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Q&A for How to Play Spin the Bottle
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QuestionWhat happens if they want more than a kiss?Community AnswerDo only what you are comfortable with. No game gives any person the right to expect more from you than what you want.
QuestionWhat do I do if someone kisses me while playing Spin the Bottle?Community AnswerIf you don't want to kiss them, then push them away and tell them to stop. If you are fine with it, then go for it and pucker up!
QuestionIs there anything special done if you spin the same person twice in a row?Community AnswerOften it depends on how you play. Some people will make it a longer kiss the second time, and longer and longer each time after. Others keep it as it is. It's a good idea to discuss the rules before playing, so that things like this can be agreed upon by all players ahead of the action.
QuestionWhat if I spin the bottle and it lands on my crush?Community AnswerStay calm, act like it's no big deal, and kiss them.
QuestionWhat if you're forced to kiss and you're called a loser if you don't kiss?Community AnswerIf you don't feel comfortable kissing someone, you shouldn't really play the game. If you're forced to, tell the people you are playing with that you feel uncomfortable and have changed your mind about the game and withdraw from it. If they call you a loser, just say "Yeah, whatever, at least I know my boundaries now, so thanks for helping me to realize this." and leave it at that. It's no big deal unless you allow it be one.
QuestionWhat do I do if I'm playing spin the bottle and the person I have to kiss hates me?Community AnswerIt doesn't really matter if the person you have to kiss hates you because these kisses generally mean nothing.
QuestionWhat if I land on a girl and I am not comfortable kissing another girl?Community AnswerBe confident and say that you are not comfortable with kissing another girl. If your friends try to force you, then remove yourself from the game.
QuestionShould I worry that I will upset my girlfriend if I am a lesbian and I want to play spin the bottle?Jennifer McNeelyCommunity AnswerNo matter what your sexual orientation, if you have a partner you should discuss it with them before playing. If it's just a game and they know it's all in fun they could be fine with it, or they could be really uncomfortable with the idea and prefer that you don't play. It would be better for your relationship to know how your partner feels beforehand.
QuestionHow old do I need to be to play spin the bottle?Community AnswerThere's no universal law saying you have to be a certain age, but, generally, it is recommended to wait until you're 13 or an age around that.
QuestionWhat do you do if they want more than one "prize"?Community AnswerTell them it's either one or none. Unless you're comfortable with giving more than one "prize".
QuestionWhat should we do if a boy gets another boy in this game?Community AnswerSpin the bottle again but if the two boys are okay with kissing, then they can kiss each other.
QuestionWhat should I do if the bottle lands on my sister?Community AnswerJust re-spin the bottle until it lands on someone else.
QuestionHow do I learn how to kiss?Community AnswerIt depends on what kiss you're going for. If it's just a simple kiss on the lips, lean towards the person and pucker up. If it's a more intimate kiss, like in a make out session, or a French kiss, lean forward and tilt your head to one side and kiss. If you're using tongue, then open your mouth slightly and press your tongue against the other person's.
QuestionWhat do I do if the person is the same sex?Community AnswerIf you feel comfortable enough, go for it. If you don't feel comfortable, then perhaps you shouldn't play the game (otherwise you'll eventually end up kissing someone of the same sex).
QuestionWould it be weird to play it with my whole class? Would it be awkward the next day?Community AnswerIt might be a little awkward the next day. Just make sure people know they can choose not to play if they don't feel comfortable.
QuestionWhat if we want to play with french kissing, but I don't know how to french kiss and I'm afraid I'll mess up or do something wrong?Community AnswerMake sure everybody is okay with french kissing first. Also, you might want to check out the article on How to French Kiss . Don't worry too much about "messing up," just do what comes naturally.
QuestionCan I play spin the bottle at 12 in England?Community AnswerYes. There are no laws or age requirements related to spin the bottle, in England or anywhere else.
QuestionWhat if I keep spinning and spinning and I keep landing on myself?Community AnswerTry to spin it a little harder or a little less hard. If you're spinning it the exact same way every time, it's going to end up in roughly the same spot, so just change it up.
QuestionShould 10 year olds play spin the bottle?Drawer18Community AnswerNot really. If you want to play, make sure your parents don't find out. Also, your friends might think of it as "gross". If you do play, don't make out unless the other person is comfortable with it.
QuestionWhat a should I wear?Drawer18Community AnswerWear what you would normally wear around your friends. It's just a game, not a fancy date.
QuestionHow do I deal with the after effects of Spin the Bottle?Community AnswerIf you are uncomfortable with the after affects, just tell the players not to talk about it, and then pretend like it never happened.
QuestionHow do I suggest to a group that I want to play spin the bottle?Community AnswerSay something like "Hey do you guys want to play a classic game." And go from there.
QuestionWhat if the bottle lands on someone you do not like?SPOENCommunity AnswerWell, it's the game. You kiss a random friend. You don't have to if you really really don't want to.
QuestionWhenever I go to parties, I really want to ask if we can play spin the bottle. I really want to play, I don’t know how to ask.BeecandidCommunity AnswerYou should just be brave and bring it up! Say something like: "Hey guys, how about we play spin the bottle next? It'll be real fun!" Or, ask a friend to bring it up if you really aren't comfortable doing it yourself.
QuestionWhat if my friends hate spin the bottle but I like it?Otterly BadgerificTop AnswererDon't force people to play a game they don't like or are not interested in. Instead, look for some people your own age who are keen to play it and then you'll have a chance to do so, such as when you go to a party where there are other people than your usual group of friends.
QuestionHow do you suggest this game?Otterly BadgerificTop AnswererKeep it casual, and just say something like, "Hey, does anyone feel like playing spin the bottle?" and wait to see what the responses are. If they don't know what it is, then you'll need to be prepared to explain what the game is and how to play it.
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