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Q&A for How to Pick a Band Name
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QuestionHow do we make sure that our band name is unique and not taken?Scott Cushman is a musician specializing in the bass guitar based in Portland, Oregon. Scott strongly believes in a DIY approach to music and the importance of fostering a good music community on and off the stage. His band, Rad Max, has released two full-length albums, played shows all around the Pacific Northwest, and started their own music-and-movie series called So Bad, It's Rad!. They have been featured on Drunk Dials Records, PDX Pop Now!, & Tender Loving Empire compilations, have featured in a short horror film, and played with such touring acts as SPELLS, Daikaiju, and MDC. Scott received a BA in English Literature from the University of Oregon.First, you need to start searching online to ensure that your band name is unique and not already used by some other group. While a quick Google search might indicate whether the name is already in use, you may want to dig a little bit deeper. Log onto social media platforms to check if anyone is using the name there. Research streaming services because that is probably where the bands are going to push their music. Browse some music databases like AllMusic or Bandcamp as well. If you're going to attempt to trademark your band name and defend it legally, you might want to research trademark databases. You can check out whether the name is trademarked through the United States Patent and Trademark website. You might also do some global trademark searches if your band is international. Once you are satisfied that the name is clear, you may want to secure the domain name for your band's website and lock down the handles on social media platforms.
QuestionCould I start an alternative rock band in seventh grade?Community AnswerOf course, as long as you can find some other people who would want to do this with you.
QuestionHow do I get good instruments if all I have is boxes and microphones?Kalij2020Community AnswerIt'll take time, but if all or at least some of your members work together you could all save up enough money to get some cheaper instruments. Try to get a job if you don't already have one and are old enough.
QuestionI really want to start a band, but I have stage fright and would be the lead singer. What do I do?Community AnswerIf you really want to have a band, you would just have to get over your stage fright. A lot of famous singers have very bad stage fright, but they've trained themselves to get past it in order to perform. Work your way up by performing in front of just a few people at a time, then slowly moving on to larger crowds.
QuestionHow do I find members to join my new gothic rock band?Community AnswerAsk around, maybe someone at your school/work knows someone who would be interested. You could also post an ad in the newspaper. You could advertise online, or you could even hang up flyers.
QuestionCan I make a band and start with just cover songs?Community AnswerYes, many famous bands started out playing cover songs. Even the Beatles started off like that.
QuestionCan I use a name which might not sound cool until I come up with a catchy name?Community AnswerNot a good idea. Once your band has been established under the initial name, you'll have to become known all over again with the new name. If you've not yet come up with a catchy name, simply tell people that you're still weighing ideas for the band name; you may even get some great suggestions!
QuestionI don't know how to tell my parents that I want to start a band. Can you give me some advice?Community AnswerAll I can't say is tell them straight up. If this is something you are passionate about tell them that. Just go for it. "If you don't ask the answer will always be no." Ben Franklin.
QuestionHow do I find a specific member for my band as a teenager?Community AnswerThink about your genre or aesthetic. That way you can find something that fits you. If you can’t decide on a style or want to alternate genres, try to think of something “one size fits most”. You can think of band names by referencing a lyric, making a word using your initials, or just something you like.
QuestionCan my band be private if I want it to be?Community AnswerOf course it can, you can just play at home. It probably depends on what the other band members think though, you should involve everyone if you decide to do this. I would recommend playing at just small festivals or something to gain confidence over time.
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