Q&A for How to Use Coconut Oil for Flea and Skin Treatment on Dogs

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    Can I rub coconut oil on my dog's skin?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Yes, you can rub coconut oil on your dog's skin, as it is safe for most dogs. However, like most creams, oils and lotions first applied to skin, it is a good idea to test a small area first and to wait for 24 hours to see that there is no allergic reaction. If the dog scratches or picks at the area a lot, or you see rashes or other skin reactions, then speak to your vet. If it all looks fine and doesn't bother the dog, it should be fine to use on your dog.
  • Question
    How do I put coconut oil on my dog?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Use quality, organic coconut oil. Place a little on your hands and let it warm up, rubbing over your hands to coat them with the oil (it’s good for your skin too!). Rub your oil-coated hands over the dog’s fur into the skin area you wish to add oil to (back, stomach and lower legs are good areas to rub).
  • Question
    How much coconut oil do you give a dog?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    For using on skin, you don’t need a lot, as a little goes a long way. Around ½ a teaspoon to 1 teaspoon warmed in your hand should be sufficient to cover an average size dog. You may need a bit more if the dog is quite large; experiment with less, as you can always add more if needed.
  • Question
    What are the side effects of using coconut oil?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    As with anything being applied to a dog’s skin, it is important to test an area first to be sure the dog has no allergic skin reactions. If you see anything like a rash, itchiness or other unusual responses to using coconut on your dog’s skin, cease using it and consult your dog’s vet. For most dogs though, there should not be any side effects from using coconut oil. Be aware of the dog licking it off; it is high in calories and too much can cause weight gain––or diarrhea.
  • Question
    Can the treatment of coconut oil for fleas be used for cats?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it can be used for cats.
  • Question
    Can you use coconut oil on a 6 week old puppy?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Coconut oil is a natural and safe alternative to chemicals. If you are going to feed it to her/him, be sure to google the proper dosage for weight.
  • Question
    Do I apply coconut oil on my dog when it's still wet from bathing?
    Community Answer
    While coconut oil does work as a leave-in conditioner, it's best to apply it to your dog when their fur is dry so that it will adhere better.
  • Question
    Which plants repel fleas?
    Community Answer
    Eucalyptus, Cedar, Tansy, Wormwood, Fleawort, Pennyroyal, Rue, Citronella and Sweet Bay.
  • Question
    Do I have to wash the oil out the next day? Can I apply it every day?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to wash the dog the next day, and you can apply it daily.
  • Question
    Do I need to bathe my dog before treating it for fleas? What is the best way to keep the fleas in my yard off of my dog?
    Community Answer
    Yes you do; follow the instructions on the flea treatment box. You can set plants out in your yard that repel bugs.
  • Question
    Can I put oil on my dog while he is still wet?
    Community Answer
    You can, but the oil will likely rub off quickly, so it's better to do it when the dog is dry.
  • Question
    My sister's dog is covered - we put vinegar on his stomach and back, but it is still a terrible infestation. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Often if there's a bad infestation, many of the fleas will hide in various areas. After bathing your dog, try using an old blanket or towel to cover your lap and lay your dog on it. After coating her entire body thoroughly, use a flea comb to get any that may not have been affected by the oil.
  • Question
    Will Frontline Flea and Tick Treatment stop and manage fleas which are already present?
    Community Answer
    Frontline is the best skin-absorbed treatment. It lasts 30 days, but so do the nits (eggs), so the first round will die off as they bite but keep treating for another round or two, reapplying every 30 days. Check out a site called Wondercide to obtain cedar-scented sprays that go right on the dog's hotspots as well as furniture and carpet.
  • Question
    Will my dog's fur grow back on the damaged skin, even though it has been damaged for almost 3 years?
    Community Answer
    I'm sure it will, but you may also try using alkaline drinking water, it's Ph balanced antioxidant water. You can find it at most grocery and convenience stores with other bottled water, it's better for you and your pet. My cat was wounded under the chin and it started healing within days and hair grew back within a month.
  • Question
    What can I do if my dog is bloody after spraying apple cider vinegar on it?
    Community Answer
    Vinegar will sting open sores. Never use this. Buy fractionated coconut oil, which always remains in liquid form, and keep it in a spray bottle. Spray on as needed. Please don't rub oil into raw or open areas, as this will hurt.
  • Question
    Will my pets put on weight eating all this coconut oil? There's a lot of fat in coconut.
    Community Answer
    Coconut oil is a fairly high calorie and high fat food. But the myriad health benefits it provides for the immune system, digestive system, eyes, skin, teeth and gums, etc. make it worth it. I have fed coconut oil to my dogs and cats through out the years and have yet to notice any adverse weight gain.
  • Question
    Should I bathe my cat in water and soap before applying coconut oil?
    Community Answer
    Yes because when you bathe your ca, 60 to 70 percent of the fleas die in the process. Make sure to use cat shampoo. You can finish by applying the pressed coconut oil after the bath, then do it on a daily basis.
  • Question
    After giving my dog the overnight treatment, do I bathe her or just let it sit?
    Community Answer
    You should just let it sit. However, if the oil seems to be bothering your dog, then I would wash it off.
  • Question
    I treated my dogs with flea drops. Is it alright if I use the coconut oil on top of the flea drops, or should I wait until next month to use it?
    Community Answer
    Coconut oil will not stop any topical flea medication from working. It's safe to use the coconut oil in combination, although I'd give the topical medication at least a week to disperse throughout the coat before rubbing anything else on top.
  • Question
    Can I use lavender oil with coconut oil on my dog?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can as long as you are using the proper amounts.
  • Question
    Can coconut oil also be used for puppy acne?
    Community Answer
    Yes, coconut oil should be able to help with this. Rub it on her skin and put a little in her food as well.
  • Question
    Is it a good idea to melt coconut oil and pour it into small ice cube trays to refrigerate until solid? My dogs love them as treats when I pop them out and give them to them.
    Community Answer
    Yes, provided you follow the recommended dose of spoonfuls for each cube.
  • Question
    Can I rub coconut oil directly on a benign skin sore?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you may rub coconut oil directly on the benign skin sore. Avoid any coconut oils that say “refined,” ”bleached,” etc.
  • Question
    Can I mix coconut oil and eucalyptus oil together?
    Community Answer
    Yes, mix them. Never use pure essential oil on your dog's fur or skin. Some oils can kill a pet if ingested, so make sure you have a good recipe before applying essential oils.
  • Question
    Will coconut oil help with lice on dogs?
    Community Answer
    No, it won't kill lice, however it will help skin that is damaged by insect bites.
  • Question
    My cat has scabs around its neck and ears, is coconut oil good to rub on his coat to get rid of fleas?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as it is organic cold pressed coconut oil, which you can get at Costco for under $15 for 84 fluid ounces. Rub about a teaspoon of the oil on your cat's skin and through the fur. You can repeat the next day. Coconut oil kills fleas, and is good for the skin and coat. If your cat tries to lick it off, you can put a light sweater on them so they cannot get to it.
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