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Learn the tell-tale signs of a spiritual awakening
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Have you been having super vivid dreams lately, or are you noticing strange coincidences in your daily life? Has your intuition recently kicked into high gear? If these questions resonate with you, you might be experiencing symptoms of spiritual ascension. Keep reading for all the tell-tale signs that you're awakening and becoming more enlightened, from déjà vu to lucid dreams.

Things You Should Know

  • At the beginning of a spiritual awakening, you might feel disconnected from your old self or experience strain in your personal relationships.
  • Common symptoms of spiritual ascension include sharpened intuition, heightened sensitivity to the world around you, and an increase in empathy.
  • You may also notice symptoms like vivid or lucid dreams, déjà vu, and synchronicities.

You feel disconnected from your old self.

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  1. If you’re going through a spiritual awakening, you’re developing a new understanding of the world. [1] This shift in your perspective causes you to let go of old beliefs in order to embrace new ones. Because you’re going through so much change, you might feel distant from who you used to be. [2]
    • Embrace change : This can be an unnerving experience at first, but it can also be the first step to a life-changing transformation! Instead of being afraid of this change, try to lean into it .
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You feel isolated.

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  1. Your loved ones might not understand the changes you’re going through, and this could lead to disconnection. You might also realize that certain relationships are not serving you because you’re developing the ability to see through inauthenticity and manipulation. [3] If these statements resonate with you, you could be at the start of a spiritual awakening.
    • Take some alone time : If you’ve been feeling out of step with the people around you, take some time to yourself to reflect. Try journaling to explore your emotions and get to know yourself better.

You have unexplained physical symptoms.

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  1. You might experience mild fatigue or brain fog. [4] It’s important to remember, however, that these symptoms could also be signs of medical conditions. If you’re experiencing physical symptoms, see a doctor to check for any medical problems first. If your symptoms are mild, and a doctor determines that there’s no medical cause, they might be related to a spiritual awakening.
    • Use crystals : If your physical symptoms aren't caused by an underlying medical condition but they're still causing you stress or discomfort, try using crystals for healing . Crystals are a powerful spiritual tool for relaxation!
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You have heightened intuition.

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  1. When the phone rings, you know who it is before looking at the caller ID. You have a sense that someone’s about to cancel plans hours before you get the text asking to rain check. When someone’s being dishonest with you, you can immediately tell that they’re lying. [7] If you feel like you can trust your gut way more than usual, you might be becoming more enlightened.
    • Trust your gut : If you’ve been feeling like you have a sixth sense lately, lean into it! A spiritual awakening heightens your awareness, so trust yourself and follow your intuition .
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You have increased awareness and sensitivity.

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  1. You could be more sensitive to loud sounds or bright lights. You might also become more sensitive to people’s emotional energies. If someone who is sad or struggling walks into the room, you’ll notice immediately. Happiness and excitement will feel contagious. If you’re hyper-aware of the world around you, this could be a symptom of ascension. [8]

You’re noticing synchronicity in your life.

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  1. Maybe you hear two people on the street talking about Chicago. The next day you hear a song that mentions Chicago. Then, your friend invites you on a trip to Chicago. These "coincidences" could be signs that are meant to guide you, and if you're awakening spiritually, you're more likely to notice them. [9]
    • Look out for angel numbers : You may start seeing repeating sequences of numbers more frequently, and they may have important messages for you.
    • For example, you might look at the clock at 1:11 p.m. then have an important meeting in suite 111. The angel number 111 is related to new beginnings and spiritual awakenings. [10]
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You’re experiencing a ton of déjà vu.

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  1. Déjà vu is the feeling you’ve seen or heard something before. [11] If you’re getting the feeling that you’ve had certain experiences already, even though they’re happening for the first time, your intuition is likely awakening. [12]
    • Make note of déjà vu : Document it in your journal, or keep a running list of your déjà vu experiences on your phone or computer. This will help you keep track of the frequency of these instances and look for patterns.

You feel drawn to spiritual practices.

