How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Play a Coined Spirit Game
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QuestionAre you able to play this game alone?Community AnswerYes, you can, but it is not recommended. Also, I point out that it is less likely to work if you are by yourself since spirits are using your subconscious to move the coin. It is better for you to play with a friend.
QuestionAre the predictions in the game true?Community AnswerMaybe, but you shouldn't take them too seriously. Not all spirits tell the truth.
QuestionIs the spirit game real or fake?Community AnswerIt is as real as you believe it is.
QuestionDoes this game really work?Community AnswerYes. I have tried it with many people (to see if anyone was moving it), and it really does work.
QuestionAre these spirits always good spirits?Community AnswerNot all spirits are "good," per se, but most spirits are harmless so you don't have to worry.
QuestionHow many people can play at once?Community AnswerAt least two, but not more than around five because then someone's hand could touch the paper.
QuestionWhat questions should we ask the spirit?Community AnswerYou could ask the spirit what year they were born, what their name is, how they died, how you can help them, if they are a good or bad spirit, etc.
QuestionCan I quit the game while in the middle of it?Michael Ng Choon HauCommunity AnswerNo. This will offend the spirits and they may be mad. Be sure to move the coin to the "END" or "GO" option before leaving.
QuestionMust I close my eyes during the game?Community AnswerYou can do whatever works for you, it's just a game.
QuestionHow many people can play this game?Community AnswerYou should have at least two people, so you won't be scared. You don't have to turn off the lights and light a candle so that the spirit will come; this is all just to make it creepy.
QuestionCan I ask a spirit to stay in my room to share rent, the power bill and the internet bill?Community AnswerYou can ask the spirit to pay, but it is highly unlikely that she will.
QuestionIs there any real danger associated with playing this game?Community AnswerNo, there is no real danger with playing the game.
QuestionIs it harmful to us?Community AnswerIt depends on each individual's affinity with the spiritual world. If spirits visit you during the game, you shouldn't worry -- most spirits are harmless.
QuestionWhat should we say to the spirit so that it doesn't get upset?Community AnswerDon't take your finger(s) off the coin in the middle of a game. Do not ask the spirit things like "Make me some cereal." When you want to finish the game, drag the coin over to the "end", wait a few seconds, then take your finger off. This is so the spirit gets the message that you're done talking.
QuestionWill the spirits will harm me in a coined spirit game?Community AnswerNo, the spirits will not harm you.
QuestionDoes the ghost really come to that sight?Community AnswerIf you believe it will, it will.
QuestionCan the ghosts harm me if I don't quit the game?Community AnswerMost likely not, but since the spirit world isn't completely understood, it's possible.
QuestionWill the spirit affect the candle flame while answering the questions?Community AnswerOnly if you ask it for a sign that it is here - which you shouldn't, as you don't want it to interfere with the physical world.
QuestionWhy do we need to light the candles or lamps?Community AnswerIt's just to set the mood.
QuestionWhat will happen if I leave my hand?Community AnswerThe spirit might get mad. You should take the coin-to-end option to finish the game instead.
QuestionCan the spirit do my homework if I pay it?Community AnswerIt depends on if the spirit wants to do it for you, but it's highly likely that the spirit won't. It doesn't have use of our money in the spirit realm.
QuestionCan I do it in my room, even if I leave my window open?Community AnswerNo. The windows should be closed.
QuestionCan I play it by myself?Community AnswerYou could try, but you may get creeped out, so try to play it with a few friends.
QuestionShould I close my eyes before starting this game?Community AnswerYou don't have to, but some people feel it is respectful. At least one person should have their eyes open in order to see what the spirits are saying.
QuestionCan 6 people play this game?Community AnswerYes, if there is enough space for all 6 to to touch the coin.
QuestionCan spirit understands all languages?Community AnswerThey prefer the language they spoke when they were alive, but yes, they can.
QuestionWould it be okay to try this at school with my friends?Community AnswerOnly if you don't get caught. Remember that some people may be uncomfortable and tell on you.
QuestionWhat happens if I use copper?Community AnswerIt will work as any other coin.
QuestionHow can I talk to a specific spirit with this game?Community AnswerMake sure everybody is quiet. Then say "Oh, Spirit of [insert name], we summon you to come inform us of your wisdom. Do you accept our request?" If your spirit says no, wait for one hour (no less) and try again.
QuestionHow do I close the game?Community AnswerMove the coin to "end" or "goodbye" to end the game. Let the spirit know it's time to end the session first. Do not remove your finger from the coin.
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