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The Gemini Cancer Cusp is one of the most unique, wonderful, and perplexing combinations of traits in the Zodiac—no wonder you’re trying to pin down a man born here! It’s called the Cusp of Magic for the way that seemingly opposing characteristics fit together like puzzle pieces to form an incredibly caring, inspiring, charismatic man. With the right knowledge and a little bit of patience, you can easily have this bubbly, intelligent man all to yourself. Read on for a comprehensive guide to attracting the effervescent Gemini Cancer Cusp man.


Ask him questions about himself.

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  1. He’s chatty most of the time anyway, so it only takes a small nudge to make the conversation about him. [1] He’ll fall for anyone who makes him feel like the center of attention, even if you’re doing it on purpose. You might ask him things like:
    • “What drew you to your job?”
    • “What’s your favorite childhood memory?”
    • “Tell me about your first time leaving the country.”
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Bring up philosophical topics.

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  1. This Cusp can go on for hours and hours about the unknowns and “what ifs” of life and the universe. [2] Talk to him about ridiculous hypothetical situations, like what he would do if he lived to be 1,000 years old or what he would go back in time to change in history. [3] You could ask him things like:
    • “Where do you think the line between art and not-art is?”
    • “Is our society really free?”
    • “Is it better to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond?”

Give him lots of attention.

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  1. Tell him frequently how interesting, talented, or handsome you think he is to satisfy possessive Cancer and Gemini’s short attention span. At times, this Cusp sign can seem needy or demanding for your time and affection, but remember that he only craves it because of his blooming attraction to you.
    • This Cusp takes notice of every little compliment you give him. Even a passing comment like “nice haircut” can make his day and boost his confidence.
    • Physical attention (like hand holding, cuddling, or massages) appeal to his Cancer side. Verbal compliments and praise feed his Gemini side’s hunger for validation.
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Show affection with small favors.

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  1. He gets sentimental over the little things, like the particular way you touch his lower back or how you always ask if he wants anything from Starbucks when you’re ordering. Find out what little things you can do to please him and then repeat them so he feels validated and reassured of your attraction to him. These can be things as simple as:
    • Bringing over his favorite flavor of ice cream
    • Planning a date night around his favorite TV show
    • Surprising him with neck rub or a massage on his tight spots

Show him your artistic side.

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  1. Many of them have an artistic hobby, and most enjoy reading, music, theater, poetry, and other arts in some form. They bond easily with other artistic minds, so show him a craft or project you’re working on, or suggest an outing to see the hot new play in town. Other ideas include:
    • Taking a painting class together.
    • Going to any live performance like musicals, comedy clubs, or concerts.
    • Asking for his opinion on one of your artistic projects (if you’re comfortable sharing).
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Ask for his help or advice.

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  1. His emotional Cancer and inquisitive Gemini sides combine to create an intuitive, generous man who wants to find a solution to every problem. He’ll relish the chance to comfort you and talk through what you’re feeling. Come to him with problems like:
    • Drama with coworkers
    • Arguments with your friends or family members
    • Grieving the loss of a pet

Try new or gourmet foods with him.

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  1. He’s curious and always wants to try something new, so he’s likely to be a good cook or a connoisseur of fine dining. Let him cook for you if he volunteers or plan a date night where you make dinner together. Going out to eat at a new or upscale restaurant is another way to impress him.
    • Cooking for you is one way Cancers show affection. If he offers, let him! It’s a definite sign that he’s into you.
    • Extra points to you if you can find a restaurant or a food he’s never heard of. He’s very curious and likes it when someone can show him something new.
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Accept his invites to come over.

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  1. While the airy Gemini side of him loves to socialize and bounce around the town, the warm home he’s curated is his favorite place to be. He wants to spend lots of time there, and a night of Netflix and chill or a homemade meal at his place is his way of showing he’s into you and wants you around.
    • This Cusp puts effort into cleaning, cooking, or whatever else it takes to make your visit to his place comfortable. Compliment him on his decor choices or snack offerings—it’ll go a long way.
    • If he hasn’t offered you an invite, try asking him to come to your place first. He’ll probably reciprocate with an offer to come over the next time you make plans.

Keep things fresh in the bedroom.

