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Q&A for How to Take Communion in the Catholic Church
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QuestionDo I take the Host in the right hand first?Community AnswerYour left hand should be over the right when you choose to receive it in your hands.
QuestionWill I drink the blood of Christ for the first time at my Confirmation?Community AnswerNo, you can receive the blood of Christ as soon as you make your first Communion.
QuestionWhat seat do I take after taking communion?Community AnswerYour original seat. However, you should not sit after communion; you should kneel, pray, and reflect until the priest is finished serving everyone.
QuestionWhat do I say to the priest when he gives me Communion?Community AnswerYou say "Amen". You don't need to say it loudly, though.
QuestionIs it correct for the priest tol leave the host and wine on the altar and allow the public to get up and help themselves to the host, then dip the host in the wine walk back to their seats?Community AnswerNo, it isn't right for the priest to leave the host on the altar. The Eucharist should only be distributed by a priest or a deacon or an extraordinary minister.
QuestionWhat will happen if I go for the Eucharist in the state of mortal sin?Community AnswerBy receiving the Eucharist in a state of mortal sin, you commit a sacrilege against the Body and Blood of Christ. A sacrilege is deliberately defiling the Eucharist, or anything holy, like a Rosary. A sacrilege is definitely a mortal sin and you must go to Confession as soon as possible.
QuestionIs it important for you to receive the body and blood of Christ?Community AnswerIf you are Catholic, receiving the body and blood of Christ is a very important part of the faith.
QuestionCan I still be blessed if I am not receiving communion?Community AnswerYes. Place your crossed hands over your chest in the communion line, and when you get to the priest he will bless you.
QuestionShould I wash my hands immediately before accepting the host?Community AnswerNo, but it's the polite (and sanitary) thing to do to wash your hands ahead of time after you've touched anything dirty or unsanitary.
QuestionIs it wrong to take the host back to the pew and eat it there?Community AnswerYes, it is. The host should be consumed right after it is placed on your hand, while you are facing the alter, before you turn to leave.
QuestionIs it wrong to break the Sacred Host before putting it in the mouth?Community AnswerYes, this can be seen as sacrilegious. You should not break the host before putting it in your mouth. Some people also believe that you shouldn't chew the host, but rather let it dissolve.
QuestionWhat do I sat upon receiving the host at Communion?Community AnswerThe priest will raise the host and say "The body of Christ". You will then respond with "Amen".
QuestionHow do I make the sign of the cross?Community AnswerUsing your right hand, you touch your forehead, then around your sternum area, then your left shoulder, then your right shoulder.
QuestionWhat do I say when receiving ash?Community AnswerYou don't say anything. Whoever is giving out the ashes will say,"Repent and believe in the Gospel." After that, you just walk away.
QuestionHow many times can I take communion within a day?Community AnswerTwice in a day. This was changed through Canon Law recently. You can receive the Eucharist every day, a maximum of twice a day.
QuestionHow many times are you supposed to receive communion in a year?Community AnswerThe Church obliges all Catholics to go to mass every Sunday, under penalty of mortal sin. You don't have to receive communion every Sunday but you should be receiving it most of those times that you go to mass.
QuestionWhat if I wish not to receive the blood (wine)?Community AnswerAs Catholics, we truly believe that Christ is fully present under both species of Bread and Wine, and that both have been transformed into Christ's Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. Thus, you are still receiving the whole of Christ, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, if you just receive the host.
QuestionIf receiving Communion in the hands, can I put the host into my mouth once I reach my seat instead of immediately when it is placed in my hands?Community AnswerTypically, you should put the host in your mouth as soon as it is received. Alternatively, you can have the host placed on your tongue rather than in your hand.
QuestionWill God love my deceased homosexual son?Community AnswerYes, of course he will. God loves everyone, including homosexuals. It isn't a choice; your son was made that way by God. To Him, your son was perfect.
QuestionWhen I was a child getting ready to make my first communion, I was told the host wasn't supposed to touch my teeth. Was this because they didn't want us to forget and chew it, or actually true?Community AnswerIt doesn't matter if the host touches your teeth or not. In fact, it's acceptable to chew the host now too. As long as you aren't being disrespectful to the Eucharist while chewing the host (e.g. chewing with your mouth open) I would say that it's totally fine.
QuestionI've always received holy communion without drinking from the chalice. Is this a sin?Community AnswerIt is not a sin to receive holy communion without drinking from the chalice. The holy communion can be received in either form, under the species of bread or under the species of wine. In either case, it is the Body and Blood of Christ. It is only a sin if you receive communion in the state of mortal sin without confession.
QuestionWill the Catholic Church ever change the way the host is received by the hands?Community AnswerI doubt they will do this. However, it has been done in the past (like in the case of an Ebola outbreak), so it's possible.
QuestionIs it bad if I always receive communion every Sunday?Community AnswerIt is very good, but make sure you have done confession before you receive as receiving communion with impurity or sin is a sin called sacrilege as you are receiving the physical body of Christ.
QuestionAfter receiving and saying Amen, do I make the sign of the cross?Community AnswerNo. Just follow the guidelines in the article.
QuestionIs there a prayer to be said after communion?Community AnswerMost people say a short prayer asking for forgiveness for their sins and thanking God for their blessings.
QuestionI have not been to confession or been baptized yet. What do I do when it comes time for communion?Community AnswerYou can accept the body and blood of Christ and welcome Jesus spiritually, but not physically. You can still line up, but instead ask to be blessed and not be given the body and blood of Christ. Most importantly, speak with your priest in regards to being baptized, going to confession, and preparing for your first communion.
QuestionHow often can a Catholic receive communion?Community AnswerTwice in a day. This was changed through Canon Law recently. You can receive the Eucharist every day, a maximum of twice a day.
QuestionMay I receive communion twice in one day, morning mass and then later at a funeral mass?Community AnswerYes, as long as you are attending two different masses.
QuestionWhat is the new hymn being sung in Latin just before communion?Community Answer"Agnus Dei." It is Latin for "Lamb of God."
QuestionIs it okay to just receive the host and choose not to take the wine?Haley CopeTop AnswererThat is fine. When you receive the Host you receive the entire Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus.
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