Q&A for How to Use the Law of Attraction

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    How do you make short term goals?
    Camber Hill
    Life Coach
    Camber Hill is a numerologist, author, speaker, and the owner of Camber Hill Coaching based in Long Beach, California. For over 37 years, Camber has coached entrepreneurs, creatives, business executives, and professional sports figures. He has also inspired creatives in the entertainment industry such as professional directors, writers, actors, and top radio personalities. Camber’s unique use of numerology allows him to understand the under-current which drives his clients to create long-term solutions and measurable results. His work has been featured in the History Channel's "The Human Calculator," The Los Angeles Times, Palm Springs Life Magazine, and California radio programs. He is also a member of The International Coaching Federations and is a board member of the ICF Orange County's Board of Directors. Additionally, Camber is distinguished as a certified business owner by the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.
    Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    Think of what you want in life, then write those thoughts down. Short-term goals should be things you want right now or very soon. Keep a list of them somewhere close to you at all times so you're constantly reminded to keep working on achieving them.
  • Question
    Do I have to focus on just one thing that I wish?
    Community Answer
    No. It is good to focus and feel abundant about the things that you want, but if you keep thinking about them all the time, then you will release thoughts of doubt, worry and the pain of not having it. The best thing is to focus on what you want for several minutes everyday and then release it and go about your day with gratitude.
  • Question
    What is the best way to apply the law of attraction to help obtain money and wealth?
    Community Answer
    Be grateful for the money that you have been given throughout your life, expect money to come to you in big or small ways, feel good about money and feel as though you are already rich. Finally, ask the universe for the specific amount of money you want to come to you.
  • Question
    Can I wish for others?
    Community Answer
    Of course. It's all about emitting positive energy. Keep focused on what you wish for others, and try not to do things that may disturb nature/the universe/God's plan.
  • Question
    How can I rebuild my life into a glorious one?
    Community Answer
    Begin by removing all negativity. No sadness, no shame, no guilt, no despair. Stop hurting your soul for past mistakes. Let go of everything. Don't let negativity penetrate your consciousness when the Law of Rhythm has got you down. Be happy to be alive. Life isn't about gaining, it's about learning.
  • Question
    How does the Universe respond when using the Law of Attraction?
    Community Answer
    When you have positive self-esteem and are completely apart from negative thoughts, then in return, the Universe gives you the things you want, the things that you are passionate about and the things you know you will get one day. If you can meditate everyday, you can achieve anything in your life, guaranteed. Always think positive.
  • Question
    How do I know if I imagined the law of attraction right?
    Community Answer
    Through your feelings. If you imagine or visualize having something and feel good after doing it, then you are definitely on the right track. Whereas if you do not feel good, you are not on the right track. The better you feel, the better and faster the results will be.
  • Question
    How can I believe that what I want to attract is going to happen?
    Community Answer
    Remember that there is a difference between sending out a hope that something you'd like to happen will happen and putting in the appropriate effort or planning to ensure that something actually will happen. If you don't believe that something will happen, perhaps you're not willing to plan and work for it. You need a balance of both hope (to inspire) and effort (to achieve) for an outcome to be realized.
  • Question
    The Universe is only matter. How does something without life or a mind answer, give, or respond to me?
    Community Answer
    Matter is nothing but energy. Thoughts are also energy. Therefore, thoughts can become things.
  • Question
    Can I ask for more than one thing at a time? Say three or four? Or will this be confusing the universe?
    Community Answer
    You can ask for as many things as you want, ambitious you. Write a list of all that you want. The more you believe that they are coming your way, the better you will feel. The better you feel, the more you are allowing and the more things that will come to you. The more you see these things coming to you, the better you will feel and it's an incredible avalanche of awesomeness. Truly believe and allow.
  • Question
    How can we feel and act like our wish is fulfilled if it is not?
    Community Answer
    This is a giant leap for someone who is just beginning to understand the Universal Laws. It can take years for you to be able to gain enough conscious awareness to achieve this. Even if it's a tiny amount each day, as long as you desire to attract small things and build your reassurance and faith in the Universe, then you will eventually grasp the intrinsic nature of how the Universe works. We are dealing with a sturdy but delicate matrix that weaves in and out of all the lower laws in time and space and has to account for 7 billion human minds alone.
  • Question
    How can I get an answer from the universe?
    Community Answer
    Ask for an answer, feel grateful that it is about to come and believe that the answer will come to you. Don't stress, doubt or have any negative feelings about your answer and the answer will reach you at the perfect time.
  • Question
    What does it mean if I ask for something and those around me receive it and I don't?
    Community Answer
    Others getting the exact thing that you want is a sign that what you want is going to manifest soon. But if you feel upset, angry or jealous then you will stop the manifestation from taking place.
  • Question
    Does this really work?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it really works. You do have to be patient with the universe, because once you start to think that it doesn't work, you will not get what you want.
