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Q&A for How to Prove Yourself a Good Person
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QuestionHow can you prove myself in school?Community AnswerFirst, show the teachers that you know how to balance school, home, and outside activities. Second, stay away from the things like drugs, unsavory crowds etc. Third, keep your grades up. Finally, go the extra mile -- If your grade, for example is a B+, ask for extra credit and that can help you bring it up and show the teacher that you're serious about school.
QuestionWhat should I do when I am jealous?Community AnswerJealousy is a natural feeling everybody gets once in a while. If you feel jealous, remind yourself that your life is great too, then work on the parts you'd like to improve.
QuestionHow can I prove my innocence to others?Community AnswerYou may not be able to. Simply speaking the truth about what happened is sometimes all you can do. Most times, the truth eventually does come to light, so patience and a humble willingness to be judged and misunderstood is sometimes necessary. Pray for God to give you the grace to handle it while you wait.
QuestionWhat if I have a bad temper?Community AnswerTry not to get angry. If you do, take deep breaths and calm down as soon as possible. Try to understand the situation from another person's perspective.
QuestionWhat should I do when people misunderstand me and don't listen to me?Community AnswerThink about what you're going to say beforehand so that you speak clearly and confidently. This will avoid a lot of misunderstandings. But if they still won't listen to you, find other people who are willing to listen to what you have to say and respect your opinion.
QuestionHow can I listen to my parents?Community AnswerFocus on what they are saying without distractions and understand why it is important to listen to them. Your parents are probably wise and can teach you a lot if you listen!
QuestionI love making people happy but I'm really shy. What can I do?Community AnswerThere are many ways you can make people happy without being an extrovert. Write letters, be kind and practice small acts of kindness each day.
QuestionHow do I prove myself a good person when no one believes anything I say?Community AnswerDon't tell them you are a good person. You will need to show them with friendly and kind gestures.
QuestionWhat if some people have been spreading rumors about me, and now everybody is ignoring me?Community AnswerStand up for yourself and confront the people who are spreading rumors. Tell them to stop talking about you. If someone asks you about the rumor, just say it isn't true. If this doesn't work, talk to an adult, like a teacher or a parent about what's going on.
QuestionWhat if I'm super shy and nobody talks to me? I only have 4 friends, and I like to be alone, but I also want to be recognized. What do I do?Community AnswerI'm the same way. Try branching out a little bit and talking to a few new people. Maybe you could challenge yourself to have a conversation with one person you don't know well every day. You could also sign up for extracurricular activities and/or sports to put yourself out there more.
QuestionPeople who I considered my besties now ignore me, what should I do? We even had a fight yesterdayCommunity AnswerIgnore them and find new friends.
QuestionWhy is it that I must prove I am a good man to women? Are men guilty till proven innocent?Community AnswerMany females in the dating category probably have been through many other relationships before you. Obviously they didn't work or she wouldn't be talking to you. She probably went through many non trusting, cheating and or bad guys so if she has built a wall to protect herself it's your job to break it down.
QuestionMy best friend is not honest with me; I think she is cheating on me. What should I do?Community AnswerFirst of all, you can't "cheat" on a friend. Cheating implies a romantic relationship. If you think your friend is lying to you, talk to her. Tell her your feelings. If you can't work it out, you may need to look for new friends.
QuestionHow do I get a boy who use to talk to me and fool around with me so much to talk to me again?FlutasmoradasCommunity AnswerYou might have just fallen out of friendship with each other, but if you start talking to him more you'll reach that point again.
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