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Indoor plants are bred for their ability to thrive in a wide variety of conditions, and unlike outdoor plants they do not have to contend with hordes of insects or severe weather. However, even healthy indoor plants can develop unsightly brown spots or, in particular, brown leaf tips. Snipping brown tips with scissors can provide cosmetic improvements for your plant, but you should also identify and deal with the underlying cause of the brown tips.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Removing Brown Tips While Preserving Leaf Shape

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  1. For the best results, you should use as sharp a pair of scissors as possible. Very sharp blades minimize damage to the plant's cells, which reduces the amount of energy it must expend healing the wound. [1]
    • Any sharp, sturdy pair of scissors will do, but the shape and strength of kitchen shears make them a great choice for this job.
    • To minimize the risk of transferring any plant diseases, especially if you’re trimming more than one plant, wipe down the scissors with rubbing alcohol both before and after using them.
  2. Leaves with small brown areas along their edges or tips still produce energy for the plant through photosynthesis. However, if a leaf is almost entirely brown and dry, then it’s not producing energy and can be removed entirely by cutting it away. [2]
    • If more than half of the leaf’s surface area is brown—and especially if it’s at least two-thirds brown—then it’s a good candidate for full removal.
    • The preferred way to remove a whole leaf is to cut the base of its stem with sharp scissors. Alternatively, you can pluck it by pinching the base of the stem between the nails of your thumb and index fingers.
  3. Study the tip shape of some healthy leaves, and reproduce that shape as closely as possible with your cuts. For instance, if you’re dealing with long, straight leaves with pointed tips, make two angled cuts at the tip in order to re-create a triangular shape at the end. [3]
    • Shaping the cuts is only necessary for aesthetic purposes. Cutting straight across the tip of the leaf to remove the dead area isn’t any more damaging to the plant.
    • With some practice, your shaped leaves will be indistinguishable from the fully healthy ones!
  4. Some indoor gardeners insist that it’s best to leave a very small sliver of the brown area remaining on the leaf. In doing this, you avoid opening a fresh wound in the healthy part of the leaf, which might stress the plant and cause further browning. [4]
    • If you’re only trimming one or two leaves, leaving some brown behind doesn’t need to be a concern. However, if you’re trimming many leaves at once, you may want to limit the wounds you create in healthy leaf sections.
  5. If you have a compost pile or municipal composting program, you can add the leaf tips to your compost. If you suspect that the houseplant is diseased, however, avoid potential contamination of your compost and discard the leaf tips in the trash.
    • Brown tips alone rarely indicate disease. A diseased plant will usually have numerous leaves with brown splotches, holes, or complete browning. [5]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Addressing Over- or Under-Watering

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  1. Brown leaf tips are most often a watering issue, but both over- and under-watering can cause them. Hold the plant over the sink, grab the stem and jiggle it a bit, and pull the plant and root ball from the pot. This will make it easier to diagnose under- or over-watering. [6]
    • If the soil crumbles away instead of holding together in a clump, you’re under-watering.
    • If water drips from the soil, or if the roots look moldy at the ends, you’re over-watering.
  2. If you find water-logged soil and roots when you pull the plant from its pot, you can try leaving it out of the pot for several hours, then putting it back once things dry out a bit. However, it’s often better to scrape some of the water-logged soil away from the root ball, then re-pot the plant along with some fresh potting soil. [7]
    • If the tips of the roots look rotted or dead, you can snip them off with scissors.
    • Instead of giving the plant less water at a time on the same schedule, water the plant fully but less frequently. For instance, if you’re currently saturating the soil with water every 2 days, don’t switch to just moistening the soil every two days. Instead, saturate the soil every 4 days.
  3. After you've identified under-watering as the problem, put the plant back in its pot and give it a thorough watering. Every time you water the plant, you want to see water running out of the drain holes in the bottom of the pot. If this isn’t happening, you’re not giving the plant enough water. [8]
    • Place a drain pan under the pot to catch the excess water, or water the plant over the sink.
    • Keep watering the plant on the same schedule (for instance, every other day), but give it more water each time. Pull it from the pot again in a week (on a non-watering day) and check if the soil is dry. If so, start watering the plant more frequently (e.g., daily) as well as more fully.
  4. In addition to frequent watering, tropical plants need humidity from the surrounding air. Placing the pot in a shallow bowl filled with rocks and water can help increase the humidity around the plant. If your house has very dry air, you might also consider running a humidifier nearby. [9]
    • It might also help to spritz the leaves with a spray bottle full of water once a day.
    • Keep the plant away from heating or cooling vents that blow out dry air.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Diagnosing Other Leaf-Browning Causes

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  1. Many plants, such as most palm varieties, shed their lower leaves regularly as part of their natural growth. There is no way to keep these shedding leaves from gradually turning brown, and they can be clipped away once they are thoroughly discolored and dry. [10]
    • A brown-tipped leaf will look green and healthy in all areas except for the brown tip.
  2. If your plant isn't being over- or under-watered but still has brown tips, there is probably too much of one or more minerals—most likely salt—in the soil. Excess minerals usually come from hard tap water or too much fertilizer. To flush away the salt or minerals, place the pot over the sink and use distilled water to flush the soil—that is, keep pouring the water until an ample amount runs out of the drain holes. [11]
    • Flush the soil with distilled water 2-3 times over the course of several minutes.
    • To prevent future problems, water the plant with distilled water and reduce your use of fertilizers.
  3. Small brown spots or holes in your houseplants' leaves can be a sign of an insect infestation. Check the soil and the undersides of the leaves for insects to help diagnose the problem before it gets worse. [12]
    • If you need help identifying likely pests for your indoor plants, and want advice on how to get rid of them, contact your local agricultural extension office or visit your local plant nursery.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What causes brown spots on plants?
    Chai Saechao
    Plant Specialist
    Chai Saechao is the Founder and Owner of Plant Therapy, an indoor-plant store founded in 2018 based in San Francisco, California. As a self-described plant doctor, he believes in the therapeutic power of plants, hoping to keep sharing his love of plants with anyone willing to listen and learn.
    Plant Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Brown spots on the edge of a leaf are typically due to dehydration, while brown spots in the center are usually signs of disease or mold. For dehydrated plants, just water more frequently or move the plant to a shadier spot. To treat disease or mold, you should cut off the infected leaves.
  • Question
    Why does my peace lily have brown tips on the leaves?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    As with most other houseplants, the likely cause of browning tips on a peace lily is over or under watering. Peace lilies tend not to need much water, you can allow the soil to dry out significantly between waterings.
  • Question
    Can you cut brown tips off plants?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Yes, though it likely won't prevent the plant from continuing to develop browning tips, which is usually caused by over or under watering.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Sharp scissors or kitchen shears

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To remove brown tips from the leaves of your houseplants, use a pair of sharp scissors or garden shears to trim most of the browned material off of the leaves. Leave a thin layer of brown on the end of each leaf to avoid damaging the healthy part of the plant. If most of a leaf is brown, remove the leaf entirely by cutting it off where the base of the leaf meets the stem. If your houseplants' leaves keep browning, inspect the soil. If the soil is saturated, try watering your plants less. If the leaves continue browning, repot your plants in new, dry soil so that the roots can dry out. If the soil is dry, you may need to water your plants more often. You can also try flushing excess salt and minerals out of the soil by watering your plant with distilled water until water comes out of the drainage holes in the pot. Then wait at least 2 days before watering your plant again or until the soil is dry. To learn how to treat other common causes of leaf-browning, scroll down!

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