Q&A for How to Walk with Confidence

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    How can I be confident?
    Dawn Smith-Camacho
    Career & Life Coach
    Dawn Smith-Camacho is the Owner of Whole Life Solutions, a business in which Dawn provides professional speaking on effective decision-making and navigating major changes for entrepreneurs and employees. She also supports individual coaching clients by identifying their core values, managing time, prioritizing, and honing in on their ideal path. Her clients include Vistage, UNICEF, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), the Wedding Industry Professionals Association (WIPA), NACE, and Oracle.
    Career & Life Coach
    Expert Answer
    To help yourself feel more confident and positive, try incorporating a practice like meditation, breathing exercises, or gratitude journaling into your daily life. For instance, each night before you go to bed, reflect on what your day was like. Then, identify the best part of your day, the worst part of your day, and one thing you're proud of yourself for.
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    How do I make my point in a group of people?
    Paul Chernyak, LPC
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Paul Chernyak is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Chicago. He graduated from the American School of Professional Psychology in 2011.
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Expert Answer
    Try engaging in the slow talk technique mentioned in this article to help get your point across clearly.
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    How should I walk in front of others as I am afraid?
    Community Answer
    Don't be afraid, though we all know we have weaknesses or faults we should think that nobody is perfect. We make mistakes. We all have talents and good quality. Don't be afraid. Challenge yourself to be brave than to be weak.
  • Question
    How can I walk confidently in front of a crowd?
    Community Answer
    Just keep your head up and your shoulders back. Make eye contact with one or two people and think of something positive. Practice when you're alone so that you'll be prepared when you're in front of a crowd.
  • Question
    How can I avoid being nervous when people stare at me in public places?
    Community Answer
    You could try to ignore these people, and just pretend that they are not there. However, if they stare at you in public, they may think you are an attractive person. So, just have some confidence in yourself.
  • Question
    How can I be confident if a boy sits beside me on a bus if I am a teenager girl?
    Community Answer
    Just keep your head up and take slow, steady breaths. If he smiles, smile back. If he tells a joke, laugh. Keep it simple and follow his lead.
  • Question
    I have read that walking briskly can make people appear nervous, as if they are trying to escape a situation. What walking pace is the best to appear confident?
    Community Answer
    Walk at a medium pace. Not so slow that you seem to be contemplating human existence, or so fast that you look like you're trying to get away from a stalker. Just fast enough to show that you're not willing waste your time.
  • Question
    How can I appear like I am not nervous if I am?
    Community Answer
    Maintain a good posture and try to appear enthusiastic about things. Smile and talk to people. Eventually, you will get used to it and hopefully gain confidence.
  • Question
    How should I behave when I'm in a group of unknown people?
    Community Answer
    Smile and try to talk with them. Do things like ask questions or make them laugh and try to look good and be confident. If no one is talking to you, just listen to music or go on your phone.
  • Question
    I walk weirdly. I have tried many times to walk normally, but I failed. How can I walk normally?
    Community Answer
    You can walk normally. Just learn to hold your head up, face ahead, breath deep if it helps, and just look confident. It will get better.
  • Question
    How do I know if I'm approachable?
    Community Answer
    People will find you approachable if you are kind, greet them, and always have a smile.
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    How can I be friends with everyone and be super social when I'm socially awkward?
    Community Answer
    Try and conquer your fears. Walk up to people and simply introduce yourself. If they ignore you, don't give up, introduce yourself again, though in a more superior tone of voice. Just try to greet people and be social. You can also check out the helpful tips in this article about how to be social on wikiHow.
  • Question
    How do I walk with confidence if I have a heavy backpack on?
    Community Answer
    Just keep walking at a medium pace and pretend the backpack is part of your back. Hold your head high and keep your shoulders back as best you can.
  • Question
    How do I walk with confidence and not look down when I greet people?
    Community Answer
    Believe in yourself. Making yourself look down can lower your self-confidence. It takes practice and you can learn it gradually. Practice in a mirror or with a friend, it works out eventually. If your nervous, take deep breaths and remember: You are the best! Also, try and tell yourself in your mind, don't look down. Repeat and repeat, then every day, boost your confidence by saying positive things in your head and in front of a mirror can help too!
  • Question
    How do I walk with confidence and not look down when I greet people?
    Community Answer
    Look into their eyes, this will help prevent you looking vulnerable and zoning out, and it will make the person feel important when they talk to you.
  • Question
    What if you are in a wheelchair? Can I wheel confidently, similarly to how people can walk confidently?
    Community Answer
    There are ways to look confident in a wheelchair, surprisingly enough. Keeping a confident face and keeping good posture goes a long way in looking and feeling confident. Plus, being sure of your surroundings can also help. Maybe wear some clothes that make you feel self-assertive. Just because someone might be in a wheelchair doesn't mean they can't have an extra dose of confidence!
  • Question
    How do I avoid people talking about me when walking in public?
    Community Answer
    Sadly, this is going to be inevitable, as nobody can control how others think or behave. However, there are tips and tricks to overcome people talking about you in public. For example, you can pretend that nobody is there, although that doesn't work with everyone. You could also wear soundproof headphones and play music to filter out the noise, but make sure to take them off when someone talks to you! A last resort is to practice in confident building activities and go out in public more to gradually help you desensitize yourself to people talking about you.
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