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Discover the ugliest inner qualities of all 12 zodiac signs
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When it comes to astrology, each sign has qualities that are pretty awesome, as well as qualities that are… well, not so awesome. But which zodiac sign has the worst, most “ugly” traits of them all? There’s no denying that some signs like Aquarius, Gemini, or Leo are stereotyped in a pretty “ugly” light, which is exactly what we’ll take a look at here. Read on to discover how all the signs rank based on their “ugliest” stereotypes (and why they might not be so “ugly” after all).

Things You Should Know

  • Aquarius is the sign with the “ugliest” trait. They’re known for being aloof and cold, but that’s because they’re always focused on the future.
  • Gemini has the second-most “ugly” trait. They’re stereotyped as being unreliable, but that’s because they’re always in motion.
  • Leo boasts the third-most “ugly” trait. They’re known for being prideful, but that’s because they hold themselves to a high standard.
  1. Aquarius can seem icy, impersonal, and closed-off. Aquarius, admittedly, is not the most warm-and-fuzzy sign in the zodiac. They aren’t afraid to keep people at an arm’s length (or even at an ocean’s length, depending on the person), and they need plenty of breathing room in all their relationships. [1] For someone trying to befriend (or even date) an Aquarius, this can seem like a pretty “ugly” trait.
  2. It can be frustrating (and even downright insulting) when an Aquarius can’t seem to focus on the people around them. But that’s only because their minds are fixed on a distant point in the future. Intelligent and progressive to a fault, Aquarius is always thinking about to make a world a better place for everyone around them.
    • Aquarius has a "fixed" modality , meaning that it’s the second/middle sign of a given season (in this case, winter). Fixed signs are known for being goal-oriented and even stubborn, which definitely lines up with Aquarius. [2]
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  1. Gemini comes across as unreliable, two-faced, and dishonest. Many view Gemini as flighty—they never like to stay in one place for long, and it’s hard to get a good read on them. Some people even find themselves suspicious of the sign, and wondering if they can really trust a Gemini to keep their secrets or stay in their corner. [3] Fostering so much doubt and distrust can definitely be considered an “ugly” trait.
  2. In astrology, Gemini’s ruling planet is Mercury, which governs communication. It’s only natural that communication plays a big part in how a Gemini lives their life (as well as how they come across to others). Chatty and curious to a fault, Gemini is always on the move and trying to connect with a variety of people. They feel most at ease when they’re in motion—and what’s so wrong with that?
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  1. Leo can seem prideful, vain, and overly competitive. As the lion of the zodiac, Leo is known for being capable and sure of themselves—but this attitude can definitely rear its “ugly” side when Leo starts putting themselves above other people. The prideful lion has a less-than-stellar reputation for putting themselves on a pedestal, and for being a little too jealous and competitive for their own good.
  2. As the lion of the zodiac, Leo is one of the best leaders in the starry sky. Because eyes are always on them, they’re always trying to be the best, most genuine version of themselves that people can be proud. Little do they know, their friends and loved ones are already super proud of them!
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  1. Capricorn can be overly focused on their goals. Despite their patron animal being a Sea-Goat, Capricorn certainly takes the mantle of being the zodiac’s biggest workhorse. A Capricorn’s ferocious and determined work ethic can seem like a bonafide way of life, leaving little-to-no room for anything (or anyone) else. For someone trying to start a friendship or relationship, this attitude can come across as off-putting or even “ugly.”
  2. Capricorn values commitment more than just about anything in whatever role that’s required of them (e.g., a friend, partner, family member, co-worker, etc.). If Capricorn promises to get something done, you know they’ll follow through—and that’s because of their strong focus and amazing work ethic!
    • Capricorn is a Cardinal sign, which means it heralds the beginning of a season (in this case, winter). These signs are known for being ambitious and great at starting new projects, which definitely is the case for Capricorn. [4]
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  1. For better or for worse, Virgo is a total perfectionist. If a picture is slightly crooked on the wall, they’re sure to point it out, just as they’ll point out an error in a co-worker’s assignment or a friend’s project. [5] It’s hard to see why some people find this critical, even demanding attitude to be a rather “ugly” trait.
  2. Virgo views the world through a more detailed lens; because of this, they’re more likely to notice the little things that others might not. When a Virgo points something out, they aren’t speaking as a critic, but rather as a detail-oriented soul who wants to push people to be their very best.
