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Picking a band name can be one of the most fun and most challenging parts of starting out in a new band. If you want to know how to find a classic that will represent your band creatively and uniquely, you can learn how to come up with a good list of names and pick the best one from the bunch.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Brainstorming a List of Names

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  1. Naming your band should happen only after you've gotten know your bandmates as player and as friends. Have lots of rehearsals together, get a feel for the sort of music you want to play, who your target audience is, your shared interests, your plans, and other important considerations.
    • Essentially, you are making a product. And you are trying to sell this product to listeners. In order for this product to be successful, it has to be aimed at the right people and you have to be 200% enthusiastic and passionate about your band's identity.
  2. One-word names have the advantage of being short, punchy, and easy to remember. Some of the greatest bands of all time have one-word band names that can be iconic and easily translated into a sweet logo:
    • Blur, Sleep, Kyuss, Genesis, and Death are all awesome single-word band names to take inspiration from. Just start flipping through the dictionary to look for cool words.
    • Give it a "the" in front if you want to seem old-school, or like a punky unit, and check out foreign words. Legendary metal band Pantera got their name from the Spanish word pantera which means "panther."
    • . If you want, add an adjective to your one-noun name, just like Arctic Monkeys, Black Mountain, and Crystal Castles did.
  3. Portishead, Lindisfarne, Sleater-Kinney, Boston, and Beirut are all named after specific geographical locations that meant something to the bandmates involved. Think about the streets you grew up on, or the name of the place where your band practices. Keep it local.
  4. Kennings are single words made out of two different words, and are techniques common to poetry and band names. Radiohead, Whitesnake, and Megadeth are all examples of band names made of two words smooshed together to make a new one.
  5. Animals always make popular choices for band names. Scorpion, the Eels, Gorillaz, and Grizzly Gear are classics of the genre. Start thinking of strange animals that haven't been the inspiration for a band yet. Yellow Squid? Box Turtles? Sun Bears? Think of an animal and decide.
  6. Every sweet, awesome, short band name has probably already been taken by some crappy jam band in Canada. Go with a long name like We Were Promised Jetpacks or ..And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead and make sure it'll be safe. Even if it sounds slightly silly,
  7. One good way of finding a band name is to pick up an old epic poem and start flipping through to random poetic phrases that you might be able to swipe for a literary reference in your band name. A Rose for Emily and As I Lay Dying are both named after Faulkner stories.
    • Check out old English poets like John Milton, John Donne, or Wordsworth. There, you may find phrases like "Disintegrated Angels" which might make for great band names.
  8. The Band went through a whole host of names, including the Hawks, The Crackers, and The Hokeys before settling on "The Band," which is just what everybody called them in the first place. Don't try to move mountains, just try for a simple approach if it's right in front of you.
  9. Sometimes, you can just change a small little things in a phrase to make it sound great. The Eagles is already a famous band, but what about Eagledeath, Black Eagle, Desert Eagle, Barbwire Eagle, or Eagle Meat? How do you think the Eagles of Death Metal got their name?
    • Bad english ensures it won't have been taken before. Ditto the umlaut. Def Leppard, Led Zeppelin, Mötley Crüe, and Blue Öyster Cült are all examples. But be careful about misspellings. Sometimes it works and other times looks like you're in a hair metal band.
  10. There are a number of website that generate potential band names. Type the phrase "generate band names" into your favorite search engine to find them. But beware, the names they come up with can be losers.
  11. However, a name may come to you all that you originally pass off as stupid or obscure, but if you keep coming back to it (all of you) then go with your hearts. There's a reason you keep coming back to it. And at the end of the day it is still your band. As long as you totally know why you've chosen the name and you can all relate to it, then you know you will never having a problem selling it as a product. And it will be something you will be proud of in 10 years time at school reunions or family occasions etc.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Picking Your Name

