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Q&A for How to Save an Overwatered Plant
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QuestionWhat causes brown spots on a plant if it isn't overwatered?Chai Saechao is the Founder and Owner of Plant Therapy, an indoor-plant store founded in 2018 based in San Francisco, California. As a self-described plant doctor, he believes in the therapeutic power of plants, hoping to keep sharing his love of plants with anyone willing to listen and learn.Well, brown spots could also mean that your plant is dehydrated and you aren't watering it enough as well. Outside of watering issues though, brown spots may develop if the plant is getting too much sun. Try transferring the plant to an area with a little more shade and see if the brown spots go away.
QuestionWhat does an overwatered plant look like?Chai Saechao is the Founder and Owner of Plant Therapy, an indoor-plant store founded in 2018 based in San Francisco, California. As a self-described plant doctor, he believes in the therapeutic power of plants, hoping to keep sharing his love of plants with anyone willing to listen and learn.The leaves of the plant may be yellow or light green, or they might have brown spots. Additionally, look for green algae or fuzzy white or black mold on your plant or the top of the soil.
QuestionWhat if the leaves on my ficus tree are turning yellow and falling off?Community AnswerThis may be an indication of water stress. Ficus leaves may also turn yellow if humidity is too low. This can occur if the plant is kept indoors in the winter when the air is likely too dry for it.
QuestionWhat should I do if my plants are getting brown around the edges?Community AnswerYou could try increasing the light (not to the point it burns/too bright for it) or switching the soil or adding plant minerals to replenish it. Don't water your plant for a day or two, but keep a close eye on it.
QuestionIf my plants are wilting even though they get plenty of water, am I overwatering them?Community AnswerThere's a good chance that you are overwatering them. You can try to water them less often to see how they do.
QuestionWhy might my cannabis plant's leaves be turning yellow, with some branches becoming soft and yellow?Community AnswerThat could be a problem with too much water, too high a pH level, or your grow area is too hot.
QuestionMy succulent had bowed over. I removed the wet leaves from around the roots, can I save the plant?Community AnswerSucculents are very resistant to high levels of stress. If the root system begins to rot, cut off a clipping at an angle and transplant it into wet fertilized soil. If you have plant hormone, you can dip the clipping into it before replanting as well. It should regrow as big as before!
QuestionCan I use a fan to dry out the plant?Community AnswerYes, just keep the fan on a low speed, as a higher speed, like high winds, can damage the plant. Keep an eye on the soil and remove the fan when it is dry.
QuestionWhat are the plants used in this article?Community AnswerIt looks like a Peperomia obtusifolia, based on the stem and leaf shape. These are actually similar to succulents in that they store water in their leaves, so it is best to let their soil dry completely and wait for the leaves to actually droop a little before watering.
QuestionI overwatered and had them in the original plastic planters. I put them in a larger clay pot with holes and rocks in the bottom, but not touching the sides of the pot to allow drying. Is this okay?Community AnswerYes, if you clean the roots of potting soil and use something like a succulent mix that drains well. After a week or so, water lightly until it recovers!
QuestionHow do I save my plants from an overdose of nitrogen?Community AnswerFlush your plant really well with water. If they're in the ground, lay your water hose over the base of the plant and let it slowly run for an hour or so. The only way to save plants from any type of over-fertilizing is to flush them with water. If you threw down granular fertilizer, another option is to dig some of the dirt out and flush with water.
QuestionIf the leaves on my lavender plant have turned black due to overwatering, can I do anything to bring it back to life?Community AnswerYour best best would be to take cuttings of any part of the plant that has not turned black and water propagate them. Once the cuttings have developed strong roots, you can replant them in soil. Otherwise, all the black part is rotted and will eventually contaminate the rest of the plant that may still be healthy.
QuestionHow do I stop my plant from getting overwatered by heavy rain?Community AnswerI'm sure that you're letting the plants dry out while the weather is clear, but if you know when it's supposed to rain, you can cover the plants with plastic and uncover them as soon as the rain stops. If it's not possible to cover the plants, I would try to cover the soil around the base of the plants to equal double the width of the plants' foliage.
QuestionHow do I get rid of mold and algae from soil?Community AnswerHonestly, you should just replace the soil and get rid of any rotting roots.
QuestionWhat do I do if I used excessive Miracle Gro and it killed all my plants?Community AnswerThere's no way to save them. Consider switching to a gentler, organic fertilizer designed for the plant type instead for any future plants you may own, and if you're using the same planters/containers, be sure to wash them thoroughly first.
QuestionHow do I save a plant that was underwater?Community AnswerYou'll have to assess to roots to see if they are still healthy, then pot it back up. Cut off all the damaged foliage/leaves (this may be a few to all of the leaves). Then provide the light and water as the plant needs and wait.
QuestionShould I cut off the leaves that turned yellow, or will they turn green again?Community AnswerCut them off, yellow leaves will not change back to green. Use disinfected tools to do the cutting though, to avoid introducing an infection to the cut plant.
QuestionHow do I save my overwatered peace plant?Community AnswerDon't water it for a few days. Or, put it in a larger pot with fresh soil. Wait a day or two then water it. I have 5 Peace Lily plants and they always bounce back.
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