Q&A for How to Stop Wasting Time

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    How can I stop procrastinating?
    Guy Reichard
    Life Coach
    Guy Reichard is a Self Leadership Coach and Executive Resilience Builder who empowers high-achieving professionals, executives, and business owners to lead authentically with calm, clarity, confidence, and compassion. He is the founder of HeartRich Self Leadership & Resilience Coaching, where he helps his clients navigate challenges, overcome fears and self-doubt, and grow into purposeful, values-driven leaders. With a heart-centered, science-backed, and trauma-informed approach, Guy guides his clients to connect with their Authentic Self, align with their core values, and create meaningful change in their lives and leadership. His work focuses on enhancing resilience, emotional intelligence, presence, and well-being while addressing barriers like perfectionism, impostor syndrome, people-pleasing, and tough inner critics. With over 15 years and 4000+ of coaching experience and 20 years in consulting and business development, Guy brings a unique blend of empathy, insight, and strategic perspective to help his clients thrive. He received his professional coaching certification from the International Coaching Federation and is an EZRAx Executive Leadership Coach. He received an MBA and a BA in Psychology from York University.
    Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    Be mindful of what you're doing so you can recognize when the task you’re working on isn’t the one that should be at the top of your list.
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    How to do any work with full concentration?
    Paul Chernyak, LPC
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Paul Chernyak is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Chicago. He graduated from the American School of Professional Psychology in 2011.
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Expert Answer
    Make sure you are well rested and minimize all distractions. Try to work in a productive environment such as a library. Some people find it helpful to use music or earplugs to block out all outside noise and stay focused.
  • Question
    What can I do if I'm really busy?
    Paul Chernyak, LPC
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Paul Chernyak is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Chicago. He graduated from the American School of Professional Psychology in 2011.
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Expert Answer
    Schedule your day on a planner.. You may find more time when you better organize your activities. Also look for any tasks that can be grouped together or delayed if they are non essential.
  • Question
    How do you avoid being lazy during the day?
    Community Answer
    Be sure to change from sleep attire to what you normally wear when leaving for your work day. Putting shoes on can motivate you. I find that sticking my head in the shower for a quick hair wash and brushing my teeth is a good motivator to get up and about.
  • Question
    Am I not wasting time right now by reading this?
    Community Answer
    The measure of whether or not you've wasted time is in asking yourself: "In the time I've occupied with (whatever you've been doing), could I really have been working on something more important?" Sometimes giving your brain a rest from the mumble jumble of a work day is just as important as work itself.
  • Question
    How do I not waste time on assignments and such in school?
    Community Answer
    Plan them out in your free time so you know exactly what you're going to do, and don't procrastinate.
  • Question
    How can I calculate each task's needed time-to-complete?
    Community Answer
    You can think about how you will do it and how long each step will take. Try your best to make reasonable estimates, and add a little bit of extra time at the end of your tasks just in case anything goes over the time allotted.
  • Question
    How do I stop my phone addiction?
    Community Answer
    Try putting your phone down and away from you. Also, try to keep yourself occupied by working on a hobby or by doing other things that keep you busy.
  • Question
    I am having trouble switching the television or computer off, even when I don't want to watch them. I am getting addicted to them. Is there a way I can stop watching it so much?
    Community Answer
    Unplug the television and and power down your computer. Keep yourself occupied when you are not supposed to be watching TV or on the computer. Take a walk outside without any electronics whenever you are tempted to watch TV. If this is too hard, ask a good friend to take away the television and computer, or any other devices you do not want to be using. This will force you to do other things. You will also have to go to a public place (such as a library) to use a computer, and computers at libraries often have time limits on them.
  • Question
    What are some techniques to keep working on something even though it may be boring or tedious to do?
    Community Answer
    If you have many different tasks to do, it's okay to put one aside and work on another for awhile, then come back to the one you were finding tedious. You can also give yourself breaks and rewards. For example, tell yourself, "I will work on this task for 45 minutes, then I will take a 5 minute break and eat a piece of candy." Knowing you have a break and a reward coming can help you push through.
  • Question
    How do I stop wasting time on social media when I get distracted?
    Community Answer
    For me, I usually take breaks after every hour or so to catch up on emails, messages, and to walk around a little. If you're working and you know you're going to take a break to do all that stuff, it's easier to put it out of your mind while you're actually working.
  • Question
    What if I think that spending half an hour evaluating how I spent the previous hour is a waste of time?
    Community Answer
    If your mind tells you that spending half an hour evaluating the way you spent the hour is a waste of time (and I agree that's an excessive amount of time for reflection), then don't do it. An alternative option might be to spend 5 minutes evaluating the previous hour, or wait until you're going to bed at night and take a few minutes to evaluate your entire day, perhaps jotting down some notes on how you might improve your productivity in the future.
  • Question
    How do I stop procrastinating unknowingly?
    Community Answer
    Many phones and devices have screen time limits for certain apps. Those can really help. Also, keep a detailed schedule for yourself of exactly when you need to have everything done by. Look at the schedule every day and make time to work on your long term goals.
  • Question
    Why is "stay off the internet" on the list when I have to be on the internet to read this?
    Community Answer
    The article is talking about using the internet for time-wasting activities like browsing YouTube or social media, not practical purposes like researching how to better make use of your time.
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