How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Recite the Qur'an Perfectly
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QuestionSay I memorized the Quran but I forgot what I learned? How can I bring it back into my memory?Community AnswerThe main thing is to just keep reading it over and over. Revision helps your memory. Also, try to find a good teacher/family member who can test you on what you've learned.
QuestionWhat if my voice is cracking every time?Community Answer
QuestionHow can I read the Qur'an if I am blind?Community AnswerCopies of the Qur'an are available in Braille that you could read, if you're able to read Braille. The Qur'an is also available as a recording that you can listen to audibly.
QuestionI thought nobody but Allah is perfect, so how can we read it perfectly?Community AnswerWe can't read it perfectly, we will always make some mistakes. However, the aspiration to try your best to be perfect is what counts, even if you don't get there.
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