Q&A for How to Tell Your Parents You are Following a Religion They Don't Approve of

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    How old do I have to be to become another religion when my parents disagree?
    Community Answer
    You have to be mature enough to understand what you are doing and the consequences of your actions.
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    I was abused for leaving the Catholic Church. Why does this kind of thing happen when the Pope says we just need Jesus in our lives?
    Community Answer
    The Pope and the New Testament say, 'Yes,' we just need Jesus in our lives. However people who leave their religious practice do sometimes, unfortunately, become subject to abuse for choosing a new path. If you were physically abused, don't hesitate to seek outside help. Everyone should be permitted to follow their own path and physical abuse is a grave mistreatment.
  • Question
    What if I am worried about telling one parent, but less worried about the other?
    Community Answer
    Tell the parent that you aren't worried much about first. If the outcome is good, ask that parent to help you and stand by your side for support while you tell the other parent.
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    What if my parents would let me practice it before, but now won't and then deny they would ever allow me?
    Community Answer
    If your parents are that against a religion, you probably need to wait until you are no longer under their control.
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    I'm Jewish and I want to become a Buddhist, but my dad is crazy about me keeping my Judaism. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    It might be easier to keep your conversion to Buddhism under wraps until you are out of the house. You can learn as much about it as you can, but if you are under 18 or living at home, it could be difficult to convert.
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    Would it be bad to go to the mosque in secret?
    Community Answer
    Nope. It's your belief system. Just ensure that you are attending in a safe manner (that is, not sneaking out in the middle of the night putting your own self in danger).
  • Question
    I want to convert to Judaism, but my sister just became super Christian and my parents are Catholic. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Belief systems are a personal choice. If you want to be Jewish... convert. The choice is yours to make, no one else's.
  • Question
    I practice witchcraft. I feel it in my veins. My mom says I shouldn't practice witchcraft because she doesn't want me to be different from everyone. I'm only 12.
    Community Answer
    Your parents won't always support your decisions in life. As long as you are making safe decisions (safe for yourself and others), and have strong role models in your chosen faith, who cares what you believe? Your parents don't necessarily even have to know. It's a personal decision, much like how you don't have to announce or explain that you prefer tea to coffee.
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    What if my parents are atheist and I am not?
    Community Answer
    Atheists tend to think that everyone has the right to believe in whatever they please. I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind at all.
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    How can I tell my mom I'm bisexual? I'm only 13.
    Community Answer
    Sit her down and say you need to talk about something serious. She will probably take you seriously and understand that this is a big thing for you.
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    I am from a Hindu family, age 14, wanting to convert to Islam. I am scared to tell my parents. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Hinduism is a very accepting religion. If you want to convert, they should be okay with it. if not, really the only thing you can do is wait until you're 18, or do not let them know.
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    In Islam they disown you if you convert, and my parents are really religious. I'm only 14 but I think Christianity is the right religion. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    It is good you want to convert to Christianity. However, it is true that Muslims will often disown people who leave the religion. You should pray to God about this. Ask Him what you should do. Wait a while, don't rush your conversion. God will guide you.
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    My Christian family found out I'm an atheist and now they all want to talk to me. It's stressing me out; what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Let your parents talk to you in private. Your parents probably just want to know how and why you became an atheist. They're worried because they have a different belief from you, and they want to understand you a little more. Don't be stressed out; just try to talk to them a little more.
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    My mom feels that faith is the most important aspect and I think it'll break her heart if I tell her I'm atheist, but I don't want to have to worship something I don't believe in. What can I do?
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    Just tell her that even though you don't believe in God or a deity, she still can. It's your belief. Or, don't tell her.
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    I want to practice Wicca, but my parents and sisters are atheists. I'm afraid to tell them because they feel very strongly on the subject. What would be the best way to tell them?
    Community Answer
    Wicca is a very spiritual practice. I would tell them in a safe setting. Just because they are atheists doesn't mean they won't understand.
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    I have converted from Christianity to Satanism. My mom is Catholic and my dad is hardcore Christian. They don't accept me. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Be patient and kind with them. Put yourself in your shoes, imagine your children decide to convert to something else and practice it near you. Stay strong, it might take time but with goodwill and patience, you could turn them around.
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    My parents never let me read the Bible. Is there a way to report this as abuse?
    Community Answer
    No, this is not abuse.
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    My mom is a Muslim and my dad is a Buddhist. I want to convert to Buddhism. Im planning to tell them after I graduate from junior high school and there's three months left. How should I tell them?
    Community Answer
    Be direct, honest and precise. If you want something done, just be honest and true and the rest will follow.
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    I'm Wiccan, and my parents are atheists. I shouldn't be worried about telling them, but they were brought up in a Christian household, so they will probably think I'm worshiping satan. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If they seem concerned, explain that you do not believe in, let alone worship Satan. Maybe you could explain who you do worship, whether it's the Holy Mother, a triune goddess, or someone else.
