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Though it is a common mistake, the words "to" and "too" are very easy to differentiate. Once you know how to tell, you can teach others how to get it right too!

Method 1
Method 1 of 1:

Using Too and To Correctly

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  1. "Too" is used less frequently than "to," so if you know what "too" means, then you can use it just for those specific meanings. You can feel confident that when "too" is not appropriate, "to" is the right choice. [1]
    • Try stressing (emphasizing) "too" when spoken, to help yourself assess whether it is the correct word. If the word is meant to be "to," it will sound odd if stressed. "Too" can be emphasized without sounding unusual.
  2. The first meaning is "also" or "besides"; the second meaning is "excessively" or "extra". In addition, some people use it to mean "very". Think of too as being relevant when there is an increase in something, such as temperature, difficulty, etc.; for example, "too hot", "too challenging", or "too soft". [2]
    • Choose the word "too" when it can be substituted for the word "also."
      • For example: "She felt awful too (also)" or "I can see you too (also)".
    • Use "too" to modify or emphasize a word.
      • For example: "The weather is too (excessively) hot", "I've eaten too (excessively) much", or "The package is too (excessively/extra) big".
    • "He wasn't too (very) interested in my book."
  3. "To" is a preposition . Use "to" for expressing direction, place, or position. [3]
    • "To" can be used when going towards something."I am going to the store" or "Will you just go to bed please!"
    • "To" can be used when you're doing something in the direction of something or someone, such as: "I am speaking to your friend", or "I am looking to the right".
  4. [4]
    • For example: "To go home", "to catch a mouse", or "to open the door."
  5. telling "to" and "too" apart. Here are a few examples to test yourself with (answers in "Tips" below): [5]
    • She's coming [to/too] your party [to/too].
    • I'm [to/too] hot [to/too] help you carry [to/too/two] suitcases [to/too] the bus station.
    • We are hoping [to/too] be near the festival [to/too].
    • It's [to/too] early [to/too] be asking me questions about where I am headed [to/too].
    • I hate [to/too] disturb your thoughts but are you ready [to/too] help us with our homework [to/too]?
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  • Question
    Should I say like to or like too?
    Community Answer
    What is the context of your phrase? If you want to say 'I like to swim' you should use 'to'. 'Like too' can be used too, but in a different meaning. For example: 'I like too much wine' (In this case ,you don't like an action but you like too much of something).
  • Question
    Is saying "to cute" incorrect?
    Community Answer
    It depends on context. If someone went from ugly to cute, for example, then "to" is correct. However, if something is overly cute, it's "too" cute.
  • Question
    Why can't I use (to) in front of (home)?
    Community Answer
    The word "to" implies direction, the word "too" implies "also". For example, Take me to your home. I am going home, too. Without any other context to your question, this is the best response that can be made.
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      • Some claim that never-ending a sentence with a preposition is grammatically correct and that following this "logic" can prevent you from making a mistake with "to" and "too" because it'd mean you'd always avoid using the word "to" at the end of any sentence. However, this is based on a misunderstanding and modern grammarians claim that it is perfectly acceptable to place prepositions at the end of a sentence, and always has been. [6]
      • Keep in mind some more examples:
        • Do you think we're arriving too soon?
          • Here, you can stress "toooo", as in it's much sooner than we should be arriving.
        • It's a cold day to be playing outside.
          • Stressing here doesn't add any emphasis or give more information.
        • They are going to the beach with us.
          • Stressing here doesn't add emphasis or information because "to" is simply being used as a preposition.
      • Answers to the test questions:
        • She's coming to your party too .
        • I'm too hot to help you carry two suitcases to the bus station.
        • We are hoping to be near the festival too .
        • It's too early to be asking me questions about where I am headed to .
        • I hate to disturb your thoughts, but are you ready to help us with our homework too ?
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To use "too" and "to" correctly, use "too" when you want to say "also" or "excessively," and use "to" as a preposition for expressing direction, place, or position. For example, you would use "too" in "I like cake too" or "I eat too much cake." However, you would use "to" in "Let's go to the cake shop" or "I want to get some cake." An easy way to remember is that "too" is often stressed when it's spoken and "to" is never stressed. To learn how to practice using "too" and "to" correctly, scroll down!

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