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Q&A for How to Wear Medals on Civilian Clothes
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QuestionHow many medals can you wear in a row?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThat depends in part on the size of the medals. For example, U.S. Navy personnel can wear up to 3 large medals in a row, but as many as 5 miniature medals in a row.
QuestionIs it illegal to wear medals you haven’t earned?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIn the U.S. and U.K., you can legally wear medals you didn’t earn. However, it’s illegal to use medals or other military attire to impersonate a veteran or a member of the military—so you can wear them, but be honest about where they came from!
QuestionHow do I claim my father’s military medals?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThis varies depending on your country and the military branch in which your father served. In the U.S., for example, you will need to send a request to the military service records department of the appropriate military branch. You can find more information at
QuestionWhen wearing my Army uniform, should I place my Air Force Outstanding Unit Ribbon in a frame to match all my Army unit award ribbons?Community AnswerYour other service awards and the manner in which you wear them are specifically covered in the Army regulations. You can choose to wear the other service award in the manner it was awarded, minus a couple of Air Force awards that the Army doesn't allow, such as the Air Force Longevity Award. The AFOUA is authorized for wear on the opposite side with your other unit awards. The frame on unit awards has special significance, and if you didn't earn it like that, which you did not for the AFOUA, you shouldn't modify it.
QuestionCan I wear my ribbon bar at a funeral?Tom De BackerTop AnswererYou can wear it anywhere and anytime you want to. It is yours.
QuestionCan I wear my grandfather's medals?Community AnswerIf your grandfather is no longer alive, you may wear them on the right side above your breast. This signifies that the medals are not yours. However, if your grandfather is still alive, he should wear the medals himself.
QuestionCan I wear my medals to my nephew's passing out at Sandhurst?Community AnswerYes. It is a military event and it would therefore be appropriate for you to wear medals that you've been awarded for your own service.
QuestionCan I wear miniature medals on a Remembrance Sunday?Community AnswerIt is appropriate and encouraged for veterans to wear authorized miniature or full size medals on special occasions such as Remembrance Day.
QuestionMay I wear ribbons and medals while in a civilian black tie affair?Community AnswerIn the U.S., it is appropriate to wear only the medals. This follows the rule where a commissioned officer's mess dress uniform is worn only with medals, and not ribbons. You may wear either full size or miniature medals. Wear them on your left chest, in the same position as if you would place them on an uniform jacket.
QuestionCan I wear medals at a wedding?Community AnswerYes.
QuestionCan my grandson wear my miniature medals on Anzac Day?Community AnswerNot whilst you are alive, as you should wear them yourself. Once you are gone, he can wear them (or the full size ones) on the right side.
QuestionCan I, as a civilian, wear my father's military medals during a Remembrance parade while in civilian clothing?Community AnswerYes, you can wear your father's military medals during a parade. You would wear them on your right side; this signifies that they are not your medals.
QuestionCould I wear full sized ribbons on a cap?Community AnswerMilitary regulations, instructions and normal rules of etiquette do not include wearing military items on less formal civilian clothing, such as hats and caps. Normally, only full or miniature-sized medals are worn on the chest during special occasions. In most circumstances, it would be more appropriate to wear replicas of specific ribbons on hats and caps, rather than wearing full size ribbons.
QuestionWomen have earned medals too, so is there proper protocol for women?Community AnswerThe protocol is the same as it is for men (or the logical equivalent placement, given they probably aren't in a dinner suit).
QuestionI am a veteran of the Korean War and my unit was awarded the "Presidential Unit Citation" for the Imjin River Battle. Where do I wear this decoration on civilian dress?Community AnswerSince this is not a medal awarded to individuals, wear the lapel pin that you can purchase commercially.
QuestionCan a miniature combat infantry badge be worn over the row of four miniature medals?Community AnswerIt's traditional to wear only medals on civilian clothing. U.S. Army regulation specifically authorizes retirees and former members to wear medals on special occasions. Some people wear lapel pins that resemble badges earned while serving in the military.
QuestionCan I wear both Army and Marine Corps medals?Community AnswerYes. Just like while serving on active duty, you may wear medals earned from more than one branch of service. Ensure medals are placed in the correct order of precedence.
QuestionWhere should a Purple Heart be worn?Community AnswerOn special occasions, wear the Purple Heart, along with your other medals, in the proper order of precedence. You may wear one, any or all medals. Place them on your left chest, the same place where ribbons are worn on a dress uniform.
QuestionHow do I attach the holding/mounting bar to a suit without making large holes (the diameter of the holding/mounting bar) in the suit?Community AnswerOn service uniforms, we sew a "becket," aka a couple of little loops in the same color thread as the jacket that you can poke the pin at the back of the bar through. Some folks contrive something stuffed down the breast pocket to invisibly support their medals on a civvy jacket.
QuestionCan I wear my German Army Schutzenschnur on a tuxedo? I'm a retired marine and was awarded the medal while on active duty.Community AnswerI would not object to a marine wearing an army/air force award from Germany, but your marine buddies might mention that this award could be presented to marines, but not worn by marines. This was the rule for even army commissioned officers. Since it is very rare for a marine to earn this foreign award, I would want to wear it.
QuestionCan you please update your article to include civilian dress for women, including business/morning dress, evening dress and full dress, and paying special attention to wearing medals without a jacket?Tom De BackerTop AnswererwikiHow is a collaborative effort by volunteers. If you see gaps in the information in any of the articles, please feel free to add your knowledge. It really helps when people who know what they're talking about also edit the articles themselves.
QuestionDo I wear my medals when I am being presented with another?Community AnswerMy father is in the military and he told me yes, you should wear your other medals.
QuestionCan I wear my dad's Purple Heart lapel pin on my work badge?Community AnswerIt is not appropriate to simply put the pin on your work badge, because you did not earn the Purple Heart. You may wear his actual Purple Heart only if he is deceased, and only on special occasions to honor his service. Wear it on your right chest to indicate it's not yours.
QuestionCan commemorative metals be worn on civilian cloths for veterans?Community AnswerCommemorative medals are not actual military awards. While anyone can purchase them, they should be not be worn together with official military medals. If worn on the same piece of clothing, commemorative medals, lapel pins, buttons, or any other items should be physically separate from military medals.
QuestionCan I wear my late husband's bars on Poppy Day?Community AnswerYes. You may wear your late husband's decorations on your right chest on special occasions, such as Remembrance Day.
QuestionCan I wear my Canadian Airborne Wings above my miniature medals?Skooter1504Community AnswerIf you'd like. Can your clothes accommodate it?
QuestionI'm retired active duty and now a DoD Civilian. Can I mix the highest awarded military with civilian medals? I've been awarded Bronze Star & GWOT medals as a civilian who deployed.Community AnswerYes, as a recipient do wear everything given in order of honor.
QuestionCan I wear my son's medals to a new memorial stone to be laid?Tom De BackerTop AnswererIt is usually frowned upon to wear someone else's medals. Bring them along in a nice casing, or take them out and temporarily dress them over the sleeve of your jacket at the right moment.
QuestionIs it proper to wear military medals to a royal ceremony in the U.K.?Community AnswerYes, it is sometimes appropriate to wear military medals to royals ceremonies. If and when there's any doubt, contact the staff member who sent the invitation.
QuestionOn which lapel of a jacket should I pin the Veterans Badge?Community AnswerPlace the the Veteran's Badge pin on the left lapel of your suit jacket, or in the similar position on the upper left chest of your shirt or jacket.
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