Q&A for How to Survive a Public Shooting

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    What happens if you are lost and can't find anyone you know and you're a kid?
    Community Answer
    Either escape (if you can) or hide. If you have already escaped and need to get back home, go to any nearby public place (store, library, etc.) and ask someone who works there to help you out. You could have them call your parents or, if you don't know their number, call the police, who can help you get home.
  • Question
    If I'm already holding something I can run with, should I drop it?
    Community Answer
    No, there's no need to drop it unless it inhibits your ability to get away.
  • Question
    If the public shooting is at a concert and I left my phone in my bag, should I try to get it?
    Community Answer
    No. Abandon your phone and attempt to escape/hide; your life is much more valuable.
  • Question
    Is it better to escape with others or alone?
    Community Answer
    Whatever is quickest and most feasible in the situation. Your own safety should be your top priority, but if you can safely escape with a few others by your side, go ahead.
  • Question
    Would I get into trouble with my parents or the police by hurting the shooter?
    Community Answer
    No, you wouldn't get in trouble for hurting the shooter.
  • Question
    What can I do if I am faced with multiple attackers?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you are out of all of their lines of fire and keep the same principle of what you have just read in the article. If you see them close, play dead until they go. When they are gone, just run. Don't worry about picking up others, just run.
  • Question
    What can I do if I am hurt and can see the shooter, but the shooter doesn't see me?
    Community Answer
    Play dead. The shooter won't waste bullets on someone they think is already dead.
  • Question
    Can everyone help to incapacitate the shooter?
    Community Answer
    You should only attempt to do this if you cannot escape or hide. If you can do either of those things, then you should.
  • Question
    If I were to disarm the shooter, what would I do next?
    Community Answer
    Get the shooter's weapon away from them and try to encourage other people to get out of the building while the shooter is incapacitated. When law enforcement arrives, put your hands up and step away from the shooter's weapon so you are not mistaken for the shooter.
  • Question
    What do I do if I have a pair of scissors and I'm behind the shooter?
    Community Answer
    If you are close enough, and stealthy, stab the shooter in the back of his/her neck, or on the neck pressure points.
  • Question
    If there are firearms in the area, should I go back and fight?
    Community Answer
    No, you should not. You should try to save your own life by hiding or escaping.
  • Question
    If I hate the person being targeted, should I still save them?
    Community Answer
    If helping that person inhibits your escape, then no. However, if it doesn't inhibit you in any way, then you should absolutely save them.
  • Question
    Should I talk to the shooter if I know who it is?
    Community Answer
    No. Even if you know them, don't try to engage with them. Run or hide. Don't do anything to draw attention to yourself.
  • Question
    What if there is a sniper?
    Community Answer
    This is extremely rare, but just do your best to take cover. Hide under a table, behind a car, wherever is convenient. If you have a phone on you, call 911.
  • Question
    What do I do if there is a shooter behind me and a shooter in front of me?
    Community Answer
    Drop flat to the ground.
  • Question
    What if the shooter knows he didn't kill anyone in the area I am in and is shooting them all to be sure?
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    If you have an opportunity to, try to hide. But there's not much you can do except try to fight back. Hit them with anything you can. Don't play dead unless it's your last resort, because shooters can easily just fire again.
  • Question
    What do you do if I'm in a large, open area like a field or an empty parking lot and I'm a kid with no fighting experience? What do I do then?
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    Get as far away from the shooter as you can and alert the authorities. If you cannot run, try to hide behind anything you can. Play dead if you can't do anything else.
  • Question
    Should I play dead if I'm not hurt?
    Community Answer
    This is a good idea, but be aware that some people will try to shoot dead bodies just to make sure they are dead.
  • Question
    If I'm a kid and find a handgun lying on the floor, should I pick it up and use it?
    Community Answer
    No. If you don’t properly know how to use it, it’s better to not take chances. Hide with others and wait for help to arrive.
  • Question
    What do I do in a Las Vegas shooting situation where I don't know where the bullets are coming from or how many shooters there are?
    Luciana Hemphill
    Community Answer
    Take cover under a sturdy object as soon as you hear the noise indicating gunshots. Luckily, you won’t be targeted in this situation. Leave your valuables behind and call emergency services as soon as you reach safety.
  • Question
    If I'm outside the building because I was late (for example, a doctor's appointment) and I hear gunshots, should I call the police?
    Community Answer
    If you hear gunshots, first run away from the building to safety, then call the police. Your safety is your first priority.
  • Question
    What if the shooter has already killed or injured quite a number of people, and I’m nowhere near anyone else, and alone in a small room?
    Community Answer
    If you are in a room all by yourself when a shooter is in the building, stay quiet and hidden until the emergency services arrive.
  • Question
    Is is possible to dodge a bullet coming towards you?
    Community Answer
    Probably not. A bullet can travel at speed of up to 1800 miles per hour, and the fastest human only can go about 30 miles per hour. You have even less of a chance depending on how close they are.
  • Question
    What if the shooter is one of my family members and/or I have no other option but to kill them?
    Kael Olson
    Community Answer
    Forget about familial ties if your life is in danger. Do what must be done to protect yourself. It would be hard but necessary.
  • Question
    What would I do if I got shoot in the chest and I was down would I play dead or try to get away or is there something else I can do?
    Kael Olson
    Community Answer
    If you were down, you’d want to find cover if the shooter cannot see you, or play dead if they can see you.
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