Q&A for How to Visit a Catholic Mass

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    Can I get baptized right away in a Catholic church if I have faith and am a believer?
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    Expert Answer
    It's amazing that you want to make the choice that's best for you and are expressing enthusiasm in your faith! In order to get baptized, take part in an Easter Vigil, where other adults with take part in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
  • Question
    Can I wear clean white tennis shoes or sneakers to Mass?
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    Expert Answer
    It's generally not advised to wear casual shoes like tennis shoes or sneakers to Mass, even if they're clean. Try to find a pair of comfortable dress shoes to wear instead. For example, try on dress shoes that have already been broken in and have non-leather soles or put on some flats. This footwear will be more formal and suitable for the occasion.
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    Can non-Catholics use the holy water font?
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    Our goal at wikiHow is to deliver trustworthy articles that engage our readers and meet their informational and emotional needs. For 15 years, we've committed to our step-by-step teaching model, and we continue to refine our content to create the best how-to experience on the Internet. We’ve helped millions of people solve problems, learn new skills, and feel supported in the ordinary and complex moments of life.
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    Expert Answer
    Absolutely. While Communion is reserved for Catholics, everyone—including non-Catholics—can use the holy water font. Admire it, sit by it, kneel, read Scripture, or even pray by it. If the font has a dispenser, you can fill a bottle with holy water and take it home with you to reflect on everything you learned at Mass.
  • Question
    At what age do I have to stop receiving Holy Communion?
    Community Answer
    There is no maximum age for this.
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    Can a non-Catholic in the process of conversion go to confession?
    Community Answer
    You are allowed to go to confession and tell the priest your sins, but you should make sure to tell them that you are not Catholic yet (but are working towards becoming one). He will not be able to give you a full blessing, but he will tell you some ways to repent.
  • Question
    I have a calling to join a Catholic church that my dad went to, but at 69. I am not sure if it's too late. I did go to talk to the deacon, but I am so afraid that I will fail this if I try. Any suggestions?
    Celaena Lexa
    Community Answer
    Anyone can join the Catholic Church, as long as you have faith. If that is your calling, then do it! The only way that you could fail is if you say or do the wrong thing on purpose. If you do say something wrong, don't worry, Catholicism is about forgiveness.
  • Question
    Where can I attend a daily Catholic Mass is I'm not Catholic?
    Community Answer
    You can attend a daily Catholic Mass at almost any Catholic church in the world.
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    Is it considered disrespectful for a non-Catholic to attend mass in a Catholic church?
    Community Answer
    No, non-Catholics are welcome to attend mass in a Catholic church, as long as they do not receive communion.
  • Question
    I have sinned, and do not take communion. Should I leave church early during communion?
    Abbey Beaton
    Community Answer
    You can remain in your seat during communion, but go to confession as soon as possible so that you can receive communion again.
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    I am not Catholic, but I would like to marry someone who is Catholic. Can we get married in a civil union and have a Catholic ceremony after I become Catholic?
    Community Answer
    You can have a civil union and then be married in the Catholic church after you convert. However, if you have sexual intercourse between the civil union and the Catholic ceremony, it would be considered a sin by the church.
  • Question
    What can I tell my friend who is Methodist and often tells me how much it bothers her that she is not allowed to take communion in the Catholic Church. She says that she has talked to authorities and even priests about this but has not gotten a satisfactory reason.
    Jo W
    Community Answer
    To receive Holy Communion at a mass you must be a Catholic. Some denominations allow anyone from anywhere to receive Communion at their church as long as they are a Believer in Christ. However, the Catholic church requires you to be a member, ie. Catholic. It is their church and their rules. Your friend is obsessing about being denied access to something in someone else's house, so to speak. She may take Communion in her own church, or any Pentecostal church or many other churches.
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    Can I go up to the priest and ask him if he could please trace a cross on my forehead with oil, or do I have to arrange for that to be done at home?
    Community Answer
    The oils are only used during certain sacraments (like the Anointing of the Sick, Baptism, and Confirmation). So, if you are getting ready for a surgery or are seriously ill, you can ask for the Anointing of the Sick. But even without the oil, the priest will be happy to give you a blessing anytime you would like!