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  1. Aries never plan ahead for anything. When a new opportunity arises, Aries jumps right in without a question, doubt, or plan. When other people don’t follow along with their direct and to-the-point work ethic, Aries can easily get frustrated and confused. For people who want to plan ahead and take things slow, Aries’s devil-may-care attitude can definitely be an “ugly” quality.
  2. Aries is the very first sign in the zodiac, so it’s only natural that they’re always wanting to be an initiating force in life. What matters most to them is that something gets started—not how it starts. If it weren’t for can-do energy of Aries, plenty of projects would be hypothetical ideas rather than physical creations.
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  1. Scorpio doesn’t warm up to people easily. To a Scorpio, trust isn’t something that can be rushed. While that’s all well and good, the perpetually suspicious and distrustful Scorpio can be frustrating to deal with, especially when trying to get this sign to open up. [6] For potential partners and friends, this type of trait can be an “ugly” turn-off.
  2. Once you have a Scorpio in your corner, they’re there for life. Scorpio is a devoted and passionate lover to their partners and a loyal and devoted companion to their friends and loved ones. You’ll never have someone in your life who’s quite like them!
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  1. Sagittarius isn’t always the most responsible. As a sign ruled by the fire element, Sagittarius is all about taking action and filling their days with excitement. [7] In the process, they don’t always focus a lot on their responsibilities in the present. To a person who’s forced to pick up Sagitarrius’s slack, this lack of responsibility can definitely seem like an “ugly” trait.
  2. Sagittarius is an adventurer at heart, and is always happy to go where the wind blows. They don’t really like to bog themselves with the little details—they’d much rather embark on a new journey with the people who are most important to them.
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  1. Whether it’s a lighthearted debate or a serious discussion, Libra never seems to want any skin in the game. They’ll refuse to take a side or simply abstain from sharing their thoughts, even if they do have a strong opinion. [8] This can be a frustrating, even “ugly” trait for a Libra’s friends and family to deal with.
  2. Libra is represented by a set of scales in the zodiac, which really makes sense, given how peace-loving and harmonious this sign is. Libra just wants everyone around them to feel at ease, and will go the extra mile to keep the peace in a tough situation (even if that means keeping their mouth shut). [9]
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  1. Cancer doesn’t always trust easily. Like their patron crab, Cancer doesn’t hesitate to hide away in their shell. They feel safe and comfortable around the people in their immediate social circle, but are quick to withdraw back into their shell when a new person enters their orbit. [10] To a person being left out in the cold, these distrustful qualities can seem pretty “ugly.”
  2. No sign is quite as nurturing as Cancer. They live with their heart on their sleeve, and they’re a little too good at understanding (and even soaking in) other people’s emotions. Cancer is a devoted listener and a devoted friend—once you get past their defenses, you’ll have a confidante and support system like no other.
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  1. While everyone else is hard at work, it can seem like Taurus is just lounging around, existing in their own universe. They aren’t in a rush to get moving (even if everyone else is), and they definitely don’t volunteer to lend a hand. [11] To a friend, loved one, or co-worked, few traits are “uglier” than someone who isn’t willing to pull their own weight.
  2. Taurus knows how to work hard, and when they’re in work mode, they give 100% effort, working at a steady and predictable pace until their task is complete. When they’re off the clock, they’re off the clock—and they’ll enjoy their me-time until it’s time to work hard again.
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  1. Pisces can develop codependent habits. In any given relationship, Pisces can take the meaning of “close” to a new, unwanted level. They may find it difficult to be away from their friends and loved ones, and may even come across as needy and clingy. [12] To a person seeking independence in their relationships, this can can be a pretty “ugly” trait for a friend or partner to have.
  2. Few signs in the zodiac are as empathetic, warm-hearted, and loving as Pisces. Putting others first is second nature to this sign, and Pisces loves to lend a helping hand or listening ear to those who need it most. Any person could consider themselves lucky to have such a vibrant and devoted soul in their corner!
    • Pisces is a mutable sign, which means it comes at the end of a season (in this case, winter). Mutable signs are known for being flexible and sympathetic—traits that describe Pisces to a tee. [13]
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      • At the end of the day, every person has something special and wonderful to bring to the table, regardless of their zodiac sign. As astrologist Caroline Peters puts it, “zodiac signs are highly complex, and each individual is very unique.”
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