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Twerking is a great way to dance to your favorite song or workout and have fun simultaneously. Once you learn the basic moves, twerking is easy.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Doing the Squat and Shake Twerk

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Twerk
    You want to be low to the ground so that you are grounded and easily balanced, but not too low. Consider keeping your knees behind your toes to avoid knee injury. Stand with your legs wide apart, lower to the ground, with your feet turned out. This will help you maintain your balance once you start moving. This is the most common way to twerk, and is the least sexually provocative. [1]
    • Pick a fun, fast beat and start practicing! You can practice twerking slowly at first, to get the basic move down, and pick up your pace once you're comfortable with it.
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Twerk
    Pop your booty outward.  Get into the stance that looks like you are about to sit into a chair-- think "chair pose" in yoga -- your booty should be the main attraction. Make sure to keep your knees bent and place your hands on your hips. Keep your upper body pretty straight and look straight ahead. You don't need to look at the ground to twerk effectively. [2]
    • As you pop your booty out, you should lean forward approximately 45 degrees, shifting your weight to your toes. This is known as the "Miley Twerk". If you want to be a bit less scandalous, then you don't have to lean forward as much, and can keep your chest upright.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Twerk
    Shake your booty back and forth. If you choose to keep your hands on your hips while you twerk, then you should press your thumbs into your butt bones to help push your hips go forward if you're moving forward; to move your booty back, use your other fingers to pull back on your hip bones to help your booty move backward. If you're comfortable twerking without your hands, then you can lift your arms straight out in front of you, close together and parallel to the ground, and gently sway them as you continue to twerk. [3]
    • For the Miley Twerk, you should move your hips quickly from right to left; for a standard twerk, pop your booty up and down, arching and straightening your back to get the best results. And don't worry if you don't have a big booty . Anyone can rock this move!
    • Make sure you're not using your knees or shifting your weight. It's all about isolating the lower half of your body while keeping the upper half stable.
    • You can also switch it up with your hands, keeping them up in front of you, out at your sides, or back on your hips.
    • Additionally, you can get even a bit lower the ground, placing your hands above your knees, with your fingers pointed toward each other and your wrists facing out, and shake your booty with your hands helping you get the most for your money.
    • If you're really going for it, add a Miley face or hand signal for good measure.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Doing the Wall Twerk

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  1.  Stand facing away from the wall but within close proximity so you can see the wall in your peripheral vision. Now, this is the most showy form of twerking. Make sure you don't think this is a good idea after you've had one drink too many, or you'll be fixing for a fall. When you attempt the wall twerk, you should already be pretty confident in your twerking abilities. This move is not for amateurs. [4]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Twerk
    This time you want to make sure you have a strong grip on the floor as you will be walking your feet up the wall so you don’t want to fall. Your entire hands should be on the ground to give you the balance you need. Get your booty high in the air to make it easier to get your legs up there. Your hands should be down about a foot in front of your feet, shoulder width apart. As you place both hands on the ground, shift the weight from your legs to your hands.
    • Your torso and upper body should essentially be in a handstand position. Your fingers should be facing away from you.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Twerk
    First, place one leg on the wall, get it up there until you feel stable, and then move your other leg up to join it. Your feet should be wide apart, about one foot away from each hip. Get your toes firmly on the wall and practice arching your back and hallowing it, creating the basic twerk move. Keep your arms and upper body strong and stable as you rock out with your lower body (which will be above your upper body!). You can think of this as a version of the "hands on the ground" twerk -- except that this time, you're up on a wall.
    • You should aim to be up there for thirty seconds, or maybe even a minute or the length of a short song, but remember that your hands and shoulders will get tired after a while. 
    • This is also a great opportunity for grabbing a wall twerking partner to join you as you show off those moves!
    • Make sure to come down gracefully. Move your feet back down the wall, one at a time. You can continue doing the "hands on the ground" twerk, or just take a complete break from twerking for a little while until you're ready to channel your inner-Miley again.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Doing the Hands on the Ground Twerk

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  1.   Make sure your legs are straight and your torso is facing forward. They should be wider than hip distance apart. If they're too close together, it'll be hard for you to bend down to twerk effectively. [5]
  2. Turn your toes out as you lean down. You can have a slight bend in your legs and make sure at least your fingertips touch the ground. If you're more flexible, nobody's stopping you from getting your entire hands down on the ground. This will help you maintain your own balance.
  3. Bend and straighten your legs quickly, accentuating the booty pop during the move. Bend and straighten your legs along with the rhythm of the music.  You can also shake and move your booty as you twerk. To do the regular twerk, just arch your back and then hallow it out, letting your booty move up and down, up and down. For the Miley, quickly wiggle your hips from left to right.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you know if you're twerking? I can read this but I can't figure out whether I'm doing it right.
    Community Answer
    There's two ways to know if you're twerking or not. First, you can look in the mirror and if you see hip movement or your butt moving up or down, you're twerking. Or, if you feel your butt moving, as if you feel it jiggle while you dance, then you're twerking. You don't need a big butt to twerk (i.e. Rihanna is one of the best twerkers and she doesn't have a big butt). It's all in the movement of the hips, so if you move your hips/but up and down, you're good.
  • Question
    How can I make my butt bigger?
    Community Answer
    Simply do squats, this will make your butt muscles stronger and bigger. I do 200 squats 6 times a week and I have a pretty big butt.
  • Question
    How can I do twerking in a split?
    Community Answer
    If you are in a middle split, go on your elbows and move your butt up and down, or you can move one butt cheek at a time, using your butt muscles to do so.
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      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Find a handle that's mounted horizontally on a wall, such as a towel rack. You can hold onto it for balance and use it as a guide to help you get into the right position when you're just starting out.
      • Line up your feet with your shoulders so your body will be in line when you squat. Keep your back slightly straight but leaning forward a little. This makes it easier to tuck and untuck your booty.
      • When twerking, try to jerk your behind from left to right instead of just waving it or you won't get the desired effect.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To twerk, begin by squatting. Stand with your legs bent and wide apart, like you’re about to sit in a chair. Try turning your feet out over your knees, which will help your balance. Next, pop your booty out by leaning forward about 45 degrees. Rest your hands on your knees, with your fingers facing towards each other. Now, twerking is all about isolating the lower half of your body! For a standard twerk, pop your booty up and down by arching and straightening your back. It might also be helpful to think of twerking as moving your hip bones forwards, then backwards in two distinct motions. Practice slowly at first. Then once you feel comfortable with twerking on your own, try doing it to the beat of some fun music. As with all dance moves, you don’t need to have a certain body type or skill level to look good. Just twerk with confidence and enthusiasm! To learn more about how to twerk on a wall or while your hands are on the ground, keep reading!

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      • Shauntel Jones

        Feb 27, 2022

        "Every day I practice these twerking videos. TThe reason why this helped me is because I've been trying to ..." more
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