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Q&A for How to Record Phone Calls on an iPhone
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QuestionCan you record a conversation on your iPhone?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIt is possible to record a conversation on your iPhone but you’ll need to do so via an app or by using suitable external hardware because there is no feature on the phone itself that will do this (for the sake of protecting privacy). The article above explains the options you can use.
QuestionIs it legal to record a phone conversation?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerUnder federal U.S. law, it is legal to record a phone conversation if you get the consent of one party to the call (which includes you). However, this isn’t clear cut because state laws across the U.S. are different and many require the consent of at least one other party to the call, or even everyone on the call. Since recording without consent, especially where you’re not a party to a call, can constitute a criminal offense and also leave you open to civil proceedings for damages, if you want to record a telephone call, then it’s always safest to ask the other parties for their consent before you start recording. To help you avoid any legal problems of recording a phone call, check out How to Avoid Legal Problems when Recording a Phone Conversation .
QuestionHow do you record your screen on iPhone?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerFor help with recording your screen on an iPhone, check out the wikiHow How to Record Your Screen on iPhone or iPad . You’ll need iOS11 or later for doing this, so you may need to update your iPhone.
QuestionHow can I use my iPhone to record a meeting?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerTo record your meeting, use the Voice Memos app on the iPhone. To find this, go to the Utilities folder and tap the Voice Memos icon to open it. Place the iPhone in a good position to capture the speakers, such as in front of you on the table where the meeting is being held, and aim the microphone towards those speaking (the microphone is on the base of the iPhone). To start recording, tap the Record button and when the meeting is done, simply tap Pause. The meeting will be recorded and will sit in the List button (3 stripes) in the Voice Memos app.
QuestionCan I record phone conversation on my kid's phone that is under my name?Community AnswerThere is a software called "mSpy" that allows you to monitor almost everything on any phone. Look up the laws for wherever you live and make sure you don't cross them, but it's legal in most places to use one of these types of software to monitor your own children (especially if you are responsible for the phone and the phone bill).
QuestionI have downloaded a tracking device on the target phone. Is there an app that will automatically record all phone calls (incoming and outgoing) and texts (if available)?Community AnswerThere is software that logs just about everything (there's one called "mSpy", but it's not free), but it's meant for parents who have the right to monitor their children's devices. Most places have laws about monitoring someone's device without consent or without them knowing; find out the laws for your area. if the target phone is a jailbroken iPhone there are some tweaks you can get like keyloggers that log everything the user types throughout the phone. There is also a tweak that answers FaceTime and phone calls automatically on the target device (not sure what its called) so you can call it and hear what's going on without the person answering, but again there are laws on that kind of stuff.
QuestionWhy is there a perceptible beep every 20 seconds when I record phone calls on my iPhone?Community AnswerThat's just to show that the program is still working.
QuestionHow can I record a conversation in a room?Community AnswerOn an iPhone, there is a "voice memos app" included with every software. For best results, be in a quiet area so you can clearly understand the conversation.
QuestionCan I enter a conference call using a passcode and then record that call?Community AnswerYes, you can.
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