  • Question
    For the last 2 years I have been demanding 20 million dollars from the universe but I am not getting it. I am getting small things very easily but not the big money -- why?
    Community Answer
    You have to feel that you already have it. Your question reveals that you are thinking of the "how" process, the getting rather than the already having. Your feelings should reside in joy and peace, a calm acceptance that it is already as it should be.
  • Question
    I am scared that if I wish to have in my life, then will God say how unsatisfied is this person, I have given so many things still and she or he is demanding?
    Community Answer
    The Universe/God has an infinite and abundant reservoir of supplies, waiting to be delivered to the ones who sincerely ask for them. It doesn't judge anyone for asking for more, because, you are expected to live your life on this planet to the fullest. It is the limited thinking and the conditioning that we all have been exposed to from childhood which makes us fear the Universe/God; in fact it is not something to be feared at all. It's like the genie from the 'Arabian Nights' - Your wish is its command. Don't be scared. Go ahead ask for everything and anything that you want and believe that you have received them.
  • Question
    Would it be better to pray for what I need or to use the law of attraction?
    Community Answer
    Praying and using the law of attraction are the same thing. God and the universe are two different names for the same thing. Law of attraction is basically believing in what you want and so is praying. Both are based on your faith in the possibility of achieving what you want.
  • Question
    Is this Christian like?
    Community Answer
    It is similar to Christian doctrine, in that through praying and faith, you will ask for something from the Creator/ God and will be given the thing where the act of faith proves true.
  • Question
    How this will work out for a one sided love attraction?
    Community Answer
    The law of attraction will bring you into contact with the person you like only when that person is in a great mood, if something happens to allow that person to start developing feelings for you, or if his impression about you starts to change. It is always, however, better to ask the universe for the right or best person instead of for a specific person.
  • Question
    Can it work for my body shape, too?
    Community Answer
    It can work for you body's appearance/shape as well.
  • Question
    Do I need to tell other people what I want so bad? I don't want their negative comments.
    Community Answer
    The Law of Attraction is between you and the universe. Sharing what you want with others is completely optional, regardless of whether they give positive or negative comments.
  • Question
    My whole universe is my mom and dad, and I know if they are happy, I will achieve success. How can I avoid causing tension with my parents?
    Community Answer
    Ask for it using these steps. However, putting your happiness in the hands of others is not a good choice. Choose to be happy regardless of whether or not they are happy. If you stop putting conditions on your happiness, then happiness will find a way to come to you.
  • Question
    What does it mean to ask for something and other people around you receive that exact thing you wanted but not you? For example, I asked for $25,000, and someone else received that exact amount, but not me.
    Community Answer
    You are taking this the wrong way. When you ask the universe for something, it sends you signs that your wish is going to manifest. Other people having things similar to what you asked for is a good sign, and means what you asked for is coming your way. But if you become upset, angry or jealous about others having what you don't, then your belief in lack will stop the universe from delivering your wish.
  • Question
    Is it possible that my ex girlfriend is back in my life because I love her so much?
    Community Answer
    It is possible and I've seen it happen many, many times. Even though the laws are heavily in play in this situation, she will be cast under the flow of the Law of Rhythm. Back and forth, her feelings for you will swing. There is a matrix of laws and possibilities that not even the greatest thinkers on earth could prove but I'm letting you know it's possible.
  • Question
    I often think of my future, especially my career, and even imagine the things I want to do to succeed. I repeat affirmations and try to think positively, but I still feel lost. What else can I do?
    Community Answer
    Feeling lost is what is preventing you from moving ahead. Have faith and believe that no matter what, success will find you.
  • Question
    Do I need to write the full name of the person I am dreaming about or just the nickname will suffice?
    Community Answer
    You can write the full name of that person or not. However, in both cases, the universe will know who that person is!
  • Question
    How do I get rid of negative thoughts that come up during the process?
    Community Answer
    Turn off the news, for starters, and get away from negative people and influences. Work on manifesting "small things," like parking places and green lights. Once you convince yourself the LOA works, then it's just about directing your thoughts.
  • Question
    What do I do if like someone?
    Community Answer
    Always request the universe for the right person, not that particular person. Make a list of all the things that you want in your partner and ask the Universe to send you the perfect person because the person you like may not be the one for you but the person who is right will be infinitely better than that person.
  • Question
    Is it possible for someone to attract bad stuff without being aware?
    Community Answer
    Yes it is, if you're constantly negative and morose about everything. The Universe will manifest whatever thought you put out there into it. Whether it be a conscious thought (positive) or subconscious (negative).
  • Question
    Is there a specific time I should do this, say before bed or something?
    Maridell Standish
    Community Answer
    This is not magic. It is a way of life and thinking. Set an intention or goal and regularly be mindful of it. Expect to see it through out your day. You can do it at bedtime, but make sure to do it at other times too!
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