  • Question
    Can I ask for the priest to trace a cross on my forehead with holy water?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. However, you have to understand that it's not holy water that cleanses you, but the blood of Jesus. Trust Jesus and pray to Him alone.
  • Question
    If I ask the priest or bishop to trace a cross on my forehead with his thumb, will he do it?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the priest, but he would most likely do it.
  • Question
    Are Catholics in need of confession of mortal sin allowed to go forward to receive a blessing?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but if your local parish allows it, you can go to Confession before the Mass. If you didn't go to Confession, then you can't be allowed to receive Holy Communion without committing sacrilege.
  • Question
    How can the church justify denying Christ to a believer during communion?
    Community Answer
    The Church should not prevent a member of the Catholic Church from receiving communion unless the person has not been baptized into the Catholic Church. If you have committed a sin and need to go to confession, then you should not receive communion until you've done so. (Though the decision of going to confession for the sin before receiving the host is really between you and God.)
  • Question
    I'm a former Catholic attending a memorial service. Do I still need to pray and join in communion if I'm not comfortable doing so?
    Community Answer
    No, you don't have to pray or take communion if you don't want to. However, given that it's a memorial service, some people might find it disrespectful if you don't, so keep that in mind if that makes you uncomfortable.
  • Question
    How do you convert to Catholicism?
    Community Answer
    You can convert to Catholocism by attending RCIA classes at a local, Catholic Church. You can also talk to the priest there for help and guidance.
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    I am 10 years old, and I have made the decision to be Catholic. I have been praying for a long time, but I want to get baptised, and receive holy communion. How?
    Community Answer
    You can get baptized anytime. You simply have to talk to your parents and the priest at a local Catholic Church. In order to receive Holy Communion, however, you need to go through Sacramental preparation. Many Catholic Churches offer this. If it is not being currently offered at a Catholic Church nearby, you may have to wait for a few months for it to start and it will be even longer before you can actually receive Communion.
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    I haven’t been to confession, do I take communion at mass?
    Community Answer
    No, Holy Communion is only for baptized Catholics who have been to confession.
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    I converted to Catholicism when I was 16. I married my first husband in the Catholic Church when we were 18 but we divorced at 21. I haven’t kept up with my Catholic faith but want to return.
    Community Answer
    If you have remarried, you cannot receive Communion in a Catholic Church. You must go through the Annulment process first. If the Church determines your Sacrament was valid, your current relationship will be called adulterous and you will have to live as a sister and brother and never have children in order to receive Communion.
  • Question
    I want to be a Catholic but my family is Orthodox. If I accept Catholic, they will out me from home. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    If you want to turn from Orthodox to Catholic for connecting with God, then you should know that God rests in your soul. Merely shifting can create a big problem at home. If you feel very spiritually pulled to change, you can call a trusted and peaceful member from your Orthodox church and explain them everything. See if they or even a relative can sit with your family and have them understand. You can assure your family that you will never leave your faith and will continue being religious. And that you just need to be a Catholic for xyz reason.
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    What is appropriate attire for church choir or mass?
    Community Answer
    Women should wear black below-the-knee or ankle-length skirts or slacks with a black or white blouse. Black stockings and black shoes.
  • Question
    While receiving communion, do not receive in the hands, genuflect, receive on tongue?
    Top Answerer
    Prior to Vatican II, yes, the standard was to kneel at the altar rail and receive communion on the tongue. After Vatican II when leaders made many changes, believers could receive Communion in the palm and put it into their own mouth. Now, either way is used depending on the person. However, only Catholics should receive Communion.
  • Question
    How do I become Catholic?
    Community Answer
    Refer to the article Become Catholic .
  • Question
    Can I receive grape juice instead of wine during the sacrament?
    Ethan Morris
    Community Answer
    No, the Catholic Church only allows wine for the sacrament, which represents the Blood of Christ. In most cases, receiving the wine is optional or may not even be offered.
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