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  1. This comes mostly from his (sometimes unfocused) Gemini side. Try out new things like sexy outfits, toys, role playing, porn, or anything else that will stimulate him or give him something new to explore. He’ll welcome pretty much anything you want to try, so don’t be afraid to have fun with it and experiment together! [4]
    • Sex with a Gemini Cancer Cusp man is more passionate when he feels an intellectual and emotional connection to you. The more you get to know each other, the more exciting it will be.
    • Talk freely with your Cusp man about what you’d like to try. He’s an expert communicator and will open up about his wants too. [5]
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Be his rock during mood swings.

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  1. His feelings are complicated because of the conflict between Gemini’s cold logic and Cancer’s swirling emotions, and it’s common for him to switch from happy-go-lucky to sulking in just a few seconds. Reassure your Gemini Cancer Cusp man that his mood swings won’t scare you off, and he’ll start to see you as the reliable partner he needs.
    • His mood swings might be unexpected, but they don’t last long. You’ll have your usual, bubbly guy back after a few minutes or so.
    • Gemini Cancer Cusps often feel like no one understands their emotional complexity. Sticking with him through his ups and downs shows that you get him, and he’ll grow to trust you.

Give him space.

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  1. While his Cancer side wants to spend as much time as possible with you, his Gemini side needs room to go out on his own and explore the world. If his personal agenda or schedule feels infringed upon, he’ll start to pull away from you so he can do his own thing without worrying about someone else’s demands of him.
    • Remember his need for alone time isn’t because of a problem he has with you. He’s flighty by nature and the freedom to wander is important for his mental health.
    • This is one of the most hard-to-understand aspects of this Zodiac combination. Finding the balance of the attention and the space he needs is key to a long lasting relationship.
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Show him you can be independent.

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  1. As needy as he can sometimes be, this sign is repelled by any intrusion into his alone time and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to tend to your own life. His Gemini side will be especially curious about your travels and activities, and will want to hear all about your day when he’s ready to interact with the world again.
    • His Cancer side may become jealous or feel neglected if you stray too far from him too often. Check in with him to make sure he feels tended to.

Take things slow.

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  1. The combination of Cancer, which is emotional but slow to trust, and Gemini, which often shuns its own feelings, means it takes a lot of effort for him to get involved with someone emotionally. Prepare yourself for a marathon, not a sprint, to grab this man’s attention and make him yours. [6]
    • Just because he hasn’t fessed up to his feelings doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Be consistent with your attention and flirting and he will eventually open up to you.
    • He’ll take even longer to open up if he feels pushed. Give him the time he needs and enjoy the journey together rather than racing to the destination.
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Be ready to commit.

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  1. He takes forever to decide he’s ready for a relationship because he wants to be sure his partner is the right fit and won’t hurt him. If you back away from him after he’s made up his mind, the moody Cancer in him will feel deeply betrayed and upset.
    • For this communicative man, the best way to assure him is to simply tell him something like, “I’m ready for a relationship with you” or “I’m committed to us.”
    • This is not a Cusp you want to alienate. He may be quick to forgive and move on, but he will never forget.

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What type of a sign is Gemini?
    Jessica Lanyadoo
    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Jessica Lanyadoo is an astrologer with over 20 years of consulting experience. She is the author of Astrology for Real Relationships: Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along and is the host of the popular astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast. Lanyadoo co-hosted TLC’s digital astrology show Stargazing and writes weekly and monthly horoscopes that help you heal.
    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Expert Answer
    Gemini is an air sign and a mutable sign. Mercury, the planet of communication, is its ruling planet.
  • Question
    What are the characteristics of a Gemini?
    Jessica Lanyadoo
    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Jessica Lanyadoo is an astrologer with over 20 years of consulting experience. She is the author of Astrology for Real Relationships: Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along and is the host of the popular astrology and advice show, Ghost of a Podcast. Lanyadoo co-hosted TLC’s digital astrology show Stargazing and writes weekly and monthly horoscopes that help you heal.
    Astrologer & Psychic Medium
    Expert Answer
    Geminis like spontaneity. They like to engage in conversation about a variety of things.
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      1. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      2. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      3. https://astrologybay.com/personality-traits-of-gemini-cancer-cusp
      4. https://cancermansecrets.com/blog/ancer-man-with-gemini-cusp/
      5. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      6. https://trustedpsychicmediums.com/gemini-star-sign/gemini-cancer-cusp-revealed/

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