Q&A for How to Set up a Cichlid Tank

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    How do you raise the pH of a cichlid tank?
    Marshall Stephens
    Aquarium Specialist
    Marshall Stephens is an Aquarium Expert at Private Oceans Aquariums in West Palm Beach, Florida. Marshall has over 20 years of experience in the aquarium industry and focuses on captive-bred animals. They specialize in tropical and marine aquariums and are a contributor to the Loggerhead Marine life center in Jupiter Florida.
    Aquarium Specialist
    Expert Answer
    There are a couple of different ways! You can use coral-based rocks, which naturally give off a high pH, or you can use coral-based substrate (which will also increase the pH). There are also pH increasers; generally, the powdered forms are best since they have minerals in them (as opposed to liquid pH increasers, which have no minerals).
  • Question
    What is the best way to cycle a cichlid tank?
    Marshall Stephens
    Aquarium Specialist
    Marshall Stephens is an Aquarium Expert at Private Oceans Aquariums in West Palm Beach, Florida. Marshall has over 20 years of experience in the aquarium industry and focuses on captive-bred animals. They specialize in tropical and marine aquariums and are a contributor to the Loggerhead Marine life center in Jupiter Florida.
    Aquarium Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Once your tank is set up and running, get a bottle of ammonia, put it in the water, and test for waste (ammonia and nitrites would be the main things to look for). Over the course of a month, you would test on a weekly basis to see where your ammonia and nitrate levels are. After your ammonia is gone, the nitrate will start to go up—and after that, the nitrate is gone. Your cycle typically takes a month, though every tank is a little different. Once you've reached that stage, it's safe to add a couple of starter fish (fish that are hearty and not too expensive).
  • Question
    How do you clean a cichlid tank?
    Marshall Stephens
    Aquarium Specialist
    Marshall Stephens is an Aquarium Expert at Private Oceans Aquariums in West Palm Beach, Florida. Marshall has over 20 years of experience in the aquarium industry and focuses on captive-bred animals. They specialize in tropical and marine aquariums and are a contributor to the Loggerhead Marine life center in Jupiter Florida.
    Aquarium Specialist
    Expert Answer
    You clean a cichlid tank the same way you would clean any other aquarium. Once a month, do a 1/4 of a water change using a gravel siphon to clean the gravel or sand. Keep in mind that different cichlids have different water parameters—for instance, South American cichlids like a soft water with a lower pH while African cichlids like hard water with a high pH. Any algae in your cichlid tank can be cleaned off with an algae scraper for the glass, or you might have different fish that eat the algae and help you keep the tank clean.
  • Question
    What should I feed my cichlids?
    Community Answer
    My cichlid likes flakes, shrimp pellets and algae wafers. The latter being a treat!
  • Question
    How do I monitor pH levels?
    Community Answer
    Purchase a pH testing kit from your local fish store!
  • Question
    Are German blue rams cichlids?
    Community Answer
    Yes. They are South American cichlids. They do not do well with African cichlids, because they are small and timid. Also they need soft water, not hard.
  • Question
    What is the best filter and gravel to use? I am setting up a 55 gallon cichlid tank.
    Community Answer
    Use Eheim canister filters and pool filter sand. It's fine for the fish to flush through their gills, because it's rounded.
  • Question
    Why do I need gravel when my cichlid plays with it?
    Community Answer
    It helps lower stress for the cichlids by making it feel like it is in a more natural environment. They like it.
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    Can my parrot fish live with a red devil cichlid?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they can live together.
  • Question
    Is it true that sand is the best substrate for cichlids?
    Community Answer
    Yes, sand is ideal. Small rocks or gravel can be swallowed by your cichlids, causing problems.
  • Question
    How can I clear my cloudy tank?
    Community Answer
    I use the MarineLand Magnum internal canister filter with the polishing option. I just cleared a tank that was very cloudy from sand in a new tank setup using some water clarifier and the polishing canister. Crystal clear in a day's time.
  • Question
    Is it bad to have live plants with cichlids?
    Community Answer
    It's not "bad," but cichlids try to uproot plants and destroy them, so I don't recommend adding them to the tank.
  • Question
    What does the pH have to be?
    Community Answer
    Cichlids prefer higher pH, dH and temperatures than other freshwater fish. Parameters of the Cichlid aquarium should include a pH of 7.8 - 8.5.
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    How can I tell if I have a male or female cichlid?
    Community Answer
    Females are typically more bland than their male counterparts. I am not certain if this applies to every type of cichlid, though.
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    Can I use clay flower pots in my tank for them to hide in?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as the pots are purely terracotta and are unpainted. It’s a good idea to clean the pot thoroughly before adding it to the aquarium.
  • Question
    Can I feed my cichlid different things to change color?
    Community Answer
    No, food doesn't really make them change color. But there are certain species of fish that will change their appearance as they grow from a juvenile to adult. Also, making sure that they have proper water quality and habitat will make them more vibrant.
  • Question
    Can I breed any types of cichlids?
    Camilla Dal Maso
    Community Answer
    Yes, there are some species that aren't too difficult to breed. Good ones for starting with could be Pelvicachromis and Microgeophagus genus, and Apistograma cacatuoides
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