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Q&A for How to Make a Wi Fi Booster Using Only a Can
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QuestionDoes this really work?Community AnswerIt reflects a signal from the reflective side (inside of the can) to the antenna and vice versa, causing the signal from the antenna to go in one side. This almost doubles the signal going to the reflective side, while killing the signal on the other side.
QuestionHow does this work?Community AnswerThe can is acting as a parabolic reflector, just like on the old multi-element television antennas.
QuestionCan I use a plastic bottle instead of a can?Community AnswerNo, as it is not made of a reflective signal material such as aluminum is.
QuestionCan aluminum foil work just as well as the aluminum can?Community AnswerYes, of course. It's more about the shape and placement. So use a base (thick paper for instance) to make the appropriate shape in case of using thin foil.
QuestionCan I buy one on Amazon?Community AnswerYou can buy WiFi boosters on Amazon, but they won't look like this one (made of a can).
QuestionWhat if my WiFi modem doesn't have an antenna?Community AnswerPlace the modem next to device you want to connect.
QuestionIs it true that there isn't really a way to improve your Internet, that the only thing you can do is extend the reach of it?Community AnswerYour bandwidth has a ceiling based on your Internet service package. However, you can maximize that by having the strongest signal possible, keeping all devices on your network free of spyware/malware and, where possible, using an Ethernet connection rather than wireless.
QuestionHow can I get an internet signal far away from the city?Community AnswerYou can buy outdoor WiFi antennas on that can pull in an open WiFi signal from up to 6 miles away. That might be a potential solution for you depending on where you'll be exactly.
QuestionWhy is the booster on only one of the two antennas?Community AnswerYou can put it on both sides. Your choice. Putting it on one is economical and boosts the one side. Putting it on both is not bad at all.
QuestionCan I use an iron sheet?Community AnswerIron sheet won't be as helpful as the aluminum foil or a can. The reflector on foils and can are more than strong enough to reflect the signal to your device.
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