noob, ha ha." If you want to get him back, say, "Sorry I don't spend hours and hours playing this game, I actually have a life."
  • Question
    What do I do if my friend acts cool when I'm trying to make them jealous?
    Community Answer
    Your friend probably sees what you're trying to do and is showing you that you won't succeed. You might want to reconsider your quest to invoke jealousy. Is it worth the effort?
  • Question
    What do I have to do if my friend is not as caring as before?
    Community Answer
    You can try talking to that person to try to understand what changed between your relationship. If there's a problem, work together to resolve it.
  • Question
    In my classes, my teacher helps kids table by table. Every 15 minutes she rotates tables. But whenever I'm being bullied about who I am she refuses to help me because its not my time! What should I do?
    Emily C
    Community Answer
    Try talking to your teacher before class. Or you can tell another trusted adult, such as your parent(s)/guardian. Also, it would be a good idea to stand up for yourself, and tell the bully to back off. Just don't be mean and insult them, or else you are being just as bad as them, and you could get into trouble. Remember, people bully others to make themselves feel better, or because they are jealous of you. Don't let them get to you, and don't give them the satisfaction of letting them see you upset.
  • Question
    How do I make a friend leave my group?
    Emma Sack
    Community Answer
    Stop inviting them to stuff. Stop talking when they walk over. Or just walk away. Replace them with somebody else.
  • Question
    What do I do if I can't talk to friend to make them jealous?
    Community Answer
    Talk to other people about great stuff and tell them to also inform your other friend that you cannot talk to, that way your other friend gets jealous easily.
  • Question
    How do I deal with a friend that ditches me?
    Community Answer
    Put yourself in their shoes and try to think of reasons why they could be ditching you. If they aren’t good reasons, consider talking to them and ask why they keep avoiding you. Remember to have a calm tone and be polite. If they continue and seem like a bad friend, then resort to the last option of finding some other friends to hang out with.
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