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  1. If you are a metal band, and indie-rock type of name doesn't fit the bill. You want someone who has never heard your band before to know exactly what you'll sound like, just from your name. Acid Meltdown might be a great band name, but it's probably better for a psych-rock band than a black metal outfit.
  2. After you've settled on a couple of names you think you like, start shopping them around to friends. Ask if they think Roller Derby Crash sounds like a good name for your new pop-punk outfit. Listen to their feedback and see what they have to say.
    • Ask friends who are already in a band ask them how they got their band name. Also when you decide on your band name consult family and friends to see if they think it sounds cool, catchy and appropriate for the genre you play.
  3. Maybe you're not crazy about naming your band Asterisk Wonderland, but all your bandmates are crazy about it. You might be willing to go along with it now, but it could become a problem down the road if you're not happy. It's important to address any issues when they come up, so you don't end up resenting your band.
    • If you're embarrassed about saying your name to anyone at all, then it's not the right name. This might exclude names with swear words in, names that insult any particular person or party, and anything sexually explicit.
  4. One of the tough things about picking a band name is that there have been lots of great ones picked already, and it can be tough to find a good one. The Warlocks? Sorry, try again. The Black Plague? Too late. Doberman? Taken. Fortunately, there's a simple and free database of band names that you can register with first, to make sure nobody else takes it. Go to http://www.bandname.com and look up your favorites.
  5. A lot of bands like to use some sort of formula to come up with a name. Each member thinks of a random word or maybe you try to force a phrase that ties you altogether. But it won't feel right. Remember, you are stuck with this band name for the rest of your musical career. Make it a good one that fits.
    • Give it some time. There should be no rush in finding a band name that works for you. If you can't make it work, just pick one of your last names and call it a day. But don't rush into a name that you'll regret being known by in the future.
    • It is possible to change your name if you realize it isn't working but this is lost time and often damages your reputation. Finding the right name is obviously such a vital part of your band's identity so deserves the time and natural process it takes to develop.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do we make sure that our band name is unique and not taken?
    Scott Cushman
    Scott Cushman is a musician specializing in the bass guitar based in Portland, Oregon. Scott strongly believes in a DIY approach to music and the importance of fostering a good music community on and off the stage. His band, Rad Max, has released two full-length albums, played shows all around the Pacific Northwest, and started their own music-and-movie series called So Bad, It's Rad!. They have been featured on Drunk Dials Records, PDX Pop Now!, & Tender Loving Empire compilations, have featured in a short horror film, and played with such touring acts as SPELLS, Daikaiju, and MDC. Scott received a BA in English Literature from the University of Oregon.
    Expert Answer
    First, you need to start searching online to ensure that your band name is unique and not already used by some other group. While a quick Google search might indicate whether the name is already in use, you may want to dig a little bit deeper. Log onto social media platforms to check if anyone is using the name there. Research streaming services because that is probably where the bands are going to push their music. Browse some music databases like AllMusic or Bandcamp as well. If you're going to attempt to trademark your band name and defend it legally, you might want to research trademark databases. You can check out whether the name is trademarked through the United States Patent and Trademark website. You might also do some global trademark searches if your band is international. Once you are satisfied that the name is clear, you may want to secure the domain name for your band's website and lock down the handles on social media platforms.
  • Question
    Could I start an alternative rock band in seventh grade?
    Community Answer
    Of course, as long as you can find some other people who would want to do this with you.
  • Question
    How do I get good instruments if all I have is boxes and microphones?
    Community Answer
    It'll take time, but if all or at least some of your members work together you could all save up enough money to get some cheaper instruments. Try to get a job if you don't already have one and are old enough.
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      if someone's in one don't take them out of it in case the person who runs it might get annoyed.

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        • If the name you take is already in use there's a good chance you will be sued by the band if they find out about it.

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        Article Summary X

        To pick a band name, choose one that represents your style of music. For example, if you’re a death metal band, “Purring kittens” isn’t very suitable. Try looking through the dictionary for cool, punchy one-word names, like Blur, Sleep, or Genesis. Or, combine 2 words you all like, such as Radiohead or Megadeth. You can also add an adjective to a one-word name, like Black Mountain or Arctic Monkeys. If there’s a reference from a book, song, or movie you all love, consider using this in your name. For instance, A Rose for Emily and As I Lay Dying are both named after William Faulkner stories. Whichever name you agree on, check it on bandname.com to make sure it’s actually available, since a lot of common names are already taken. For more tips, including how to get feedback from other people on your band name, read on!

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          Apr 2, 2018

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