  • Question
    My parents are hardcore Christians, and I found out I believe in multiple gods. How do I tell them that their god is just a god like the others, and I don't believe we should worship anything?
    Top Answerer
    Your parents will probably be offended if you tell them their God is just a god and shouldn't be worshiped. No one appreciates having their beliefs challenged or criticized, especially parents. However, you are entitled to your beliefs. If you want to avoid painful arguments and hard feelings, agree to disagree.
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    How can I tell my Catholic parents that I want to become a Christian with out them getting angry? What should I say or show to them?
    Community Answer
    Catholics are Christians. There are other Christian denominations, such as the Anglicans. Explain why you feel you want to change denominations to your parents.
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    My step-dad tells me he will kick me out of the house if I become a Satanist. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Just don't tell him that you are one until you're able to live without his support.
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    My parents and I are Christian. They are Baptist, but I don't think I am. I think I'm nondenominational. I'm not sure my parents will except this. What should I do? I'm almost 16.
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    If you think it will be a serious problem, maybe you could wait another two years (until you're an adult) to tell them. However, maybe they'll be okay with it as long as you're still a Christian. You could always try asking them what they think of other denominations, and non-denominational Christians, without hinting that you think you might be one yourself (it's a normal question for someone who wants to learn more about their religion).
  • Question
    I am 15. I am only one Christian in my family. How can i say my parents that I love Jesus and he is everything? My parents do not let me to say anything.
    Top Answerer
    Jesus was asked which command is the greatest. He answered with two: love God and love each other. The most important aspect of following Jesus is loving each other. When you love your parents, you are sharing what Jesus wanted you to share. When someone feels truly loved and respected, they are more likely to accept your decision to follow Christ. No one will listen to someone who is not loving and respectful.
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    How can I become Catholic if my parents are Protestant?
    Top Answerer
    Instead of focusing upon differences, look to common ideas. For example, there is only one Savior Jesus for all Christians. There is not a Catholic Jesus and a Protestant Jesus, etc. All Protestant Scriptures are in the Catholic Bible as well. Both churches teach the death and resurrection of Jesus. Both churches believe in salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Both churches agree that followers of Jesus should develop Christlike character qualities. You will find hundreds of more agreements if you think about it.
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    My mom is not a Christian but I now believe in Jesus and I want to get baptized and tell her, how do I tell her without feeling uncomfortable because I don't feel that open to talk about this to her?
    Top Answerer
    Open as simply as possible by telling her that you want to talk. Then add that you want to talk to her about your faith. Assess her response so that you can decide how comfortable you will be sharing more about your decision. You may also pose questions to create a dialog, such as asking if her parents were baptized or if she has ever thought about being baptized. Make up your mind that you can disagree with each other and still accept and value one another.
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    So, I want to convert to Buddhism from Christianity. Parents are hard-core Christian, and I just don’t agree with the religion. I want to tell them, but I’m afraid to react negatively. What do I do?
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    You don't need to make any great decisions and announce them. Follow up your leanings, follow your truths and do the best to critically analyse truth from the hype. You don't need to tell the parents anything yet. It's unlikely to be an easy conversation so work on yourself first, see if Buddhism is for you so much that it's worth the conflict with your parents...and if you start practising Buddhism, you may well get the skills to manage the rocky waters ahead. But you don't owe your parents an explanation of your spirituality. They never justified theirs to you.
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    I'm 10. I want to convert to Christianity, but my parents are Jewish. I have told them that I respect their religion but I want to follow my own path. I feel really unaccepted. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    1. Remember that Jesus was Jewish. He followed all the Jewish traditions of His time, including rituals and Temple worship. Converting to Christianity means becoming a follower of Jesus as the Messiah. You do not need to be an enemy to Judaism. You will need to accept Jesus as savior. 2. Accept Jesus as the fulfillment of all Messianic expectation. 3. Accept Jesus as the highest High Priest. Jesus is the way to God. Jesus is our great Intercessor. 4. Accept Jesus as the Lamb of God, fulfilling the Passover. 5. Examine the books of the Christian bible. Most of them were written by Jewish followers of Messiah Jesus. The book of Hebrews will help to understand the Jewish-ness of Jesus.
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    How do I go to church and confess my sins if I am not allowed to be a Christian and I am under 18?
    Top Answerer
    It is not necessary to attend church services to confess your sins to Jesus Christ and receive forgiveness. You may pray in private wherever you are. You may pray silently or quietly or aloud. You may want to pray something like, "Jesus, I ask you to forgive my sins. (Name specific sins as appropriate.) I believe that You gave Your life to take away my sins. I ask you to give me the spiritual strength to follow You as my king." You may talk to Jesus as you would talk to any other person.
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    I’m starting my own religion and my parents say it’s bad, what do I do?
    Top Answerer
    Ask them why it is bad to make up a religion. They may be able to explain how made-up religions are not genuine and cannot substitute for true faith in God.
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