How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Master Your Foot Arch for Ballet
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QuestionHow do you exercise your foot arch for ballet?Geraldine Grace Johns is a Professional Ballerina and the Owner of Grace Ballet in New York and Los Angeles. Geraldine toured through New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and Korea as Jammes in Ken Hill's Original Phantom of the Opera. She has studied with the Royal Academy of Dance in London to become a teacher and taught for the Kudo School of Ballet in Yokohama. Geraldine also ran her own Royal Academy of Dance School in New Zealand before studying at the Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre in New York City. Geraldine was a guest coach and Master Class teacher in Toronto for the Canadian Royal Academy of Dance's Dance Challenge in 2018, 2019, and 2020. She was also a guest coach and Master Class teacher for the USA Royal Academy of Dance Challenge in Long Beach, California in 2019 and 2020. Grace Ballet Los Angeles has won recognition as one of 13 Best Ballet Schools in Los Angeles since opening her school. Geraldine is a contract Practical Teaching Supervisor for the Certificate in Ballet Teaching Studies for the Royal Academy of Dance.Sit on the floor so you have your foot out in front of you. Lean forward, making sure that your hip, knee, ankle, and toes are in alignment. Then, stretch forward, push the top of your toes, and stretch them over. You can also stand with your feet and legs parallel together; then, put the top of your foot on the floor (making sure it's in the proper alignment) and gently stretch.
QuestionHow do I increase the flexibility of my back?Felicity_smoakCommunity AnswerYou need to stretch and strengthen your back. To stretch, you can lay face down on the ground and have someone pull your arms up. If you want to strengthen your back, you can lay face down and lift up without your hands.
QuestionMy feet are really flat. I find it quite easy to go on my pointe, but when I'm done I usually feel pain. Any suggestions?Community AnswerDo some light stretching after (don't over do it). You might also want to ask your teacher if they have any suggestions for you, or to watch and make sure your form is correct.
QuestionHow should I improve my turnouts and balance? I haven't found any articles that have helped me so far.Community AnswerTry to use exercises aiming to strengthen your turnout, and not turnout from the knee. A good one is to lie face down on the floor. Lift one leg up, and, using your leg, write all the letters of the alphabet with your foot, without bending your knee or ankle. For balance, try rising in parallel, lift one leg up and try to make sure you don't fall over. If you really want to push yourself, close your eyes while doing it.
QuestionHow can I arch my feet lower as soon as possible?Community AnswerPractice pointing your toes as hard as you can for 10 seconds, then relax, then repeat.
QuestionHow do I know if my foot arch is flexible enough to go en point?Community AnswerYou can have a family member or friend push down your toes carefully to see your flexibility. Be carefu though, don't go too fast because this might cause injury. And it's only your ballet teacher who can assess your readiness for pointe work.
QuestionSo I have high arches, but every time I go en pointe, my arches cramp. Is this supposed to happen?Community AnswerIf you stiffen your foot and force the arch for too long, these cramps are common. Use your ankle more and toes less and this should help you with the correct position.
QuestionWhy does pointe hurt?Julia MarriotCommunity AnswerIt hurts at first because it's not normal for people to stuff their feet into tiny boxes and stand on them. But with proper training and enough work, it shouldn't hurt as much. There will be some uncomfortableness though.
QuestionI have carpet in my room so that is what I dance on. Are there any moves I should never do on my floor? I already know not to do turns (and I don’t except for chainés).Julia MarriotCommunity AnswerIt depends on what you feel comfortable with. Moves that are more challenging on carpet are things like turning, balancing, etc. Try things slowly and have a safe area to fall onto if needed.
QuestionWhat other ways can you stretch your feet to get a perfect arch?Nikita DamleCommunity AnswerPosition yourself in a classical pose and push down on the foot at the back. Your toes should be on the floor.
QuestionI don't have pointe shoes. Can I do it without them? Can do it with other shoes?VioletCommunity AnswerNo, you need pointe shoes. Other shoes aren't designed for this. You could get seriously injured. If you are just doing regular ballet, wear ballet flats.
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