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  1. [14] Because of this, you might feel more drawn to practices like meditation, prayer, or playing singing bowls . [15] If you’re feeling more open to new spiritual experiences, you could be ascending.
    • Try out mindful meditation : This can help you awaken your spiritual side while also calming anxiety and getting in touch with your body.
    • Sit down in a quiet place and focus on what you’re experiencing. Feel the flow of your breath, and let any thoughts that come up pass without judgment. [16]

You’re living more in the moment.

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  1. As you become more spiritual, you’ll begin living more mindfully . [17] Mindfulness involves focusing on what you’re feeling in the present moment without judging yourself. [18] Spiritual awakenings can cause you to be less attached to the future and the past, which also helps you live in the present moment and go with the flow. [19] If it’s getting easier for you to take things as they come, you could be ascending.
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You see interconnectedness everywhere.

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  1. This might make you less inclined to smash bugs in your house, and you might prefer to catch them and set them free outside. It can even make you less inclined to eat meat, so you might decide to become a vegetarian . You’ll also care deeply about taking care of the planet, and you’ll likely take steps to reduce your carbon footprint. [21]
    • Embrace eco-consciousness : Even small changes can help make the world a better place! Try out a fully vegan diet , or cut down on animal products by incorporating Meatless Mondays into your routine.
    • Use reusable water bottles instead of single-use plastics, and try biking, carpooling, or taking public transportation instead of driving when you can.

You’re letting go of attachments.

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  1. You might also become less preoccupied with money, status, or popularity because you're becoming more comfortable being you true self and embracing authenticity. [22] If you feel like these things are starting to matter less to you, this could be a sign of a spiritual awakening.
    • Let go of things you don’t need : Take a look at your possessions to see if there’s anything you want to donate or give to a friend. An object or piece of clothing you no longer use might make someone else’s day!
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You're experiencing a release of ego.

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  1. Ego has to do with setting yourself apart from the world, while spiritual awakenings involve becoming more connected with the world and everything in it. [23] If you’re no longer filtering things through your ego, and you care less about being distinguished or impressive to the world, this could be a sign that you’re awakening.
    • Embrace your true self : When you’ve let go of your ego, you’ll be less worried about what others think. This is the perfect time to try the things you’ve always wanted to do, but avoided for fear of others' judgment.
    • Maybe you’ve been dying to share your poetry at an open mic night, but you were worried people would make fun of you. Or, maybe you have a great idea for a business, but you were afraid of failure. Whatever it is, now is the time to go for it!

You're more empathetic.

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  1. When someone you love is hurting, you might feel their pain more deeply. You could also feel more in-tune with the suffering of the world. As a result, you'll likely feel more compelled to help those in need. If you notice an increase in empathy, compassion, and altruism in your life, you could be going through a spiritual awakening. [24]
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You have more self-compassion.

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  1. Self-compassion involves recognizing when you’re struggling and being kind to yourself in those moments. [25] As you go through your spiritual awakening, your kindness won’t just extend to others; it will also turn inward. [26] If you’re getting better at giving yourself grace, you could be reaching higher levels of enlightenment.
    • Show yourself some love : When you’re going through a hard time, treat yourself to a self-care night. Watch your favorite movies, order your favorite takeout, have a relaxing bubble-bath—whatever your heart desires!

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  1. Maybe you’ve suddenly found a job that you’re passionate about. Or maybe inspiration hit for a creative project that you can’t wait to get started on. If you’re starting to get clarity on your path, this could be a symptom of a spiritual awakening. [27]
    • Find your passion : If you feel like a specific academic or career path is calling your name, listen to your inner voice. That feeling of passion may be pushing you toward the path you’re meant to be on!
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You have a deep sense of inner peace.

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  1. You might even become less afraid of injury because you’re less attached to your physical body. If you’re feeling a deep sense of inner calm and peace, and your old anxieties are slipping away, you could be on your way to spiritual ascension. [28]
    • Cultivate peacefulness : This looks different for everyone, but it usually involves slowing down and living a softer lifestyle. Do the things you love, spend time in nature, enjoy quiet time—whatever makes you feel at peace!

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